Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Owner of Dar'manda Industries
Lori felt
' heart beat quicker. It was hard not to given that they were so close and her fingers were on his neck. Was he nervous? She had her fingers on a very sensative spot that could be damaging if she struck him.
She gave him a little smirk in response to his comment. "Pressure....I'm no stranger to that."
Lori removed her hand and took half a step back as she had another sip of her water. Having a drink was a distraction from her mind going to places that she didn't want to go at the moment. "Shall we go for round two? Or do so on another day?"

She gave him a little smirk in response to his comment. "Pressure....I'm no stranger to that."
Lori removed her hand and took half a step back as she had another sip of her water. Having a drink was a distraction from her mind going to places that she didn't want to go at the moment. "Shall we go for round two? Or do so on another day?"