Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ankarres What You Think

"Created tree species?" He brushed aside the comment about visiting every month. Couldn't be that often, could it? It had been a while since he last took a trip to Annaj, before Lujo. And between the healing and therapy, he had lost track of the days. Might have to make it more often to recover that monthly average.

"The tree is special...and powerful. I've used it to create numbers of relics, all of which have gone to the aid of others." Armaud delivered a bit of commentary in the sound of a grunt, followed by a hushed laugh. Gabe smiled and rubbed his nose, noticing a smudge of dirt across his cheek. "I think Maud agrees." He looked up towards Ava, tilting his head as if he was speaking vicariously through Armaud. Looking back towards Kep, he paused for consideration as to what would be required to maintain a nursery of this type.

"We've recently rehabilitated the Tap Tree aqueducts and I think, for the most part, that's helped with the prolific growth of the Ankarres and the baffor. Beyond that, do you have any more guidance for Ava in regards to the optimum environmental characteristics for the trees growth? I can only assume, given that the species is thriving, that we are nearing that point." Ava may have been a healer but Gabe was a budding farmer, even if he had been broken for a good long while. Just builds character.

"De Force, o'course," Kep replied with a grin, eyes settled on Avalore with that green baby in her arms. His expression softened noticeably.

Avalore gave a derisive snort, "Well that's hardly an answer we can work with. It could mean for so many things! Besides, what do I have to do with any of it. I just pull the weeds, Gabe's the plant-expert."

A set of long, bony, crooked fingers latched onto Kep's chin, rubbing at the blond stubble growing there, "Mebbe. Mebbe you do more'n yeh fink, Master Healer. These trees were made wiv intention - Healing intentions. 'veir purpose was to heal and reverse effects of Darkside Alchemy what makes Sithspawn, among ovver fings. Y'ev got a prime setup here, but the trees here won't produce the same product without the same treatment."

"And you know the treatment?" Avalore blinked.

"Some of it," Kep replied and then shrugged, "but not all. I know this - it isn't simple and it requires mor'n jes soil 'n water. Boss has access to the notes 'n original nursery but what he don' have is the touch o' the Lightside. The original creator o' the Ankarres wasn't exactly a Lightsider either, let alone a dedicated Lightside Healer. Wiv Gabe's knowledge in Alchemy and your skills, I fink you could replicate the real fing...mebbe make it even better."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
With a bend at the lower back, Gabe placed Armaud back in the playpen. Armaud had a soothing way about him, even for a young child, that gave the impression that he understood what was going on. Maybe not mentally, but in some other means, and his slow blinking return of expression was enough to warm the man's heart. He was happy to have given the boys up for adoption but he was equally happy to still be involved in their life. Besides, whenever he got tired of interaction, he could just pawn them off on Ava without any concerns.

"Ya know, I noticed a bee swarm a couple trees down. Natural hive split up recently I guess, queen set up a new territory with her workers putting out new comb. Seems they've taken a liking to the Ankarres..." He looked up towards the trees and smiled softly. "With the right appreciation and respect, the Ankarres turns to puddy in the hands. It may not be force sensitive in the sense of sentience, but there are keys to unlocking its properties. And part of that is it's own proliferation." He slowly lifted his hands from his hips, crossing his arms as he inspected Kep.

"Well, I don't imagine Ava is gonna say no to more opportunities for weeding..." He chuckled as he looked over his shoulder to Ava, not sure if she would find that funny. Pulling back on the laugh a bit, he coughed and turned back to Kep. Studying the man, Gabe wondered if he was aware of the damage incurred at the shop prior to the failed invasion Lujo. Wondering if he had been back to see Cera since...

"You hungry?" Maybe they could talk about these notes and tricks of the Ankarres over food.

Ava wasn't sure if it was supposed to be funny or not. Gabriel received a lofted brow at that comment, looking back to Kep only to catch the man staring again.

"Well I do love to garden..."

Kep gave a leery glance sideways, cleared his throat and nodded, "Aye."


