Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction And in This Corner....

Lori felt Var-Sulis Var-Sulis ' heart beat quicker. It was hard not to given that they were so close and her fingers were on his neck. Was he nervous? She had her fingers on a very sensative spot that could be damaging if she struck him.

She gave him a little smirk in response to his comment. "Pressure....I'm no stranger to that."

Lori removed her hand and took half a step back as she had another sip of her water. Having a drink was a distraction from her mind going to places that she didn't want to go at the moment. "Shall we go for round two? Or do so on another day?"
As she took a half step back and would take a sip of her water I continued looking at her. It was as if she knew what I was starting to feel but couldn't bring herself to confront it...It was cute..I knew it..And I'm sure she did too..However...Mando's were trained to keep the focus on the task or tasks at hand...There would be plenty of those in our future.

"Well...Let's call it for now...Im expected to meet with Admiral burtch in regards to an upcoming opportunity. Time to ride the Big girl into the skies above...But I'll leave you with this...Ever find yourself in a pinch and im nearby...Whistle as loud as you possibly can...I will hear you...I think we would make a good duo.." I said as the back of my right hand would wipe my brow. I would nod slightly and couple it with a slight bow and a wink.
Lori snickered inside as she thought of Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch . The man sure loved to keep things by the book. He didn't really appreciate her unorthidox and on-the-fly maneuvers. She could understand if they didn't work....but they did. Yet he still found it within himself to frown at her because of them. Or at least try to keep her flying by-the-book.

And then Var-Sulis Var-Sulis gave her an offer to get his help if she needed it. As the King's bodyguard, it made sense that he'd feel obligated to look after her as well.

However his last comment accompanied with a wink gave her a slight pause. He was implying something there and she was starting to get a feeling as to what that was...

She sipped her water again, dropping her gave from his eyes to her water bottle. "I'll keep that in mind. And it's a good thing that I know how to whistle. And a word of advice on Burtch....try not to do anything too crazy while flying. He'll just end up charging you for new underwear for his crew." Lori snickered. "Trust me. I know from experience."

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