Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Ancient Secrets | EE Dominion of Terraris

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

Trinity blushed a little at the compliment to her work, she knew he was probably just being professionally polite and may never have even read her work, but it had the same mildly embarrassing effect on her. "Thank you, there is a lot of work to do recovering planet's from the Bryn infestations, it will take many great minds"

Dear God, the Doctor thought to herself, she was worried she was being paranoid when she wrote blackwing? in her jotter early today, but to hear it roll of the tongue of the other scientist so easily made her deeply uncomfortable. There were some diseases, created deliberately and by dark hands that were beyond even her inquisitive tolerance. "So blackwing?" She enquired darkly "I just need to err..get something off my ship" and she laughed, attempting to lighten a pretty awful situation. Trinity was immediately glad of her biosuit, she looked at Curse. "I take it you have some kind of protection? You look a little under dressed if you don't mind me saying? I have spare biosuits if you want one?" She was well aware that some species had inherent Resistances, maybe he was a Jedi? She had held off on getting her own Maniac install while she decided on her citizen status so couldn't cheat like half the scientists she ran into.

"Can you tell if living things are moving or dead ones?” he asked.
"I have standard bioscanners, in most cases they should be enough, but as you are aware, there can be a bit of a blurring of that definition with some of these plagues."

They needed to make a plan really, stumbling blindly into the darkness would probably not be a good first move. Her soldiers could likely capture a specimen alive, or at least functional whatever the situation.

"What do you think about trying to lure a few of the subjects out so we can capture them and maybe get some close up scans?" The closest targets were not too far away and the schematics of their location had a small choke point they could use to funnel the subjects if there was too many. Then, with some luck they could just get one or two into the open, capture them and then examine them.

Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Have you ever tried to work with and contact other universities?" he asked enthusiastically, then realized where they were locally. "I'm so sorry, I think I was a little enraptured. This is not the best and most appropriate place and time to do so." he said in confusion.

He spoke enthusiastically, as if he really were just a whimsical scientist, he was nowhere near that; the man was an insidious snake. But the role was the role, he always had to keep to it. That's why he still nodded a little confused at the words.

"I don't know, I just arrived, I was just thinking out loud." he explained.

In the sequel, there was even more confusion on the man's face as the girl said she was going back to her ship because she had left something there. He looked at himself after the words, then clutched his bag and looked into Trinity's eyes.

"Under dressed?" he asked back. " Maybe I’ve never been in the field… and I couldn’t really bring the protective gear used in the lab here. It was too vulnerable. I would be grateful for it!" he said.

When he gets one of these outfits, he gets dressed, that is, he puts that on his current outfit. Then came the question of scanners. He pulled out his hand device to see what it was like, and finally sighed in surrender.

" I also only have traditional scanners. It senses movement but no life signs, of course inside. So we have a good chance of dealing with dead creatures. Interesting, hmm… interesting!" he thought aloud.

He grinned broadly and enthusiastically at the girl's idea and nodded. Curse didn't really care if the mercenaries died, at least he would see what would happen to them. After all, this is probably what happened to everyone here at the mining station.

"Great idea, doctor!" he looked at the soldiers. "They heard the lady's idea, do what she said! Go on!"



TAG: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Carth Braxis Carth Braxis
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS Mk. IV Armor, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers' - Rocksolid Corporate Soldiers

The battle was heating up. So was the city, if the smoke-filled streets were anything to go by.

Better hurry this along, Cor thought, falling into step behind the lead Spider Walker. News from across the city was coming in hard and fast, usually in the form of distorted voices over the EENet. Most of it had been expected, though, there were some snippets of info that sat poorly in the Major's mind. She tried not to think about that too much. Anyway, with Sword's lines fully embattled, and Rocksolid making their play in earnest, her thoughts were elsewhere.

Like on the enemy.

The Spider Walker's sensors picked them up first. A platoon of moderately armed Clansmen lay in wait two-hundred metres further up the street. A further two platoons filled the alleys and buildings to either side; a rearguard of sorts, Corin suspected they were there to prevent anyone from taking their western flank unawares. If that happened, their assault on Sword could be turned on its head, Cor believed, and their ranks would no doubt descend into anarchy once they discovered the enemy had them on both sides.

