The Blood Hound
Scherezade paused by the entrance, glowing green eyes staring at the vastness of space which was included in the interior design. She had not stepped foot in the Rest since her return from the Space Between Dimensions, and that had been nearly a year prior to now. Technically, she wasn't completely sure that she was supposed to be here anyway, but she'd decided to take her chances considering a few other events had that taken place in recent weeks.
Two out of the seven Hope Chests that existed were now in her possession. Not with her in this place, of course. A Sith she might have been through and through, but even she knew better than to bring artifacts of the Darkside into a place like this without going through all the proper channels first. At least, not unless she wanted to attack, and unlike many governments around the 'verse, the Silvers were actually not people she considered to be her enemies. Or not yet, anyway. Not until they'd make the first move against the Agents of Chaos, if everything went according to plan.
She remembered times in which she could walk in here and be welcomed. Her friendship with the former Master of the Order had played a huge role in that. It'd been odd, in retrospect, that the Jedi had accepted her presence for many months, almost as though she was one of them. Even after she accidentally exploded that Porg and got children covered in Porg blood and feathers.
So there she was, standing in place, blinking a few times, and looking around. So far, no one of those who were working around the entrance saw a reason to stop her. Scherezade wished she'd recognize at least some of the faces from back then, maybe drop a friendly hello or two, but all those she saw were strangers to her. Whether they were actually new at the job or she'd just not bumped into them wasn't known to her. But, she supposed it didn't really matter.
Taking a breath, she began to walk deeper into the building. The Rest was usually good about putting up signs that pointed you to the right direction, and she followed all the ones that pointed to the Rest's library. With the Silvers being around for so long and doing a whole bunch of stuff, she could only assume that is was worth checking their library to see if there was anything accessible about what she was looking for.
Upon entering, the Sith stopped in her tracks, and just looked at all the shelves stockpiled with datapads, books, tomes, and a multitude of other ways that were used to store knowledge. She bit her lower lip, not even knowing where the heck she could start her search, but knowing better than to start a Sith Blood ritual that could maybe help her find a clue or two about it.
Sighing, Scherezade just walked to the counter and gave whoever was sitting behind it an awkward smile.