Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And a little fleeting on the side

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Oh god not Battleship.

But the good captain has great advice otherwise. Don't get bogged down in the details of military procedure too much. That crap ain't fun in the real world, and it ain't here. Use the questions and concerns you have to formulate a story or just show up, either way works. If you need more motivation, [member="Camellia Swift"] really is outgunned at the moment, and needs your backup! Perhaps [member="Valara Tiall "]was inspecting a vessel and the drydock took a hit which incapacitated or killed the senior leadership. Or whatever.

I'm also looking at you [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]. <_<

Alana Sunrider

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Oh, thanks for that. That's a good plan. I'll do what I can to get a post up tonight. I'm just swamped in homework and writing Valara is still a little challenging.
out-gunned does not even begin to describe it. she could have brought twice what she did and she'd still be hard pressed to close the gap, survive the casualties, and push the Sith back. At extreme ranges, in both gun count and number of fighters, she is severely disadvantaged.

Then again, the orbital rings would likely have weapon enplacements on them and there would likely be other orbital defenses to worry about.


Alana Sunrider

[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Do you have suggestions for what types of ships would work well together?
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Generally you want ships that cover each others deficits. The Sith roster is particular suited for this at the moment, because we have like 5 ships. The Dark Blade is extremely powerful when it comes to long-range, but has no hanger and limited point defense. So I brought a Carrier (for fighters) and a pair of escort frigates (for point defense). The two heavy Cruisers simply round out the offensive capability.

I'm not terribly familiar with the Republic manifest (it's not public). Camellia has respectable long-range firepower, but is lacking both in strike craft and point defense. That said, respectable doesn't mean a match for what I've got on the Dark Blade, which is borderline event-ship powerful. You could do worse than bringing a standard Star Destroyer/Defender if you've got one, with a few smaller escorts. That would balance things out, I think. If another Sith shows up (turning my glare towards [member="Melakoth Tyrin"]) then you'd probably need to bring out more to keep it even, so frankly I wouldn't worry about balance. Story-wise, if you go with the scenario presented, you're more likely to have a random smattering of ships than any that are specifically compatible.
@Valara Tiall

Azalus Flak Frigate comes to mind. As does the Justicar. The Warhammer would be a decent addition... A few Spearheads would be good... but it would be odd IC for the Rendili ships to be there. The Avenger packs a nasty punch and could surely threaten the enemy fleet. Actually... I think the Avenger is the perfect ship at the moment.

Also.... if I absolutely have to... I can step in and save the thread/story.

However, that would reveal a top secret bit of technology that the Republic has gotten their hands on in limited number...

And I really, really, really, don't feel like letting someone else go "Oh, I saw this once so I'm going to instantly know exactly how to copy it" on a bit of technology that I busted my ass to push through the factory.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
If the preservation of Kuat Drive Yards is a concern, rest assured that I have no intention of doing anything serious to the shipyard, beyond poking holes in a few more defensive emplacements.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I recommend you bring the pain, [member="Valiens Nantaris"] as your Republic allies are otherwise uh, somewhat lacking on the heavy firepower. I'll keep the thread moving tomorrow as well, too busy right now to make an thoughtful post.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
New post up. Didn't mean to wait so long but them's the breaks. I do want to keep going, it's just getting good.

[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Valara Tiall"]
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

Alana Sunrider

Finally got the post up, and it's my first ever fleeting one. Whoo. How was it?

And sorry for the delay. I've had a pretty rough week and a half and still feel less than ideal.

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