With the twins put away for their afternoon nap Avalore served fresh juice when Kep declined the offer of a beer. Gabe was fiddling with the grill so she took the opportunity to set herself down across the patio table from the strange man and give him a good eyeing for all the eyeballing he'd been doing earlier.

"What did you say your name was again?" the Healer asked, making it very difficult to define the accusatory tone to her voice as being purposeful or not.

"Kep," said the man, "Ereza Kep."

"So Kep is your last name?"

"No, Kep is my name."

"And Ereza?"

Kep made a face, leaning forward a bit, "It's a bit complicated, Miss Eden."

"You enunciate awfully well when you're skirting answers, Ereza Kep," Avalore narrowed her eyes and leaned forward as well.

The man smirked, "Mebbe I do."

Avalore frowned into a glower, "So, what? You deal with black market sales and can't answer questions forthright? Is that it? You know they throw Sith into magma chamber cells here in the Galactic Alliance. They call it Heat Therapy in the Healer-Circle."

"Got yerself a roight spitfire here, Gabe," relenting, Kep leaned back in his chair, the smirk remained, "s'no wunner you fly de coop so offen. Mehehe."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
He let out a laugh, laying chicken across the warming grill. Packets of veggies in foil, nothing particularly fancy. Though he did have some mead but by the way Kep denied a beer, Gabe wasn't sure how that was going to work out. More for him he supposed.

Closing the grill, he scratched the bridge of his nose before turning to find a seat at the table. With a pop of the bottle, he poured himself a bit of mead and set it down. Give it a chance to breath.

"Aye, she's a spitfire alright. Just try getting wounded around her, healing doesn't come cheap." He gave a smirk to Ava, recalling the first time she had actually healed him. Following the fight on the skyscrapers with Vornskr. It wasn't his best moment but he realized just how passionate she was about those she considered important. And those she was healing. Turning his attention back to Kep, he extended an accusatory finger from the glass and smiled.

"But Cera isn't much different and I wager she hits a good deal harder." She may have not had the vocal sort of searing personality like Ava, but she had an uncontrollable temper with unpredictable triggers backed by an enormous power. The sort to level a guy in the middle of a swamp. And besides, no one furrowed their brow quite like Cerusia.

Pulling his finger back to the glass, he took a small sip and tilted his head. "You been back there in a while? Seen the shop since the attack?"

A gravelly chuckle sounded as Kep watched an exchange of glances between the Sheriff and his Healer - the latter narrowing her eyes and giving the former a good stare.

"Only because I'm fairly certain you do it on purpose just to get a rise out of me. Honestly, it's like he throws himself over cliffs just for the attention it gets him later on," pursed lips met him with an expression of mock dejection. Ava lifted a hand and tugged at Gabe's nearest braid, "he's just lucky he's so damn cute."

If Kep didn't know any better, which he really didn't, he could have sworn those two were a couple. The man lifted one of his own hands to a sallow, scruffy cheek and kneaded at it, nodding, "Cera hits preddy hard, yeh, eheheh. 'afta tread real careful 'round 'at one." But he wouldn't categorize her under spitfire. More like dormant volcano. Her fire didn't come in healthy, deliberate doses. Hers festered and brewed under the surface constantly, building pressure all the time until someone stupid enough came along and disturbed that false serenity above.

Another nod, "Aye, 've'been back. Not much ovva shop left te'see. Real shame 'at was. Lost a good deal of stock in'nee attack 'n flood, but Cera's oke, all'a cause o' you, fine Sir."

"What attack?" Ava looked from Kep to Gabe and back, "Where?"

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
He instinctively grabbed at the back of his head, though not quick enough to not feel the yank of his hair. "Ow ow ow." He gave her a feigned look of irritation. "You know how hard it is to braid this?" She might, she had long hair after all. A feigned expression turned into a smile as he pulled his eyes from the healer and back to Kep. Nodding as the man rubbed his jaw, Gabe suddenly felt the phantom pains of his tongue healing after biting down on it. Following the hard punch from the injection of bacta. Though, truth be told, he might have earned it. Cost of communication, it seemed.

