[member="Krytu"] Your link is broken. Please provide a functioning link :)
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 17, 2014 #121 [member="Krytu"] Your link is broken. Please provide a functioning link
Krytu Ruthless Dec 17, 2014 #122 [member="Anija Ordo"] try this one? http://www.ben-erdt.de/image/272/
Krytu Ruthless Dec 17, 2014 #123 Also, [member="Anija Ordo"] I like wider sigs rather than tall if you can work with that?
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 17, 2014 #124 [member="Krytu"] I tend to make wide sigs. The ones in my gallery (first post of this thread) should give you an idea.
[member="Krytu"] I tend to make wide sigs. The ones in my gallery (first post of this thread) should give you an idea.
Krytu Ruthless Dec 17, 2014 #126 I see your gallery and I mean more a sig like this wide: [member="Anija Ordo"]
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 17, 2014 #127 That is workable, yes. To reduce clutter in the thread, expect an incoming PM to discuss particulars [member="Krytu"] [member="Qae Shena"]
That is workable, yes. To reduce clutter in the thread, expect an incoming PM to discuss particulars [member="Krytu"] [member="Qae Shena"]
Alask Diruno The Wind In Your Face Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #130 [member="Anija Ordo"] Hey, I would like these two please, thankyou: Psychic Detective
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #131 [member="Alask Diruno"] rank tags? You need to be specific.
Alask Diruno The Wind In Your Face Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #132 [member="Anija Ordo"] Oops. Yeah, rank tags.
Hijinks Cheshire Shi'ido Dec 19, 2014 #133 [member="Anija Ordo"] Tags, please? "Escher", "Cheshire", and "Windwalker"... On another note, this is the absolute strangest character I've ever made.
[member="Anija Ordo"] Tags, please? "Escher", "Cheshire", and "Windwalker"... On another note, this is the absolute strangest character I've ever made.
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 19, 2014 #134 [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Kyra Tendal"] <---A little something Extra
Grrwunhoooll Agaburry THE Wookie Jedi Character Bio Dec 19, 2014 #135 Perfect! thanks [member="Anija Ordo"]
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 19, 2014 #136 [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] You're welcome
Anija Betna Retired Character Character Bio Dec 19, 2014 #138 [member="Alask Diruno"] A detective tag already exists: I can make another if you wish, but I do try to not make duplicates of existing tags. Here is the other you requested.
[member="Alask Diruno"] A detective tag already exists: I can make another if you wish, but I do try to not make duplicates of existing tags. Here is the other you requested.
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 19, 2014 #140 [member="Anija Ordo"] "Kyuubi" "Zandalor" "Avachei" and "Grey Warden" Note, the second and fourth are for a good test, and may or may not be used by me anyhow
[member="Anija Ordo"] "Kyuubi" "Zandalor" "Avachei" and "Grey Warden" Note, the second and fourth are for a good test, and may or may not be used by me anyhow