Funnily enough, that was what Corin intended to do once she got through these platoons.

The Spider Walker's front-mounted cannons introduced the Ultranauts to the unwitting foe. Their report was loud enough to crack the windows to either side of the street; the shots striking true shattered them. The sound of breaking glass was accompanied by agonized screams and a call to arms. "First Company! Advance!" Corin shouted in the midst of it all, joining her troops as they advanced down the walkways, close enough to the buildings to find cover as the fight sparked to life in a hail of blasterfire.



O B J E C T I V E: On the Streets
She could sense the life on the other side of her, three to be exact, and they were all armed and tense. These weren't militia grunts unfortunately, they were actually trained fighters. Which meant Lilanna would have to actually this seriously. Easy enough. She leaned forward, mind reaching out through the force as she light sized the trigger of the rear man's rifle, and squeezed it. The weapon fired prematurely, startling the operator as he reeled back, and drawing the attention of his fellows. Lilanna moved, she cut off her magnetic locks, and leapt up, coming down and slamming both her feet through the damaged wall, as her golden blade flared to life. Landing, she found the three men moving to take aim at her, though seemingly disoriented by the recent pace of her attack, which gave her more than enough time to close the distance.​
She drove her saber into the back of the first man, and slid her feet towards the second. She snapped out an empty hand, and focused a barrier about it as a volley of blaster fire struck harmlessly against her palm. Not missing a step, she made one quick cutting motion against the second man as he attempted to stumble away from her, desperate to find room and getting none, then clenched her still smoldering palm closed, as she snapped the third man's weapon in half. Rising from the floor now, she watched as the man reached for a grenade on his belt, as he seemingly ignored the fact such a blast would more than likely kill him in the process. Lilanna didn't give him a chance. She flung her saber, hard. The blade cut through the wall, like a buzz saw mowing down anything that crossed it's path, and bisected the man in two. His body toppled over, his severed limb still holding the device. Pulling her weapon back to herself, Lilanna moved to the entrance she had made for herself. Letting out a sigh, she took the cable and began to continue her climb down. It was going well for all of three seconds, before an airspeeder slammed into the building three floors above her. Glancing up, Lilanna saw a wall of rubble raining down upon her, and scowled.​
She should have just sat this mission out.​

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

" I also only have traditional scanners. It senses movement but no life signs, of course inside. So we have a good chance of dealing with dead creatures. Interesting, hmm… interesting!"
"Well, I suppose that is good?" The inflection in her voice giving a sign that she was really struggling to look for a positive in it all. "At least if things go badly, we can cut and run and just urn the place with no qualms."

Trinity had her Plushee project an image of that floor schematics and it hovered in front of her mercenaries. "It would be helpful if we had access to the internal Scanners, so i would suggest some of you do that as a priority." The team leader looked intently and started giving out commands, a pair of them would push in a little way, carefully, whilst the test of the team gathered outside the main door. It was dangerous for the two heading forward but there were volunteers ready for the excitement. She supposed these men signed on because they liked it, not due to some duty, at least that was something.

"Doctor," she looked up, "my men are ready to proceed, we need to get somewhere safe while they do their job then we can do ours." She had no intention of letting a failed trap overrun them. The two scientists were led to behind a makeshift barrier where they could observe, but easily escape escape their ships if things went south, one of the mercs kneeled down next to them as an overwatch, he said very little.

"OK, here we go!" Shouted one of the soldiers as two of them opened the door and went into the darkness. Their torches cast eerie shadows out of the corridor and into the trap area.

"You a betting man?" Trinity asked the Doctor standing by him? "One, both or neither?" There was a clear note of fear in her voice and betting on the outcome if the two men going inside was an attempt at dark humour.

Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Curse pretended to be very immersed in the data the scanners had given him. So he "thought" out loud. Then he finally looked up confused when Trinity spoke. For a moment, the man's gaze was like he had no idea where he was or what was happening around him.

"Excuse me?" he asked. "Oh, yes! Good, good! Very good! I’ve always hoped to see some still "living" undead up close someday. The samples I received or had access to were never really usable in experiments or examinations… Oh, you didn't mean that?"

He asked in confusion at the end, still maintaining the disguise of the somewhat nervous and amused scientist.

