"Part of the problem with that argument," Kian said turning to [member="Ta'mur Rokar"], "is that the situations are not entirely the same. The 1.3 billion lives on the Death Star were lost when he destroyed it and stopped it from destroying a planet, also full of life. As Jedi, we regrettably must face situations when we must fight....and regrettably we must on occasion kill. But when we kill it should be in self-defense or in defense of others." Kian said and then leaned forward to stress his point.
"We do not kill for the crimes committed. We do not kill because of what someone has done. Revenge is not our way. Vader was beaten and there was a chance he could be redeemed. To kill him for the younglings he killed, for the planets he destroyed and the Jedi he killed would be going against the teachings of the Jedi. It would be punishment.....not peace."
"And to answer your question," Kian said leaning back once more, "I regret that in my time with the Jedi I have been forced to kill and I consider it a failure. I will carry those lives with me, as I will carry the lives I will inevitably take. The fact of the matter is it is very easy to kill, but it is very difficult to carry the weight of having killed....and it is even more difficult to have the strength and wisdom to know when not to kill."
[member="Corvus Raaf"]