Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG An angery girl looking for purpose

Hello there,
I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in RP with my character. She's a refugee from some random world war torn from the Sith and Jedi. She hates both sides because of this. She is a genius, engineer and emotional artist. She is Force Sensitive and trying to figure out what she wants after her life got ruined by the major factions of the Galaxy. (She also has two Sith lightsabers from an acolyte she tussled with during the war. I do doubt the Sith care too much about acolytes falling dead though...) She is currently flying around space somewhere festering in anger, though I don't plan on her becoming a Sith. Or Jedi.

I'm down to her meeting Jedi, Sith, bounty hunters, anything! Lol. She is directionless and aimless, which is the best time for any outside influences to try and win her over! Or just have plain fun.

One storyline I did have in mind was something where one of her lightsabers she stole has a bled crystal. So a crystal affected by the Dark Side. Seeing her reaction to sensing that once she senses the crystal's agony through the Force.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
We also hate the Jedi and the Sith, we are quite different Force users, we want to destroy the Force. Maybe you are interested in this. :) I know we are major faction and this might be scary, but maybe…
About our order:
Another idea I had for a thread was Gwyn getting her hands on an arctic lightsaber crystal through reverse engineering her stolen Sith saber making this baby:

Yes, yes it does! Kahlil can try n' show her not all Jedi are bad.
A former Sith especially can teach her, can't he?

Gwyn hates the Jedi for their wars with the Sith. She hates the whole conflict because it destroyed her planet. But at the same time she herself is Force Sensitive and is very curious about that. She also would scoff at the Jedi Code once she's heard it. She's way too emotional to follow such a code.
He too dislikes the war and belongs to no order at the moment for that exact reason. It has nothing to do with his family being some of the evilist Sith. He's not scared, you're scared.

Er. Yeah He'd be someone she could talk to! Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
Sweet! I'd love to start a thread after work! Unless you want to start it and I can look it over on break. Gwyn is anywhere in the Outer Rim atm, taking odd jobs and stuff.

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