"Internal network? Drox, or better, Vex codes are likely to be required for that wireless network. I know this colony is Drox's. 99% that Maniac oversees this as well, as he oversees everything in this damn solar system… Maybe it will go manually. So let's find the control room."

He suggested; he, as a member of the inner circle of Nite, naturally had the codes and accesses to access almost anything throughout in this Solar system. But then it wouldn't have been fun. Meanwhile, he also followed the girl and the soldiers to the safe place where they were left while they were doing their thing. It would have been harder to imagine anything more boring than that. In any case, he sat down in a chair with his datapad and looked at more information on it. He finally looked up at her question again.

"Betting man?" he asked back curiously. " I don't know, I've never done anything like this…" he lied, and of course took part in bets countless times during his long life.

He thought for a moment, then grinned a little shyly.

"Am I allowed to bet on the creatures? Or is it not fair to the soldiers?" he asked.

Objective: What is Light?
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Being back in the Eternal Empire’s embrace certainly brought forth old memories. Memories of when he served amongst the military forces. Perhaps once again Rath would take up arms with them, and take it to the fields once more. However, with the recent changes of the Force within him and the occasional headaches. Given that he cannot control the Force fully anymore, at least that he often found himself putting too much power than necessary.

It was here that Rath honestly hoped to find someone, anyone, who was willing to at least guide him how to control the large amount of Force Energy. Or perhaps even find a way to create something similar to the relic that Rath haphazardly siphoned force energy from to prevent destruction. He wasn’t even certain on the first steps of doing such a thing, and granted the Spear program would be the go-to for such knowledge. However, Rath knew that kind of knowledge wasn’t just given, and most definitely close guarded save for the highest authority. However, he couldn’t rule out that possibility either.

Before he dared to venture that route however, Rath first sought out one of the people he briefly remembered at the most recent ball. The one of few that actually had a pleasant smell given his strangely natural constant use of smell through the Force. Most Force Sensitives could tell the difference between the Light and Dark side just being near it. On Rath’s end however, the only way he could tell what was light and dark was through scent. Otherwise he would just feel the presence of the Force, but not what kind it was. Initially, Rath didn’t question it in the past, but he began to ponder why he was only able to smell the Force in order to tell what alignment?

If he remembered correctly, she was named Eina Llerim-Vandiir, but whether Eina was directly related to the Eternal Empress herself Rath did not know of. That was the thing with nobles for they varied from having a multitude of kin with the same surname, even the most distant third nephew twice removed. Or they could just be as simple as three generations small. Honestly Rath never had that many family members, only a mother and father that he doesn’t even remember their faces, what they sound like, or what their names were. Their presence never came into question in Rath’s mind since the last thing he knew they were supposedly dead.

The real question however, would Eina accept meeting with him? Granted he had the objective to investigate what exactly was the Light side of the Force, and how it could be utilized. Fortunately he had gotten some hint of it thanks to a certain small guy. Perhaps someone with more knowledge would help him understand? Could even a man who shed so much blood with his own hands hope to tap into the Light side? Many would probably say no, but given that not many knew who he was or what he’s done aside from a few years in service to the Eternal Empire’s Army.

The young man patiently waited at a balcony that overlooked Terraris in general. The corruption within his eyes calmly looked out towards the vast horizon as the civilization thrived around him. Garbed in a rustic attire that consisted of a dark leather jacket with a short sleeved grey shirt and black slacks. The boots however were a bit worn as if he’s traveling a lot by foot in the past. A conversation about the Force might have been dull if not boring to some, but what Rath was inquiring specifically was for Control and delve deeper into the Light. Despite being the Empire’s Shadow for years, Rath was truly dedicated in following down this path. For in the end, the Force was a chaotic well of energy that’s mixed with Light and Dark. The dark sider figured it was time to both research and experiment with the Light as well.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Spear, Terraris
Objective: Healing and rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Tags:: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
[ My Mother Told Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

From Eina, any Force User could tell she was related to Ingrid or Adrian. Especially if anyone has already felt the Force Signature of the two people. And Rath had met Ingrid before, so she felt exactly the same about Eina. The Valkyrja's Force Signature was special. The children don't usually look like the parents' in this, but Eina was like someone had combined the Empress' and the former Sith Lord's Force Signature. After all, the girl was a non-biological child, she born in the Force, from pieces of her parents’ soul.

