The day/night seemed normal - as normal as interstellar war could be.
A mysterious broadcast shown on Quaggle McQuaggly’s show revealed impending battle between the One Sith and Republic. This has brought many allies over to the One Sith cause.
The One Sith war machine grows exponentially. Titan Industries has backed them completely.
They have stolen an ancient holocron containing knowledge of weapons of mass destruction.
It is time for a break. You turn on the holovision to watch the news.
“It’s Bergstein Merfton with breaking news! Just now, Aurebesh News received this holomessage from a known Imperial military leader and former Jedi, Daella Apparine. Let’s roll the tape.”
You wonder what kark she would spew from her mouth today.
Daella appeared before you as a blue hologram. She wore attire typical of a Coruscanti politician.
“I am Daella Apparine, one of the leaders of the Empire ruling Coruscant - the same one that wages a just war against the Republic.”
“Word has reached us of talk of the Republic planning to execute our people, and even those they condemn by mere association because they think they are spies. I have only one thing to say:
I will not allow it.”
“But because of our people being endangered like this, I have taken the time to reflect on the reasons for this war.”
Daella gave a pause after that.
“We will cease all our hostilities against the Republic for the surrender of all Jedi.”
“We would wish for peace with the Republic for just this one demand.”
Daella paused for another moment to allow things to settle in the viewers minds.
“I hope for a favorable and prompt response from the Republic.
You have 11 days.”
The image of Daella disappeared. Bergstein quickly reappeared.
“That is the full, uncut message from Daella Apparine. We have yet to receive word of the Republic’s response and… hope for the best…”
Music began to play as the holocamera backed away from Bergstein. A commercial soon followed that.
Daella’s video would have been reported on other news holonetworks, including GNN. It went viral on Leddit and 5chan and many holosocial network sites.
This is exactly as Daella presented it to be.
Faction Staff has talked about the the One Sith proposing peace for the condition that the Republic forsakes the Jedi and turns as many as they can over to the One Sith.
If peace between the Republic and One Sith happened, it would also allow Titan Industries to do business with the Republic and access to Marketplace items.
We’re eager to see the Republic’s response.