What attack?


Gabe shook his head as he set the mead down. "Oh gosh, look at the time. Need to turn the meat." Getting up, he pushed his chair out and hurriedly moved over to the grill. As it opened, steam rose from the chicken and veggie packets. Big metal tongues moved somewhat gracefully, despite the healing injuries, as he re-positioned everything for proper heating. Satisfied, he sighed, knowing full well that he had run off to potentially get injured likely following some injury sustained in the field. Playing the role of humpty dumpty, too stubborn to recall the last time he fell off a wall, he continued to rush into things without thinking.

"Old group of mercenaries from my past, actually..." He closed the grill and set the tongs down on the side panel of the grill. "They attacked a small village, east of Ayrou Sector on Annaj. Seeing the boardwalk path used for access, they found the shop hidden deep in the swamp. Stole everything they could, including some very important relics, before burning it to the stilts." He looked back towards Kep. "I wouldn't say all because of me. But, I will say this..." He paused, crossing his arms and thinking about how Cera had handled herself in the swamp. The pieces of the brigand left drifting in the bog, floating among vibrant green sphagnum. "Those shingles were worth every credit. Still there, even after the fire."

Avalore's expression dropped as she blinked up at Gabe, "When did this happen?"

"Few weeks ago," Kep rubbed at his eyes before slapping his hand back down on the armrest of his chair. A creaking sounded as the man leaned back, wiry frame bending into the curve of the backrest. For a moment he wished he were sitting in a rocking chair. Would've been nice to take a nap in the sun.

"Few weeks? Why didn't you say anything Gabe?"

"Dem shingles warshed away in'ne flood, 'nfortunately," Kep piped, " 'long wiv de cat. Never found 'er. Cera weren't too happy 'bout that."

Avalore's brow knitted, lips drawing thin. Clearly this was all beyond her and she decided at that moment that she didn't need to keep up. The Healer stood from her own chair and picked up the glass pitcher of juice, topped off Kep's cup and her own before going inside to make more.

Kep watched her go, squinting into the sun, thoughtful. He hadn't seen a ring on her hand but he had noticed she wore one on a chain around her neck very similar to one Gabe wore on his own hand. "You two married?"

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
During the course of the conversation, between Kep making statements and Ava asking questions, Gabe had found his seat again. He gave her a look, as she stood up, that might indicate he'd tell her all about it. But with the looming invasion of Lujo, he hadn't had the time, and recovery took precedence and filled his body with purpose beyond talk of misfortune.

As she left, Gabe brought the glass to his lips and nearly spit up mead. Pausing, he tilted his head and placed the cup on the table, wiping the hair lining his upper lip. " She's closer to a sister. Which I guess might make things complicated as the children in there are biologically mine but are, in every other way, hers." He looked towards Kep, guessing that while he had made the visit back to Annaj, Cera hadn't told him everything. He still wasn't sure what their interactions entailed, probably didn't really matter.

Spinning the ring on his finger, he recognized the connection that Kep would make. Ava made no intent to hide what others might construe as a wedding band. "I made a series of these rings, five in total. She has one, holding on to it for one of the boys. Her partner has the other. And the kids biological mother has another. She's gone though, run off into the nethers of space with some cowboy intent on killing and calling it righteous." It was fairly obvious he was still bitter over the circumstance. But where a crack in the heart once showed, it now was healed and resentful. Not towards Chev but more towards himself, for chasing something he had no business chasing. Besides, it seemed he was intent on enjoying the vibrancy of a swamp over the darkness of space.

Leaning forward on the table, he pushed his hands together, looking over the field. "Ava was kind enough to take the children on as her own. I'm not the sort of stable parental figure those boys need, too reckless. History there makes it clear to me." Looking back to Kep, realizing the conversation got a bit too serious, he frowned with a tug of his lips to the side. "Too bad about Tulla. I know Cera cared a good deal for her."