Eina has not been a neutral Force user since the Ession events, she has been a Lightsider ever since, but she is still weak and injured. Her soul had to regenerate, to rebuild anyway, as the parasite almost completely devoured it. The Valkyrja almost died when Geiseric Geiseric rescued and saved her. During her recovery, she spent most of her time with him, her beloved, taking advantage of the fact that they could finally be together in the reality. But she also needed help, something that Sanctuary or Ession nexus didn’t have enough of. She needed a living person's help.

That’s why she was here in Spear, because Dragon helped her recover. He was one of Spear's leaders, a former Jedi, a Light Side Force user. She meditated and practiced with the man for hours, doing exercises that help strengthen her mind and soul, mostly her soul. Because the Spear method almost always changes a person, especially because of cybernetic and biotic implants, and because of the path of the Ancient Mavors, so many of these practices and meditations have been done by those who have studied here. And all this was very good for the girl as well.

During these visits, she heard that a young man wanted to talk to her. She was a little surprised because she did not know many people in the Eternal Empire, even though she was the daughter of the Empress. Eina kept in touch with others, not here, but at the Ashlan Crusade. However, she did not say no to the request. As always in Realspace, the Valkyrja was in her angelic, winged form. She waited for the young man in a strange architectural style meditating room - standard Spear - , sitting on the floor. There were no chairs or equipment in the room, just a few plants.

When Rath arrives, the woman with angel wings, who looks like Ingrid anyway, has similar hair, eyes, and features. She looked up at the young man amiably, then spoke; her voice was exactly the same as that of the Empress, only her tone was much kinder and more direct and she was a lightsider, not neutral.

"Welcome! I'm Eina L'lerim-Vandiir, why did you want to talk to me?" she asked kindly.


Location: Spear, Terraris
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Granted to his credit Rath only saw Eina from a distance, but it was remarkable how similar or near identical she was to Ingrid. Even so a member of Spear would likely turn him towards the most suited for what Rath sought after, however in technicality no Jedi or former would accept to advise Rath or even train him. Such a selfish thing to preserve his own life, and yet selfless when he’s draining his own force energy to give back to the well of energy. Or at least, that was the impression Rath had gathered.

He offered a ghost of a smile in response to Eina’s question. Frankly he wasn’t sure if Eina would come, but then again Rath wasn’t the type to randomly reach out without purpose behind it. The dark side swelled within his body, and although he can’t smell the Force within him. It still left tremors, or basically headaches that reminded Rath what was to come. What the inevitable was as it drew near.

”My name is Rath Nihro, I wish to discuss some things regarding the Force and it’s nature. Specifically, I am extremely curious on what is the Light side of the Force? What exactly is the nature of that aspect of the Force?” Many had their perspective of what the Force was, and of their Light. Ancient civilization referred to the Force as the Life Stream, which in technicality wasn't too far off the mark. Others simply fail to understand the Force and weigh far too heavily their own emotions with their explanations. Most use the Force and do not question what it was that they’re pulling energy from. Or giving energy to in some cases.

Rath himself had used the Force since he was a youngling before his former master groomed Rath to be the Warden that he was today. Both of his hands were folded behind the small of his back. With his posture, it was like Rath was addressing someone superior to him. A display of respect even, but Rath in truth faked that notion as it worked on several people who reacted better if they were addressed as someone superior than him. Hardly a difference between the two, or so Rath thought.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Spear, Terraris
Objective: Healing and rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Tags:: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
[ My Mother Told Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Valkyrja was surprised at the question for a moment; Eina was one of those people who didn't really care who was on which side of the Force, where she belonged. She judged someone by their actions. For her, that is why there was a benevolent Darksider and a malicious Lightsider as well. Their deeds mattered to the Valykrja, nothing else. Fortunately, Gei and the other Crusaders accepted her view, and they accepted if she wanted to redeem others at first and not just want to destroy them. She always tried to find the good in others. It is true and she accepted that the Darksiders committed evil deeds several times, but there were also those who enveloped themselves in the Light and did evil in the name of goodness and religion. Eina condemned them in the same way as the Sith.

