Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unlikely Alliance

"Well, It's prettier than my old rust bucket" He chuckled, thinking about his old ship "Unless you plan on sight seeing, We might need to head back.

You said she's saved your life a time or two, got any stories worth sharing?"

[member="Anders O'Tor"]
Anders tapped a key on his wrist comm. “D4, fire up the ship and try to jam local comm channels. I’m sure my new friend and I have roused the attention of police.”

The astromech droid warbled its reply before severing the channel.

He turned to Voska. “Oh, man,” he began, leaning on the wall and reminiscing on past excursions. “Plenty. This one time I was making a run through the Corporate Sector- had three bulk cruisers at full speed firing all they’d got. Almost got blown up. I fired some flairs that redirected the missiles back into them and jumped into hyperspace.”

[member="Voska Naudir"]
"Sounds exciting" He chuckled "Well she looked fast enough. mine's more so for transporting... things.. Don't have any stories about the ship I'm afraid, I spend most of time one the surface. Well, I mean there's the story of when I first got it. More or less had to sneak around pirates to get ahold of it, with the help of a DJ.. with a lightsaber.. Damn I don't miss had abbadon" He burst out in laughter at the memory of his escape from the planet's orbit
The airbus arrived once again at the terminal, the area congested with airspeeders and civilians.

Good, that way the duo would be able to blend in more efficiently.

They exited the airbus and entered the vibrating freighter. It lifted from the ground and blasted into space.

“So...” he said. “Where to now?”
"Nar shaddaa, Duula the hutt's estate.." His tone was slightly more sour that time, nar shaddaa wasn't exactly his favorite place, especially considering that it was nar shaddaa's streets that introduced him to vann in the first place, him and duula.

"When we get there just.. I don't know, don't give anyone funny looks, all that" He chuckled, he figured anders knew what he was doing, but you gotta get you laughs in sometime, right?

The probe droid followed in soon after voska, skuttling across the floor and then up voska's back, hiding under his cloak
"You know i hate it when you do that without a heads up.."

"weep boop."

"Don't get smart with me, you know I don't have those fancy 360 HUDs"

[member="Anders O'Tor"]
“You got some business with a Hutt?” He asked.

Anders watched as the insectoid probe droid scampered over the metallic flooring. It crawled up Voska’s back and concealed itself inside his cloak.

/Weird/, he thought. His mind swayed over to D4, his astromech, who was oddly missing from the cockpit. Anders entered the coordinates and the ship blasted into hyperspace.

[member="Voska Naudir"]
"Aside from your pay, an mine too?" He said in a bemused tone.

"Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to check for uhh, further employment"

Voska made his way over to a chair, sitting down to relax a little while the ship drifts through hyperspace.

"Speaking of.. I'm not much of a pilot, I can fly sure, but judging by that story of yours, you might be a tad better with starships. what'd it take enlist you and this here ship?"

[member="Anders O'Tor"]
The ship exited hyperspace, reverting to realspace as the sublight engines blasted through the vacuum.

"Got it from a friend," he said. "Couple years back, I did some work for a spice trader. He moved his business to somewhere in the Core Worlds, so he let me have this ship that was in his fleet."

The freighter entered the atmosphere of the scintillating surface, landing on an isolated docking pad.

[member="Voska Naudir"]
Nar shaddaa, a planet of wonders, booze, and the seedy underworld. Voska and Nar shaddaa had a a love hate relationship. Nar shaddaa loved him, and he hated it. No, not really, they swapped places with each visit.
The docking pad was conveniently located a short walk from duula the hutt's urban palace. all manner of shady business was conducted here, and voska knew it. He'd been a bodyguard for duula in the past, in fact he'd finished his contract mere months ago, so needless to say he was familiar with the place.

"We'll show him the recording, he can send someone down to look at the body if that's not enough" he chuckles, getting up from his seat and heading out, expecting anders to have followed him in. the little probe droid chirps under his cloak before skittering off somewhere, no doubt waiting for voska's need of eyes and ears elsewhere.
Once inside the palace, it was obvious that the hutt was doing well for himself, the interior was decorated with neon lighting, banners made from expensive fabrics, and of course servants of all sorts. most where women, scantly clad in gold decorated garments, you know, the usual showy hutt "staff" of a palace. weather they were slaves or just underpaid staff was a question that voska had asked himself many times. but, they were in hutt territory. it was strangely close to jedi territory sure, but they didn't do anything to curb slavery outside of their borders, no matter how close..

In the center of it all was a dimly lit, large room that doubled as both a throne room and a bar, ah yes, voska enjoyed duula's tastes, even if he was a filthy hutt.

"Duula!" He says as he enters the room, arms outstretched in a greeting gesture "I've returned and along with something you were missing"

the hutt's slug like figure sat up in his chair, sofa combination with a raised brow. "Ahh. Murishani, Uba bunky dunko" He laughs in huttese, in that low, resonating tone that hutts were known for. "I trust that you'd not be here if you hadn't brought me my query?" He says with a raised brow.

"Of course" voska says with a low nod before pulling up the holo recording of vann's death. "My uhh, associate and I, Nabbed him on naboo"

"hmmm? You'll be splitting the reward than? I know you voska, you still hold yourself to the creed.." He then turns to anders "And who is your.. associate?"

[member="Anders O'Tor"]
The heavy thrusters waned as Anders shut down the transport's primary engines. Standing from his chair, he inserted a plasma magazine into his pistol and dispersed small vibroblades of varied sizes throughout the pockets of his mercenary coat.

"D4, keep the scanners activated and don't let anyone aboard. Not even inspection droids." The astromech chortled its response.

Anders followed the sandy Mandalorian into the pretentiously ornate residency of Duula the Hutt. The interior was awash in a dizzying quagmire of vibrant color. Various patrons, adorned in elegant regalia, chatted loudly with fine glasses in their hands. Bounty hunters, presumably, skulked about on the outskirts of the gyrating crowds. Twi'lek dancers, dressed leaving little to the imagination, frolicked on stage as they wooed their admirers below. Typical Hutt parties.

Anders raised a brow at Voska's sudden joviality. Though his attention was abruptly interrupted by the sight of the grotesque, corpulent slug sitting on a sofa. Truthfully, Anders was never one for Hutts. Not just because of their seemingly scummy nature, but their almost insectoid appearance unsettled the young man.

"Anders O'Tor," he said flatly. "How much we getting for that Gotal?"

[member="Voska Naudir"]

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