Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anija's Art Corner [Mk 2]

[member="Anija Betna"]

Evening, I saw your art thread and am amazed at how well your work is. To the point of putting in a request myself.

Character Name: Gevaudn

Request Type: Signature

Quote or Text: "Crazy is as crazy does and this crazy.. is getting shit done."

Images (links provided): First

Mood: Crazy and dark

Description: I like to have the background set in a street or ally way that shows a Star Wars type city. If its possible I like there to be some sort of fight going on behind the main in the main pic, if not then either a dead alien race that's from the star wars area. I like to have it look like he's walking away form the chaos that is going on but he was the one who start it to begin with.

Color I like red, black, gold and silver. \

Thank you for your time.
[member="Anija Betna"]

Character name Arumi zy

Type of artwork desired:
Select one or more of the following:
  • Sig
Please include any of the following which may apply:
  • Quote or other text: In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    'Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
  • Mood/Color scheme Its me, so broody, dark, bloody, contagious
  • Faction affiliation if desired -
  • p
  • Include any images you would like used (playbys, rank tags, etc.) -
  • Brief explanation of what you are looking for in your artwork. Coming out of retirement, so its time for a blast, a fresh coat of paint and some killen
[member="Jan Valdum"]

Sorry for the wait :) Hope you like it!

[member="Anija Betna"]

Type of work:

Forum Sig

Text: Zaira Raghul

Mood/Color scheme:

Mood I'm looking for elegant and mysterious. Color scheme I like to have red, black and gold.

I like to use the person on the couch or her + the couch

I like to have the girl on the couch stare off at the start deep in thought, possible have a random planet and a ship in the background. I like the forum sig to feel elegant and mysterious.

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