She could feel the Dark Side from the young man as he approached nearby. Eina was exactly the opposite of the man; to anyone, at any time, she selflessly helped. The Valkyrja never expected any consideration for it. Fortunately, no one at Ashlan Crusade took advantage of the fact that she was like that. The young man's question and request came a little unexpectedly to her, but not caught her completely off guard. She didn't really expect that. She was really a Lightsider now, but that was only due to Geiseric, because otherwise the neutral state was natural to her and her species.

"There may be some misunderstanding here. I am a Valkyrja; for me, how and which of the Force's aspects is present in someone means nothing. I see the Force completely differently than you, or you think. True, I’m a Lightsider, but I use necromancy, or nethermancy, just like the Sith, yet in a Lightside aspect. The point is how you want to use the Force." she explained.

Eina was able to use even the darkest Force abilities close to Light or entirely as Lightside abilities. Necromancy was just like that; in her case, this manifested to her in the fact that she never used or controlled the souls or the dead, but asked them to help. And the dead volunteered to help or refuse her request and in that case nothing happened. These trifles made her different, and that’s why even these acts were accepted by the Ashlan Crusade, because that wasn’t evil in their eyes either.

She didn't even notice the man's posture, the ranks didn't mean much to her, it was a different matter in the fight, on the battlefield, but she didn’t care about it in any other situations, she handled everyone in the same way, with dignity and honour. Eina knew she probably saw the Force quite differently because she was a Force Entity and she was a Netherworlder. Last but not least, Netherworld was very different from Realspace. Sure, she knew there were creatures for which the Light Side was as painful or deadly as her mother was, but most were not that kind.

"I would be more happy with a more specific question, because if I answered that, we would be sitting here even after a decade. Your real question is, can the Light side help you in your current state?" she asked kindly.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

Trinity laughed nervously as the other doctor answered. "No, I dont think the soldiers would appreciate that at all." and she gently gestured with her eyes towards their closest soldier who was more than within range to gear their conversation. There was a crackle though his radio as they sprung sprung trap. Distant gunfire rang from within the corridors, along with the pops of flashbangs, it sounded for now like a very routine operation, until that was a scream punctuated the other sounds. There was louder footsteps now as one of the armoured men came running back, losing rounds back down the corridor as he went.

The man ran as if the hounds of hell were behind him, one of his armoured plates was pulled off and his fatigues were ripped. He dived for the barricades as soon as he passed the door and lay on his back to take aim.

For a few moments there was silence then more footsteps as a creature came running through after him. The soldiers pounced, slamming the door behind the assailant. THUD THUD...THUD, more creatures slammed at the closed doors and the soldiers bolted it. The firefight was frenetic but the trained soldiers had their ambush well planned, dum dum rounds took the momentum out of its charge, and then two soldiers pounced with a length of rope. The creature fought hard, lashing out with tooth and claw, but eventually it was subdued. It lay there, struggling against its ropes and snarling.

Trinity looked at the other doctor. "only one came back, we both win?" bad joke Trin, don't let you nerves get the better of you. "So, I'm more a plant kind of girl, did you want to go over there and poke it first? If it has leaves, tag me in?" she grabbed her plushee and walked over to the subdued enemy. She looked at the injured soldier, sad that his compatriot never came back, but that was the risk they chose to take. She needed to work now.

Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Oops!" he replied.

Curse grinned in confusion at the woman's words after the laughter; especially that the soldiers had still heard what the man said. Unpleasant; at least for the doctor whose personality he was playing. It wasn’t anyway, because he really would have bet more on the local creatures' win than on the soldiers'. Probably this was also the reason why Terraris Command did not send soldiers here; they were not wasted. Or they didn’t risk what might be out of them, but let the alarm go out from the base and the planet.

~ What was Tyrant thinking? ~ he thought.

Although they had never met, as no one but a handful of people had met him in person, Curse knew the man so much that he knew he was doing nothing without thorough intent or consideration. That's why it was all interesting to him. He listened to the sounds, and based on them, everything seemed to be in order as much as possible for the time being. The soldiers treated the creatures that were there. Steps, shots, some shouts. For now, the screams are missing.

Maybe he was wrong and yet these are not the creatures he thought they were? Eventually, a few flashes of grenades were also visible, and so was their voice; and last time the screams arrived. Curse got up from his chair with interest and walked to the window, through which he could see the hallway from which the soldiers had to come. One soon came, was injured, and then entered the room where the woman and Curse were.

