A wet tongue met Izzy's face, several in fact. Slimy and rough the golden hounds yipped and barked around them. Izzy grinned and scratched the ears of the canine-species.
"What do you mean?" He chuckled, "Shouldn't you be taking notes? These guys are probably the friendliest things in this Star forsaken forest."
The budding explorer stood and dusted off his armor and walked to Magda, scattering the Hounds. They followed at his heels barking happily.
"C'mon we got find our way out of here. Maybe these guys can help us out!" He grinned back at his young boss.
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]
"What do you mean?" He chuckled, "Shouldn't you be taking notes? These guys are probably the friendliest things in this Star forsaken forest."
The budding explorer stood and dusted off his armor and walked to Magda, scattering the Hounds. They followed at his heels barking happily.
"C'mon we got find our way out of here. Maybe these guys can help us out!" He grinned back at his young boss.
[member="Magdalena Lethe"]