Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ankarres What You Think

He looked over to Ava, a mixture of concern and curiosity painted her face. Giving her a comforting smile, he acknowledgde the disparity in his decision making processes. When it came to his own well being, he was relatively reckless. But when it came to her and the boys, it was a much different matter. And she was entirely right, as was indicative of the scars across his hands and his feet. And the numerous injuries he had suffered since inheriting this homestead. And just the general way he was.

Turning his attention back to Kep, he nodded.

"That sounds fair. We'll give it a good look over. I need to get back to Annaj anyway, craving a soaking walk through the swamp." Snapping his fingers at Kep, he pointed his index at Kep. "Speaking of which, I want to make something for Cera, over Tulla." And other reasons. But Tulla was convenient enough for the asking. "You know if she has any preferences on relics or jewelry? Besides that compass looking item, I haven't really seen any of her priceless possessions that would indicate a preference."

Kep gave Gabe a curious glance before digging back into his meal, " 'ats real nice o'you. She misses Tulla. Been stayin' at the Inn fer now, helpin' Sitka 'round th'place." Chew chew, he itched at his neck as he thought, "Don' really 'member her wearing much o' in general. Fink I seen a necklace or two, hard te'say. Tho, I'd wager she not real big on rings."

"Necklaces are nice," Avalore commented, taking up her glass of juice again and holding it, "anyone can wear a necklace but not everyone can wear earrings. Rings are just... maybe too personal, for a friend." A pointed brow lofted at this remark as Avalore lifted her glass for a long, slow drink of juice.

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
"Yeah, I might have gotten an indication about her dislike towards rings."Absent thought, he spun the golden ring on his finger. Though, thinking about it, it likely had more to do with the properties of the ring and not necessarily the ring itself.

Cutting another piece of the chicken, he took a bite as he looked towards Kep. "Tulla was a good cat. Got her out of the mud following that fire. She was stuck real good after being chased down by those pirates." He looked towards Ava, eyeing the ring around her neck.

"A necklace it is." The way she stated friend put a smile on Gabes face. Enough to make him realize that maybe she suspected more than that simple word entailed.


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