Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Unforseen Adventure

Nora Laan

Prime Minister of New Cov
The celebration for Nora's victory in the election was over. Now on this day that followed she had spent in her office holding one meeting after another and another and another. There were a number of positions to be filled in this new government for New Cov, and so she was conducting interviews and going through the portfolios of potential candidates. Some of the decisions were easy, while others were not.

And then there was another matter to take care of. During the celebration, Nora had come across a Captain that was worthy of her notice. The skills that he had offered were quite beneficial. However their conversation was interrupted as a woman from a much larger and richer corporation swooped in. New Cov had hefty coffers and a stable econony, however it did not have the backing of large governments. With the seperation of NCBC from ruling the government, Nora was quick to discover that for a lot of things they had to learn to stand on their own.

She needed a back up plan should this new era for New Cov backfire. And if they had suffered another attack, then she needed to ensure their survival. Yet it was difficult to trust foreigners, however pivotal they were. So in this case she needed to provide him a test. She needed to hire him for a job.

With the speed of a well practiced typist, Nora sent out a message:

~My dear Captain,

I was so delighted to meet you at the ceremony. You are a breath of fresh air amongst a sea of politicians. I have a proposal to share with you, along with some whiskey should you still be here on New Cov.

Are you available?

Nora Laan
Prime Minister
New Cov~

Tag: Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn

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