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An open letter to the factory

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Personally, I don't think the lizards are that big a deal.

Because you can always throw a rock at them.

Even if it was restricted, what would really be the big deal? It can still be accessed, much like every other lightsaber resistant material and every other thing related to it can be. I have a character that has five different types of restricted all up in her grill. So does every other kid on the block.

So I repeat, not a big deal either way.

The phishing, if it's real, is a big deal.
Rusty said:
Sure, they can level the playing field for NFU's, but the potential for abuse is somewhere between cocaine and a Star Forge that churns out Death Stars.
And the potential for abuse in Force powers isn't even greater than something that just produces a little 10m bubble of protection? Force users often have both Force abilities along with other combat skills, such as lightsaber combat and even marksmanship training. I think allowing a minor or at least limited production of these little lizards can facilitate something of a fair compromise.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Sure, that's one way to go about it. Draw clear lines about how many can be owned by any one persona and all that. Sometimes that solves the problem, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on how willing the playerbase is to work with the folks in charge, and how willing the leadership is to overlook being maligned for banning them in the first place.


It really balls down to these things.

1. They're not banned/restricted. Yet. And I haven't read anything official stating such. Yet. That makes it an assumption.

2. People are eventually going to abuse anything anyways, so discussing it in that capacity doesn't really help with anything because it doesn't treat the player problem (not the medium).

That said, it's a really stale subject now (same old "[insert thing here]" is op/is not op").
Patricia Susan Garter said:
Producing Ysalamir on a minor scale and planning on giving them away like a bowl of candy on Halloween to NFUs to help them be taken more seriously by force users and leveling the playing field for everyone.
Don't delude yourself. This isn't about leveling the playing field, this is about tipping the scales.

An NFU can have as many skillsets as there are stars in the sky- there are literally no restrictions. They can have superhuman strength, speed, and intelligence from cybernetics or genetic engineering. They are not expected to develop their abilities through threads. Most traditional Force Users on this website focus only on the Force- they have their little array of powers and a lightsaber. When you remove that from them, they more or less have nothing. If people aren't taking your NFU seriously, it's ostensibly because they either have an issue with you or an issue in their perception of their character's flawlessness. Talk to them. Resolve it. If it can't be resolved, report it.

This suggestion that stripping certain characters of their entire skillsets (the Force is needed to use a lightsaber most effectively, to my knowledge) "levels" the playing field is idiotic at best and dishonest at worst. If Sally Teacup writes a martial arts master and gets into a fight with Billy Balderdash, who writes a generic swordsman with no extensive hand-to-hand training, and then Billy loses his sword and has to fight with his fists... Who are the odds in favor of here? The one who can no longer access an important part of their skillset or the one who can?

That said, I don't much care if this ban goes through or not. I like the constant arms race to get an advantage of your enemies, regardless of how fleeting it is. Yet somehow I doubt staff restricting Ysalamiri so everyone and their mother doesn't have one strapped to their chest every time a One Sith invasion gets posted will have as big an impact as you think it will. Except to make things less ridiculous, naturally. Just don't pretend that they somehow make everything equal.

Ysalamiri are not some kind of great equalizer- they're a trump card.
*holds up hand*

Speaking as a writer, a Mando, and someone who uses the lizards on occasion...

Why does anyone karking care? It's a story writing game. No one is taking away your computer or Xbox or refrigerator. Why does it matter?


Adekos said:
Yet somehow I doubt staff restricting Ysalamiri so everyone and their mother doesn't have one strapped to their chest every time a One Sith invasion gets posted will have as big an impact as you think it will. Except to make things less ridiculous, naturally. Just don't pretend that they somehow make everything equal.
This made me giggle. A lot. For reasons. For very globally obvious reasons. o3o

I'll elaborate so that this post is a more productive contribution to the discussion. From a completely right-hand perspective of the situation as a whole, it seems that the One Sith would gain the most out of such a ban in contrast to their main competitors and neutrals. Yet if everyone complained that "everyone and their mother doesn't have an amphistaff or vonduun armor strapped to them every time a (insert faction here) invasion gets posted," that would be the big discussion instead... or perhaps, some here would argue due to reputation, lost to any public discussion subject at all. Endless circles. You see where I'm going with this?

What I'm saying is that things like Ysalamiri aren't any different than things like Vong biots, or Force powers, or X and Y. However, the One Sith have a sort of notoriety for handling invasions bureaucratically moreso than in in-character transpiration. It's not just the One Sith though (albeit that's probably the largest group and thus has the most leverage/majority consensus) but every faction in some way or another; everyone finds that one thing to argue is not balanced, or gives an unfair edge, or is annoying in the thread.

Nothing should be banned out of this and it's not like those factions are losing any ground because of this. So it shouldn't be remotely an issue. The issue is of people not moderating themselves and their strengths -- and I have yet to see that actually be a problem with these little guys.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Do you just wake up in the morning wanting to be a dick to everyone on the Internet by calling them idiotic or dishonest? I mean if so that's great, go to town, but if someone calls you out on it at least be honest about it. This isn't about a lizard, this is about making information public and ensuring that certain members stop leaning and strong arming my members in the rebel alliance. Which this letter had done exactly that and fulfilled its purpose. Thank you for your input though :)
Adekos said:
Most traditional Force Users on this website focus only on the Force- they have their little array of powers and a lightsaber. When you remove that from them, they more or less have nothing.
That's why you start out your character as an Imperial Agent, and then work them up to Sith :p


Champion of the Light

If what you say is right then I have to agree with Patricia, Let's say a NFU can have all those things, well a force user could have force powers, lightsaber skills AND those things a NFU can have. Which means the force user can easily be superior. And now assuming the force users looses the force powers, they would then be at the same level a NFU would be they, just like the NFUs can have those amazing skills you mentioned AND in the same time the lightsaber skill and the training to be a jedi/sith/whatever he or she choosed, even without the force they would still be able to win a battle, let aside the fact that they could simply move 10 meters away and magically use the force again in to throw things or use the environment against the enemy.

Now I am aware a NFU can gain the skill of using a lightsaber, but that dosen't make them be superior to the force users, in fact it makes them even.

About people who are specialised more or only in the force... How is that our problem? I mean someone made that character and as you said everyone can have their abillities and skills, why didn't that person made them know more than that?
If they didn't then they are responsible for it and we do not need to be worried about them since not knowing other skills is their...Weakness, which is compeltely normal. Talking about my character, Blane Nightfall, he is a good on the ground but a disaster if he would need to pilot a ship and fight alongside the rogue squadron, do I complain about the battles? Do I say all of them should be on the ground cause If I will be forced to fight in the air he can do little about it? No.

I do hope you understand my point, the ysalamari problem only makes things even for both NFU and FU since they both can have as many skills they want even so I haven't seen many NFUs using a lightsaber let aside the rule who says they ahve to learn the skill from someone while a force user may have it from the beginning.
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