Kep's expression betrayed nothing of any inner dialogue he might be having as Gabe explained. The man nodded once as he finished and made a thoughtful sound. If nothing else there seemed to be an edge of relief to his next words.

"Was wund'rin where the green kid came in," he took another drink of juice and thought that the aroma coming from the grill could only speak of good things to come, "what, eh-" Kep eyed the man's hand and the ring that sat upon it, giving it deep consideration before suddenly shaking his head, "noh, nevermin'. Oh but we was talkin' tree business, wasn't we?"

Kep took a few moments to more clearly explain the situation, reiterating some of the same points as before; that the previous creator and tender of the Ankarres and Force Sensitive trees had passed, which meant his source of Ankarres as a product was unstable. He understood little himself about the mechanics of the trees, but what he did understand was the Ankarres were too special to be forgotten.

"I ain't no Saint meself," started the man, leaning forward, elbows on the table, yellowed teeth flashing with his words, "an' I ain't no Force magician neither. Ahm a business man, Gabe, I make investments, an' I knoh opportunity when I see it. 'at grove," he pointed a finger towards the nursery off beyond the patio, "an' you people make'n opportunity ah'd be 'n ijit to pass up. Grow them Ankarres fer me to sell an' I will provide you wiv the notes an' secrets of the original creator to do it right and everyfing you need to make it so."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
"No one's a saint here, Kep. Except maybe Ava..." After all, she had the patience to put up with the two kids and Gabe. A handful for most, more than enough for any sane person to handle. He was well aware of his proclivities and tendencies to disrupt the normal arrangement. He liked to think that that was part of his charm.

After listening to the proposition, Gabe let the silence air out a bit, sipping on the mead. "Ya know, Ava made a comment about hanging darksiders above pits on Sullust. That's true, the alliance does that. Had it happen to me for a few months. It seemed the group was far more anti-darkside then but as time progressed, they let it seep in through the cracks and the like." He shrugged, stretching his neck. "Of course, I'm far more accepting of it than some, given my sordid past. It's only my physical inability to touch it that likely keeps me from falling. Had it forced on me, on Dromund Kass, and I couldn't use the force afterwards for weeks..." He showed his palm, the scars were the stakes cut through the flesh were shown, spiraling branches of electricity outstretching further.

Curling in the fingers into a ball, he smiled. "I will be honest with you. I know the Ankarres can be corrupted, I've felt the cracks. With a bit of pruning, I intend to try and change that. Probably wont be successful, but I will try. So long as you are fine on selling that, I'm fine on trading it for your knowledge." He leaned back. "That being said, we wont ever deplete our resources to the point of sacrificing the natural survival of the plant. It's succession comes first."

" 'course it does. 'fye expected to sell sumfin' 'afore it could be s'pplied, well I woul'nt be a very good business man, would I?"

His eyes went back to that ring on Gabe's hand, head tilting slightly as he chewed on a thought. Avalore reappeared with a fresh pitcher of juice and a basket of home-made pita chips and dip.

"Some are a little burnt," she warned as Kep leaned forward to inspect and make his selection, "I was trying to teach my friend Kana how to make these yesterday. The first batch was only...half successful."

"Nah, s'jes smokey-flavored," crunch crunch as he took a handful and leaned back again, waiting for Avalore to take her seat, "ah'll need both o'yeh te sign on fer this agreement, o'course. Ankarres need a Healer's touch te grow right. Course, if them rings're any indication, why ahm certain the Boss woul'nt mind sellin' few trinkets of yours too. How'sat soun', Gabe? Earn a few extra in yer spare time."

"You mean like his rings?" Ava asked, picking her own up on its chain and smoothing her fingers over the surface, "Do people really buy these sorts of things?"

