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An Amalgam of Parts (Remnant Dominion of Kad V)


Chiss Ascendancy
"Enable stealth protocols," Ensign Nitram Ozio ordered. "Prepare for transition to normal space. Lock ablative baffles. Secure engine dampers." An officer at his NAV station crosschecked the calculations for the hyperspace-to-normal transition. "We're almost there, sir. Thirty seconds." Another officer called out, "Rigged for dark and silent running, sir. Five points confirmed." Ozio personally rechecked everything on the display by the commanding chair. All shipshape. "Go to normal space," he ordered. "Hail Imperial forces in the local system." The bridge lights dimmed to red as the ship's power shunted to the hyperdrive's particle accelerator, and it ripped a hole back into the normal three dimensions of interstellar space. The trio of blackened viewscreens sparkled with stars. The officer at the NAV station said, "We're slightly off target, sir. Three million kilometers."
"Move us in," Ozio ordered, "One-third full ahead on intercept course for Kad V. Tell the technicians in Engineering to start recharging the hyperdrive capacitors."
"Aye, sir," he said. The Vigil-class corvette skimmed through space, matte grey on black; only a telltale flickering of the background stars gave the slightest indication that anything was there. "Hailing Imperial forces now, sir, speak when ready."
Ozio relaxed into his seat and transmitted his message to all Imperial Forces in the system, "This is Ensign Nitram Ozio of the Vigilant Night, I apologise for the lateness of my arrival."

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Ral Sanaka"] [member="Kara Runo"] [member="Caius Flavian"]
Location: The Resolute Dreamer –Crinan Carrier; Wardroom
Objective: Open business dialogue with ChandrilaDataTech
Hostiles: None
Characters Involved: [member="Ral Sanaka"] ; [member="Alicia Drey"]

As the trio walked down the passageways Rae’rwna’s curiosity remained piqued. No longer did her thoughts linger on the Alicia’s eyes, no the chiss scientist was far more interested Alicia Drey’s company. She had peeked at the data on the woman on her own data pad. Excitement was still lush in the Rae’s face.

Miss Drey, I’ve heard of your company! I can only imagine that you are here on business related matters. Flavian Star Corporation is an agricultural focused company right now along with a budding symbiotic relationship with the Imperial Research and Development Branch. The Imperial Empire is expanding its territorial control. The Kad system was designated to be evaluated for acquisition along with its neighboring systems. The more resources available to the Imperial Empire the better suited its military might can remain in premium condition. Right now however we are in the midst of a search and rescue operation on Kad V itself. It seems our scout vessel had an incident of sorts and made an emergency landing on the planet. Also we are simultaneously in the middle of a boarding action of the research station which inhabits this system. A treasure trove of knowledge exists on that station and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. The Imperial Empress Kista Fel had decreed several months ago for us to Terraform the world of Kalee and bring it back to habitability. She wants to revive the Kaleesh civilization and also terra form a few other moons and planets in the system to provide a new home for refugees. The wars the One Sith and Republic have been waging has displaced vast numbers of people. I hear that the people of Alderaan suffer under the yoke of the One Sith and their own perverse terraforming of that world...”

Rae’rwna’s excited voice dimmed as she spoke of the plight of others. “Our Empress’s benevolence has provided a beacon out here on the wild unknown. My main objective here is to acquire more knowledge of this world and compare it to Kalee. The planet had once been a thriving bio diverse jungle planet.”

The trio arrived into the wardroom “Please take a seat my dear Alicia! “ Rae’s frown turned to a beaming smile. “What can I do to help you though? You must be seeking some sort of contract work with us perhaps? Oh Sanaka could you see if the chefs could divvy up a meal for us! I’m absolutely famished! My apologies if I seem to talk too much, I just love meeting new people!”
Max would've chuckled at the Marine's comment before halfheartedly returning the salute. If it was any other day.

"Marine. Just get me the frak out of here." Max said as he managed to barely get upright before one of the Marines had to hold him up. He'd injured himself even more in the act of escaping that thing the troops had killed, today would be one of those days that stuck with him for years. Physically and mentally.

He felt dead.

As they moved him to the evac shuttle he felt a sharp sting of pain beneath his left knee and the world stared to go black. He finally allowed himself to be taken by it as he was being examined by a medic.
TK-4261 Strain, Mason Deschart, Kara Runo, Killian Holmes, Waahr, Utena Calvarona, Sala'dine, Ayumi Pallopides, Sai Fel, Ikki Ike, Alister Krandor, Caius Flavian, Caaithiel Deschart, Serco Savar, Davin, Agatha Nestor, Zacess, Garen Ruca, Ater Notechis, Awn'rell'reemma [member="Bottlecap"]
| @Rae'rwna Ves'stahl | [member="Ral Sanaka"] |

Alicia lowered herself into a seat, folding one leg over the other as the Chiss and captain joined her. She lifted her gaze to lock her hazel eyes with crimson to reply. "The war between the One Sith and the Galactic Republic is merely one that has been going on for generations; and it will continue for a long time to come. Chandrila is located in the Core worlds, so my people and my company are at risk."

