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Approved Tech Ancient Mandalorian Datacron

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Intent: To create a Mandalorian Event reward for faction members that complete a special minor objective in the first thread
Development Thread: The Best is Yet to Come
Manufacturer: MandalTech; MandalMotors
Model: Laar be Manda'yaim - Datacron Schematic
Affiliation: ---
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Unique
  • Beskar
  • Electronic Components
  • Hologram Projector
Constructed some time during the Yuuzhan vong War centuries ago a datacron containing a crude and primitive form of powered armor that was to turn the tide against the Vong invasion and subsequent occupation of Mandalore was created under the direct supervision of then Manda'alor Boba Fett. However as history would have it, Boba and his Mandalorians would concede defeat, leaving the datacrons holding the armor's blueprints to the Vong Waste known as the City of Woe.

Centuries later, just prior to the Gulag Plague intrepid explorers would somehow obtain one of the two datacrons and somehow survive the harsh land of the City of Woe and sell the datacron for an exorbitant amount of credits to now defunct 'Mustafar Forge Customs'. The large company would spend millions of credits trying to decipher the code within the datacron to take from it secrets of the ancient past. However, they never got the chance. In 425 ABY production slowed to a hault as Mustafar Forge Customs' employees perished quickly to the rapidly developing epidemic known as the Gulag Plague. With his last days of life, then head of RND Joseph Muralio sealed the datacron and what little information his team could take from it deciphered into one blueprint for a special suit of armor dubbed, the Song of Mandalore.

Centuries would go by before this data was found by others and the first suit of armor from the blueprint would be created and utilized by Domino, then leader of the Black Suns. However, back on Mandalore the second datacron sat within the City of Woe, its true secrets left untouched. Found after the Mandalrians pushed back a Vong assault on Keldabe, the single datacron reveals details on creating a similar suit of armor. Only a true Mandalorian metal smith would have the skill to craft what lies within the datacron's inscriptions.
Primary Source:
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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