"Only the people 'at knoh 'bout 'em, Miss Eden, an we got plenty o' cust'mers at'll spend a preddy chit fer a trinket like 'at one."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
"Kana, huh?" He almost asked if she was still suspicious of him. One of those more impacted by Reverance than others, he doubted he would ever feel entirely welcome around her. And given that the homestead was technically owned by him, the sensation was jarring to the say the least. Truthfully, he hadn't seen her around much recently. But again, his time was split pretty heavily between being wounded, working on the farm, and tending to his sheriff duties.

He picked up a couple of chips and chewed on them, suspiciously. He nodded in agreement with Kep. "Nothing wrong with a bit of carbon here and there, taste alright by me. Speaking of which..." He stood up and checked the chicken, dousing it in a good deal of pre prepared barbecue sauce, mixed a bit with fruits for zest. Preparing the plates, he provided one for each of them. With a steamed foil wrap of vegetables. Sitting back down, he opened the wrap and was greeted with a healthy dose of steam.

"Truth be told, all of my trinkets so far have been personalized. Ankarres, and kasha as well, tends to respond best to a very specific focal point. So I'd be more than happy to take custom requests through your shop, if that would be appropriate." He sliced open the chicken, juice running clear, and took a bite. "I suppose I could try my hand at more generalist crafting. I've dived a bit more into Upari carving, Felucian Skullblades, and with that staff, Wan-Shen crafting." He looked towards Ava. "We could use the extra money for more house repairs and stuff for the kids. Currency doesn't flow from the Alliance like it used to."

He looked back towards Kep. "I'm fine signing whatever agreement you need. Don't have all too many business owners waiting in line."

Kep wasn't bashful about digging in. By the looks of it Avalore surmised the man hadn't seen a home cooked meal like this one in a long time. She wasn't wrong.

"Upari'sa stone I don'ave in'ne shops," the man said after a bite, chewing over his words. Seems he wasn't quite up on table etiquette either, but Ava wasn't wholly surprised. She made an effort to cut a small piece and chew quietly, mouth closed.

"Be real nice te add 'em in 'ere. Tell ye'wat, get me affew sample pieces te showcase 'n ahll put a book in each shop fer requests. Won' mention no names er nuffin," he gave a dismissive wave at a sudden look of concern growing on the Healer's face, "ah don' sell out me sources, Miss Eden. Ahm real greedy like that."

"So... no one will know that we're growing and supplying the Ankarres, right?" she asked while opening her own pouch of veggies, blowing at the steam.

"Not a soul but me," said Kep, "an'na Boss o'course."

" this Boss of yours?"

"Ohhh, but ye'd like to knoh tha' o'course. Well, yeh can't, fer'the same reason clients don' knoh my s'ppliers. Fings get real messy real fast when'na names start flyin' an'ne Boss don' like fings messy."

This answer did not seem to placate Avalore much at all. A side glance was given to Gabe as she slowly set her utensils down on the table and reached for her glass of juice to wash down her meal. After a moment and a short sigh she set her glass down too, "Then we won't supply you with Ankarres, or anything for that matter."

"Tha' so?" a half smirk formed on the man's face as if he were familiar with this sort of challenge from the woman.

"That's so. You can finish your meal and you can leave."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
Gabe chewed on the inside of his cheek, watching the exchange. He caught the sideways glance from the healer before she turned the ultimatum over, looking over at Kep. Letting out a sigh and lifting his eyebrows, somewhat dismayed by the circumstance, Gabe understood the importance of what she was looking for. Ava was right, without control of the information, they could only do so much to prevent the feeling of insecurity.

He nodded to Ava, eyes on Kep. "She's right. Either we know about your boss, your boss doesn't know about this source or the location, or there is no deal. We're more than happy to provide Ankarres for the benefit of the species, but not at the cost of our home." He cut into the veggie, somewhat meticulously, as if the vegetables embodied the current obstacles they were needing to navigate. "We've done very well in preventing trouble from showing up on our doorstep. Ankarres is a resource and a reason for people to come knocking. That's trouble we can't risk bringing on us, not when our family lives here."