And the soldier was soon followed by other beings, creatures. Was the earlier killed soldier among them? Yes, for the man, the interests and priorities were quite interesting. Although this was not surprising since he was Curse. And the other soldiers did their job and soon only one creature survived. It is also tied up. Curse looked at her after the doctor's words, then grinned.

"I think it will only have a plant on it if we put a few leaves on the creature." tried to respond in a similar style.

He would have just walked over to see the captured creature as the injured soldier behind him began to cough and vomit. There was a surprise on the scientist's face, but Curse expected it. Still playing a role, he looked back with interest and saw the soldier lying on the ground, his face floating in sweat, vomiting blood and twitching as if he had just had a seizure.

"Doctor, I don't think this place is safe anymore!" he said.

Location: Spear, Terraris

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

It was certainly an extensive topic as many could speak a long time about the Light, but in the end it'll still be a long debate of their perspective. Being able to use the Light alongside the Dark side of the Force wasn’t unheard of, but many had difficulty as it wasn’t easy to accomplish. In a similar manner Rath hoped to do the same, but it wasn’t a priority for him. The priority was to find a way to keep the very Force energy itself from killing him. At least to delay it even for an extra five years or so. While in technicality Rath ended up with more power than he ever had in his entire life. However, there was a saying that with great power comes with great responsibility.

The only difference was that Rath did not make his decision based on obtaining more power. Power was just a side effect of the outcome to prevent tragedy from striking a planet. Frankly, that very same power nearly killed him, and it still threatens to tear him apart by the day. The Shadow truly didn’t know how much longer it would be before the Force consumed him, nor did he know that when it did nothing drastic would happen.

If for some reason none of his attempts to keep this thing contained succeed, then Rath would just settle for the outcome and do what he must until such a time came to pass. He’s done his part and he rooted out his traitorous master. Essentially smothering any notion that the Wardens exist and to protect their identity. Of course, he was certain that there will be more conflict in the days to come, and there will be another battle that Rath must endure. In the end, Rath responded with a nod as his expression became stoic.

”That was the intention, yes. I’ll be blunt with you. I truly do not know how to keep this…” With a raised hand, wispy smoke rose off from the palm of his hand. A very faint manifestation of the dark side that was in a literal sense leaking out of him.

”Under control… But I am not asking in a sense of harnessing said power. More like I'm looking for ways in a sense of giving back this energy to the rightful owner and not coming back to me.” He wasn’t a fool to believe that he could harness said energy when his own body barely held itself together. Hopefully Eina would give some answers, even if it was just clues, and then maybe he can give the power back to the well of energy that was the Force. Unless this was just some curse given to him by the Force itself as the vast entity was known to do so.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development


Location: Terraris Underground (Militia State), Science Facility
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: n/a


The infrastructure of the building was sound on the outside, a strong testimony to the engineers that spent long, painstaking hours to create it to near-perfect standards. The building was old, though it was not easy to decipher the exact age due in part that the maintenance and upkeep was clearly organized and prioritized. She could respect such notions, for she too held her own facility in high regards; like a parent holding their infant. One thing was noted about this science facility from first looks, it contained numerous windows. To many in her opinion. However, this facility didn't hold the many secrets like the one on Cattamascar, so it could afford to be transparent to the public eye. There were no threats of genetic horrors escaping or a vial of some scientific abomination breaking and releasing the invisible hand of death among the unsuspecting citizens. No, this facility was as pure as pure could be. Mostly.

On the inside, it was a different story. The outside lent appearances of a calm, peaceful, and serene working institute. The inside held the true nature, it was chaotic and busting with activity. The former Director had perished during a violent house fire that took the lives of all that inhabited it; the Director himself, his wife, and his three offspring. The investigation concluded the house fire was a mystery and shrouded in speculation, but with no clear evidence or strong leads, the case was closed. With the passing of the Director, the science facility had fallen under the jurisdiction of the several heads of departments; collectively running both the facility and the employees into the ground. The workers were overworked and poorly compensated for their efforts, fueling their anger against the warring department heads. However, this was the only option for a scientific mind to work, less they wished to pack up and head off planet elsewhere; which nearly all the employees cringed at. The tension inside was beyond describable measures.

