Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An unofficial meeting (OP & VA only)

[member="Sabrina Kotass"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"Trade restrictions are a bit above my pay grade," said Mara with a shrug and another glance at the bread. "There's no trade embargo against companies from Vitae worlds, and there's no embargo on your government trading with corps in Protectorate space. Obviously the high-end military tech manufacturers aren't allowed to sell their advanced stuff to you -- that's just basic rules of the game. And there's always tariffs, both from the Protectorate and from planets, but apart from that, yeah, I don't really foresee many barriers to trade.

"What companies do you do your business with already?"
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Sabrina Kotass"]

Solan smiled and crossed his hands into his lap. "We actually do business with a large assortment of companies in order to expand our reach and hold no government run companies... well sort of. Sabrina here supplies a few exceptional products but the vast majority of products come from such of those as Emeritus in which is needed to upkeep the old Shadow Empire ships i... acquired. The Company of Rendili's open market supply is also one who is allowed trade with us and lastly the formerly known as Krayt Industries which was renamed to Aurora Industries. As well as trade lines, minor companies of lesser notice, and a free system of trade. I believe i speak for Sabrina and our mutual leader when i say that the Vitae is a place where capitalism can come and thrive... As long as the methods are Ethical." He leaned back a bit as he looked at the captain. She was intelligent for her age, and had a fair question. He wondered for a moment who had taught her.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="sabrina"]

"Sounds pretty straightforward. Long as those companies aren't linked to enemies of the Protectorate, anyway. Obviously after this meeting, it'd be best for anyone who's actually wanted for a capital crime to steer clear of Protectorate space. Tell me about Krayt Industries -- Aurora Industries. Used to be under Titan, funded by the One Sith. If you're doing business with'em now, something's changed apart from the name. What's changed?"
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Sabrina Kotass"]

"Aurora, a company oversaw by myself and my friend Taeli Rae. It was moved from One Sith space in order to allow for its production of products to be less limited. Given that point we try to keep forth a feeling of a free market though the Sith are no longer buyers. Speaking of Titan though i heard some stuff about it, seems the Sith lost two manufacturers in the same week? As for Titan though, our company is no longer under it even though regrettably a hutt owns a large percentage of our stock... for now." He smiled and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. "As for people involved in a capital crime, i assure you they will remain outside of your space..." He turned his eyes to Kotass. "... Or will surely redeem themselves." He turned his head back to Mara with a grin. "Trust me captain, anyone that decides to even think about it will not get a second thought."

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