He planted the fork in a stable piece of potato and pulled the bottle of mead to himself, popping the top before pouring the cup a quarter full. Lifting it to his nose, he swirled it and smiled absentmindedly. "As you said, she's a spitfire. And she's not wrong."

Kep passed his tongue over his teeth with a shrug, "Then I 'spose them trees'll jes be trees 'ventually."

Avalore narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Ankarres ain't a natural occurence, never were. Them trees are crafted wiv a complex method of care 'at neiver of you knoh. Righ' now they'real healthy, but at some point ey'll cease t'be what makes 'em special. Ey'll outgrow 'at magic what makes em Ankarres."

Looking to Gabe once more the Healer shifted uncomfortably in her chair, "You're bluffing."

"Wish I were, Miss Eden," Kep rebuffed sharply, eyes narrowing, "troof 'o the matter is ah ain't. What took a special someone years to research 'n cult'vate, someone who spent their whole life doin' jes 'ese sort o'fings, ain't sumfin you gonna replicate. Not wivvout the right stuff."

"Well you can't expect us to put our loved ones in danger for a few silly trees. The fact of the matter is while I love gardening and I do adore that grove because it brings my boys joy, I don't love it more than them. I would cut down each and every tree out there if it meant keeping them safe. The truth, Mr. Kep," Ava picked up her fork and pointed it accusingly at him, "is that you value those trees more than we do and if you want them in your shops so badly you better start bartering. I may not be a business guru like you, but I'm not willing to put lives on the line for a few credits."

Kep stared at her in consideration and was silent for a short while before he smiled and nodded, "Alrigh' Miss Eden, yeh got me. Guilty as charged."

"His name."

"Ah can' give ya his real name a'cause, frankly, I don' knoh it. But-" he stopped Ava before she went off again, "yeh can knoh the name what ah call him by," Kep spread his fingers, fork and knife in hand, "Mister Black."

"Mister Black? That's it? You've got to be joking."

"S'not a real good joke, izzit?" he said with a grin, hanking a piece of chicken into his mouth and chewing with indulgence, " 'ats real good cookin', Gabriel."

"Don't divert," Ava shot with another jab of her fork at him, "tell us about him. Mr. Black doesn't sound like a reputable name and I can't chance working for or supporting someone that sounds like a poor excuse for a Sith. The Galactic Alliance would have our heads if they ever found out."

"He ain't a Sif," Kep replied with a roll of his eyes, "matter 'o fact he hates 'em buggers an' he's jes as paranoid about info gettin' inteh wrong hands as you. S'why he don' give out 'is real name. Yeh can rest assured," it was Kep's turn to point a fork at someone, "he's right protective o' the fings what matter. Your grove matters t'him, Miss Eden, more what you could guess."


"Call it...sent'mental. 'at creator o'vva Ankarres? Real good frien' o'his an' he wants teh see them trees flourish."

"Why doesn't he just do it on his own?"

Kep blinked at her as if she'd asked a most obvious question, "Cause he can't."

"Why not?"

The man's lips went thin as he took a deep breath, brow furrowed, and looked to Gabe pointedly, "He's a bit like Gabe 'ere, product o' unfert'nate circumstance. He wants te do good by people but where Gabe can't touch Darkside, well, Mr. Black can't touch Light."

"So he is a Sith."

"Noh," said Kep, "he's not a Sif."

Ava looked to Gabe with a frown, hoping he might have something to say on the matter.

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
"Shades of grey..." He said quietly, feeling Ava's frown without ever having to look at her. He kept his eyes on Kep, trying to sort out the fact from fiction. As it was, Gabe had no reason to not trust him and contrary to Ava, he believed in the good in people. Even those afflicted, something he had settled on with Chev. And even more so with Cera. Gabe wasn't Coren and he wasn't Omai Rhen. The world existed in shades of grey.