Director Mihaly had sought an audience with all the department supervisors, to lend her assistance to them. She would offer whatever help they need, using whatever resources she could spare, and if all possible; re-organize this facility into a functional work place with an oversized dose of a healthy work environment. The collective eagerly agreed to her visit, each one housing their own hidden agenda to propose to her in hopes she would side with them; leading to them to being sole director of the facility. But she too had her own agenda. She wasn't coming to this facility as a savior, but a conqueror. She would help the facility as promised, but the facility would fall under her jurisdiction and control of the Empire. Whomever she would choose to run the day-to-day options in her absence would quickly understand that her assistance came with a steep, heavy price.

Looking up from her desk, eyes peering up through slipping spectacles, the front desk associate peered up at the woman, stifling a gasp and sliding her chair back slightly. Mikilanna had undergone several physical changes over the years. She was not a sight to behold, and as this lady at the desk had just proven; could take your breath away in a whim. Through the Force, Mikilanna could taste the wisps of a frightened aura surrounding the woman. For just a few seconds, she basked in the darkened pleasure before saying,
"Good afternoon, I'm Director Mihaly and Overseer of the Eternal Empire's Science Department. I have an appoint with your bosses."


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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Spear, Terraris
Objective: Healing and rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Tags:: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
[ My Mother Told Me ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina only saw so much Dark Side energy in those who were just made of it. That is, Force Entities, or even Darksider Force Ghosts; possibly demons. It wasn’t like the race her mother was a member of, or just the Shadow Knights, where those demons are made up of shadows, or the Shadow. They were all able to show such an effect, but none were the Dark Side, but the manifestation of their being and not a Dark side corruption. As a mere effect of the Dark Side, she had not really seen such a thing. She had a feeling that Curse, or Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio , would have been very curious about it all. The Valkyrja was glad the man wasn't here.

However, the question was difficult. She knew countless ways to deal with it, but it was not certain that the young man would have been happy about it. It will turn out soon, but until then, the woman still had some questions that would have been good to get answered.

"I can probably help this situation quite easily." she smiled encouragingly and kindly.

She did not lie, Eina did not know the concept of lying; for her it was a concept that was far from her. The Valkyrja was always honest and tried to encourage others. She came from a society where they almost always communicate with thoughts and emotions so they don’t keep secrets from each other. She has not yet been corrupted by the mortality of Realspace; partly this was the reason why she was so pure, and that’s why most of the Ashlan Crusade considered her so pure as well.

"Although I still need some information for that. If I see correctly, it's not your natural state, it's artificial. How did it happen?" she asked. "Please try to be more detailed, the easier it will be more easiest for me to find a solution if I know every single detail."

If she knew who or what caused it, it might even be much easier to tell the solutions. Eina trusted that would be the case.


Location: Shard Tower, HPI Metropolis - Terraris
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
On Person: VA-24p | Visel Arms Ltd.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Ivixa was dutifully silent as the Empress spoke.

Her judgement was cast down in the cold, disciplined tone the sniper had come to expect, her words as solid as ice and leaving little room for questioning or interpretation. After all, that was what it meant to be part of the Eternal Empire. Order. Discipline. Harmony. Eternity. Ivixa had earned a reputation as a reliable, hyper-lethal assassin, but in the view of her Empress, she had fallen out of order.

The Asa’nyx failed to see error in her conduct.

Nevertheless, Ivixa continued to hold her tongue, features shifting at the mention of further training. The opportunity to improve her skills was one she would be remiss to pass up, though the assassin suspected that she had little choice in the matter.

<"Under whom will I be training?"> Ivixa inquired after a brief pause, refusing to comment or apologize for the incident with the Mandalorians. <"Also, will it"> She added, a question in her tone as the words left her lips.

Having studied the dossiers on the cultures and nations of Terraris, Ivixa was well aware of the fact that aliens might not be welcome. She wondered how willing whoever the Empress sent her would be to train her. There was no disguising the fact that she was not human and she was extremely conspicuous in a crowd of them.