"I am happy to meet with representatives from Flavian Star Corporation to discuss business. DataTech is looking to expand it's technological division. Primarily we are a retail magnet in Hanna City, the capital. But we will soon be expanding to other cities across Chandrila. Secondary we are looking to develop technologies for other corporations to incorporate in their products, as well as for governments such as the Imperial Remnant. I have some ideas that I think you will find to your liking."

"If my plan works, then I am looking to set up DataTech out here in the Imperial Remnant. I look forward to extending my business, as well as my other skills and attributes to your government. Think of me as a new friend, coming home to an Imperial government."
Location: The Resolute Dreamer –Crinan Carrier
Objective: Standing by
Hostiles: None
Characters Involved: [member="Rae’rwna Ves’stahl"] ; [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Nitram Ozio"]

Right Ma’am, I’ll see to it” I stroked my mustache and got up.
As I left to talk to the chefs my commlink chirped.
Captain Sanaka we have a read on the Vigilant Knight having arrived in system
Ah good I’ll be back up to the bridge momentarily
Copy that sir
I switched off the commlink and proceeded to instruct the chefs to bring out a menu for the ladies. I then returned to the table momentarily to say “I’ll be heading back to the bridge to continue overseeing the operation. Lady Drey let me know later if you’ll need accommodations with us or if you’ll be staying on the vessel you arrived in.” With that I promptly left the room and returned to the bridge.
Attention on deck!” Someone shouted as I entered.
At ease!” I spoke waving my hand in the air. The hum of order returned as the bridge crew returned to their work. I made my way to the communications terminal and had the comms officer patch me through to the Vigilant Knight. After a moment of waiting I was placed on the line the vessels commanding officer.
Hello Ensign Ozio, this is Lieutenant Sanaka acting CO of the Resolute Dreamer. Be advised we will need you to maneuver into low orbit above the region where we lost contact with our rescues forces
The Vigil class was equipped with a superb communications array.


Morality Policeman :)
Well, that was kind of a letdown. The awesome music of Empire died down as the Marines realized that their job was practically done as soon as it had begun. At least [member="Maximilian Vinticus"] was safe?

"Yes, sir. Getting the frak outta here." Bottlecap and one of his mates picked up their wounded comrade and began to carry him to the transport, while the fourth member of the squad escorted the officer.

"Screw this place." TK-4441 was all for Imperializing, but what ever the Empire could want with Kad V was a matter for the higher-ups. As far as he was concerned, those crazy beasts could have this world.
[member="RC 212 "] [member="TK-4261 Strain"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Kara Runo"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Waahr"] [member="Utena Calvarona"] [member="Sala'dine"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Sai Fel"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Alister Krandor"] [member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Caaithiel Deschart"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Davin"] [member="Agatha Nester"] [member="Zacess"] [member="Garen Ruca"] [member="Ater Notechis"] [member="Bottlecap"] [member="Awn'rell'reemma"] [member="Maximilian Vinticus"]

The personnel quarters were a bit of a bust.

Having diverted part of her unit to support the others under attack, Alva had commanded the rest to push on to the personal for the research staff. There were a few more corpses to be found but there was far less death and destruction here than there was anywhere else. Whatever had happened on station had certainly passed through, but there hadn't been many researchers or guards who had fled back here after the initial onslaught in the labs it seemed. Still, Alva's unit was on their toes nonetheless, and fortunately for them too as there was indeed a loose dalek beast still nearby, the creature rushed right up to one of the Stormtroopers and tore at them visciously before a barrage of blaster fire and the slashes from a crinan soldier bearing their energy sword brought it down.

There was no incident after that, and there was still some personal research within the personnel's staff rooms to find. However, most of it was relevant to research on the geology of Kad V and the data they collected on the Dalek beasts and some of the ideas they had for them medically and agriculturally which was a bit of a let down from the official records still being decoded. They had broken some more of the codes on the copy they had, having sent an copy they hadn't tampered with to the destroyer just in case they accidentally corrupted the one on hand. It didn't seem like they were going to get anywhere else though. They had uncovered more files on the construction of their proton beam cannons they used to use, but not much else. The asteroid shielding was perhaps the most useful piece of data they found, and maybe they would find more when they got back to an Imperial ship or station powered computer rather than just the datapads they brought with them.

Signaling her team to begin their trek back, Alva put in her comms call to Caius to give her report and see if he actually wanted her to continue anywhere else. "Caius this is Captain Calvarona. We've checked the main labs and the staff quarters adjacent to them. We encountered one of the creatures and lost a man but are otherwise fine. We decrypted data on heavy ballistic shielding they intended to use to protect their station and ships from asteroids in research expeditions, as well as a proton beam cannon blueprint, though they seem to have meant it for mining rather than combat so it might be a bit lighter than what we intended. My unit will be returning to the ship to begin performing more code breaking with the more powerful ship terminals unless you require the remainder of my unit to support the others or attempt searching another section of the station."

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