In all earnest, he was following the conversation and he was having trouble discerning what side he lied on. Ava had successfully called the bluff but wasn't satisfied with the answer, which frankly, would be hard to be given the provided name. Mr. Black. It reminded him of someone encountered on Barab I, an AI technology that later continued to cause issues in the Black Suns. But that was neither here nor there.

"The propensity of the Dark Side does not preclude a necessity to be a Sith and in some schools of thought, the force has no orientation but simply adheres to intent. Which I guess is more or less invalidated but my and our friends associate's..." he pointed towards Kep. "...affliction."

He looked towards Ava. "A Jedi once used spirit transfer to push their very soul into a machine. Decades later, after extraction, she could no longer use the lightside of the force. Reverance had notes on her and was one of the basis for his initial studies into transferring essence. Does that make that individual a Sith?" Taking a sip of the mead, he looked back towards Kep and pointed. "Tell me about Mr. Black. Don't be chintzy on the details. He intend to make use of the Ankarres at a later date? You say he's not a Sith? Well, does he support the Sith?"

"Ah, not you too," Kep took a deep breath and leaned back into his chair, fork and knife abandoned on his plate with the remainder of his meal. The man wiped a hand over his face, "Mr. Black," he began, eyes squinting into the sun, "izza neutral entity. He does not," the man enunciated clearly just for Avalore, "support the Sif."

Avalore made a face and continued eating.

"He does not," said Kep again, "support the Jedi. He doesn' support anyone. What he does," more further slow, clear pronunciation, "is support the venture of knowledge and self enlightenment."

"Wow," Avalore remarked, "it's almost like all the marbles suddenly fell out of your mouth."

Kep shot her a dark look, one of his hands lightly rapping its fingers over the armrest of his chair. He tongued his cheek, pushing a piece of chicken out from between his molars, "Mr. Black is a scholar," he lifted that same hand to poke at that same molar, "a collector of antiquities and artifacts. He is also a disseminator of said artifacts. The Jedi Council has acquired several key dangerous pieces over the years due to his extended efforts. He encourages exploration into the mysterious and unknown by supplying hard to find ingredients and items to those keen enough to seek them out through the various locations of his shops. Ankarres wood," Kep gestured to Gabe, "crystals, weapons, notes, historical data, alchemy supplies. Are you gettin' the picture cause jaw'startin t'hurt from all this fancy talk."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
He almost spit up a bit of his mead at the marbles comment. Setting down the cup, he smiled and clapped his hands together. "Can't ask for much better than neutral. Thank you for the answer, Kep." He looked towards Ava and raised a brow. "Are you satisfied with that answer?" He looked back to Kep, hand over his chest. "Because, personally, the search for knowledge is as noble a quest as we can get. So I think I'm satisfied with that. Besides..." He turned back to Ava with a smile.

"As you said, you'll cut down the trees to protect your family. So if push comes to shove, I'm sure you'll be fine pushing back...That seem fair, Kep?" He looked back towards the merchant, picking up another piece of chicken and rolling it around in his mouth. "Seems fair to me. Now, what's this about signing an agreement? You got a copy of this agreement on you?" Sooner they got it, the sooner they could pick apart any fine print that might be lying in wait.

Kep sat unflinching under the wary gaze of the Healer from across the table.

"Normally I wouldn't be keen to agree with Gabe's decision making skills where risk of life or limb is involved. He tends to leap before he looks. Literally." She took a deep breath, reaching to place a hand on Gabe's arm, "But I know he wouldn't put the boys in any undue danger ... and there's something about those trees."

The Merchant smirked.

"If what you say is true and they'll simply waste away in time... that they aren't even thriving to their fullest potential, well, I can't even fathom what their true potential is but I'm curious to see it. Especially if it could help us and the Alliance in any way."

"So," Kep said, leaning forward and digging a datapad from the side pocket of his overcoat, "do we have an accord?"

Ava looked to Gabe, still unsure.

"Tell yeh wha'," Kep laid the pad on the table, "fink 'bout it, look it over, Gabriel can bring it wiv 'im next he visits Annaj, signed or noh."

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

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