<"Whoever is training me...will they be tolerant of my presence?”>
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Speak with Ivixa
Location: Shard, HPI Metropolis, Terarris
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was a really great idea that Ingrid would not have tolerated protesting what she said. For her part, the woman was still studying and training herself, even though she had been working as an assassin for much longer than many could have imagined. After all, almost no one knew what her real age was. Most knew that ABY was born in 830 and will now be forty years old; she looked a little over than the forty's half, but as an agent she had to stay fit and beautiful. So she chose not to age more than mid-twenties.

And of course, one always had to learn new things, one could never stop or let time run past them. Moreover because there have always been new methods, better methods. One had to move on; otherwise everyone would be better than them. And Ingrid loved to learn and develop. For her it really was art, and she wanted to be the best, she wanted to stay the best. Not just alone, but in a team.

<"The Shadow Company will train you. The officer will likely be KM198, but it is possible that NN220 will decide otherwise and you get another training officer."> said the information.

Although the woman knew the real names of Alain Price and Joe Dawson, neither man used it anymore. Ever since they both joined the Shadow Company, only their codename has existed, the real identity has no meaning anymore. This is how they protected themselves and their families. Those who were once that people ceased to exist officially. It is likely this was the reason why Ingrid did not become a full member; she could not afford it.

<"For the sake of simplicity, the training will be on Tygeria or Kalidan, you don't have to come here to Terraris." she explained.

The next question was eloquent, revealing a lot of things, including how the girl really read to the planet afterwards. Here she nodded contentedly and a smile appeared on her lips for a moment.

<"Both the Shadow Company and the Frost Company also sell their training to outsiders or strangers. You don’t have to afraid of anyone discriminating you there. They are fully professional, in every field. As long as you execute your training officer's order and execute it 100%, they don’t care who or what you are."> she said.


Location: Shard Tower, HPI Metropolis - Terraris
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
On Person: VA-24p | Visel Arms Ltd.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

There was no question now.

No more excuses, apologies, or exemptions to be had. While Ivixa personally found no fault in her conduct, she knew that the Shadow Company would not only show her how to at the very least, pretend to work with a team, but also teach her to become a better assassin and sniper. Ultimately, those were the skills that Ivixa cared about, because they had seen her rise from the slums of Eve to here, the favored assassin of an Empress.

The Eternal Empress.

<"I understand, my Lord."> Ivixa answered softly. <”I will comply.”> She stated simply.

From there, the tiny woman stood up to her full stature, a determined glint in her golden eyes as she took in the beautiful void that surrounded the tower, protected from its cold grasp only by the metal windows and frame of the massive building. Then, glancing down, she saw the lights of the HPI Metropolis, a beautiful city where she was not welcome, though perhaps one day she might, if the Eternal Empire’s presence could one day change this place.

<"I admit…I would like to see more of Terraris.”> The Asa’nyx said, before taking a deep, resolved breath. <”But, I will not delay any further.”> She spoke.

<”I’m ready to begin.”>
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Speak with Ivixa
Location: Shard, HPI Metropolis, Terarris
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For a few moments, Ingrid wondered if it would be the ruling order of this place now, how the HPI and its fate would have developed if the Eternal Empire and Tacitus had not arrived there. MANIAC has done several simulations about this over the years because the Empress wasn’t the only one interested in it all. Probably the Terraris would not have been ready yet, but it was absolutely certain that Tubrok would have regained control of the clans and he would have been the ruler.

Finding and locating Terraris became urgent because the laws of the Eternal Empire also applied to Nelvaan, and so the change and move became urgent for many. When the Eternal Empire was branded a traitor by the CIS, everyone had to leave. They were hard times. But this place, this system, was simply perfect.

Ingrid nodded at Ivixa's words; she was absolutely certain that the girl would have no choice but to do what they were told to her. Personal experience. In this, both the Shadow Company and the Frost Company were very rigid and consistent, and the red-haired woman also learned from them. It was easy for her; this personality trait was also present in her father, so she inherited that from the general.

She looked out the window, her gaze now not on the HPI, but in the distance to the Pride, where their units were fighting. Another nod.

<"Go and look around on the planet calmly. Most will not return from the planet yet or just go back to active service in a week. You have time too."> she said to the girl. <"If you are worried about xenophobia, it is more against those who want to settle down and want the prosperity that others have received, and they want it without struggling or achieve it. No one really has a problem with tourists. Unless you are a droid."> she encouraged Ivixa.



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