Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Adult area.

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And I was answering it officially.

On an unofficial note though since this is the American PG-13 system it is much harsher on sexuality than it is on violence, a point I've often harped on.

But, we must use what systems we have.
huh? This place is PG 13?

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*Breaths* ok, i am good.

Carlos Castillo

Valiens Nantaris said:
American PG-13 system it is much harsher on sexuality than it is on violence
They'll let you watch a teenage boy on the beaches of Normandy bleed out with cries for his mother, but they won't allow you to see the backside of some trim-figured model. Figures, literally.
Which mean's no kissing, touching, giving googly eyes, making suggestions or references to Nether regions.

And god help you if you mention Ewoks. Dat's some 15+ stuff right there.

On a serious note.. how do you kill someone in a PG-13 Manner?.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Now we'll never get to see the graug gansta rap with Krag and Kaine. Explicit lyrics and adult themes were a requirement.

Meh I am fine with it not being on here and being elsewhere... makes it more private and don't have to hear about jedi x charging up sith y's boarding ramp/exhaust port. We have more then enough fun as it is on the board and this is why man invented the internet and skype

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Celestia Von Nacht"]
I can give you a few articles that outline PG-13 in America a bit better than most people describe it as (going by the MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America). But to save time and give you a more direct answer, as well as knock off that silly notion of there being no kissing and mild nudity, here's a quote:

PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under Thirteen.

  • More-extensive nudity, but not in strong sexual context
  • Coarse language, but usually limited to the less offensive profanities
  • Light to moderate drug use, such as depictions of marijuana
  • More-extensive violence, but not extremely realistic or persistent violence
  • A single use of the f-word, as long as the word isn’t used in reference to sex
That is the general way the MPAA rates standard movies, but is known to allow more violence for war movies and more adult themes for those that the plot is directly entwined with. Of course any explicit sexual or violent content will immediately become R-Rated, but violence and gore as well as sexual "themes"(mentioning but not "showing", implying, or "fade to black" scenes) are completely PG-13. Of course everything is up to Tefka's final decision, so what I listed may or may not be accurate by his standards, which may be higher than the MPAA's.

Edit: I can tell you right now the F-word is more than likely banned or auto-filtered. So are a lot of curse words.
Not ever gonna happen, bro.

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11. Additionally, SWRP Staff reserves the right to terminate your account if at any time you post pornography and/or nudity of any kind, including but not limited to, adult pornography, Anime, child pornography, "adult content" and/or the written word of a pornographic, sexual nature.
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