Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Announcement to the Galaxy - Rise of The Awoken​

Ice blue eyes danced over the wide halls of the Pillar of Ascension with great satisfaction...the Ice Queen was indeed pleased with how things were turning out with the conception of the...guild. If it could even be called that. Winter took note on how most of her guard marched around the ship and tidied up the place for the soon to, announcement. The News Team was already on board, setting up their equipment and spiffing up their reporters as Winter kept her hands at her sides and her posture composed of disinterest. She had no real feelings about news reporters considering she had rarely ever come into contact with them...but as far as she was concerned they were just parasites. Willing to go through whatever means necessary to get the best 'scoop' for their companies...but at the same time Winter could respect them. After all without their ambitious greed who would know about all the crazy crap happening in the Galaxy?

She dismissed this, approaching the news group and giving them a rather cold glare as she clenched her fist a bit. Frankly there were probably better ways to announce her factions creation to the world...she was not familiar with much of the technology used by common folk and nor did she really care for it.

And as she approached the news woman stood up with haste and fixed her hair, giving a fake smile and pressing her hands into her lower abdomen like some kind of frilly girl...Winter narrowed her eyes a bit at this gesture.

"We are almost ready to begin broadcasting! Once we are on air you will be called out to speak with Mr Liberty of Radio Free-"

"I am well aware how this works." Winter cut her off, not really in the mood to hear her jibber jabber. The woman silenced herself with a rather offended look and simply frowned. Giving a nod and turning around to help her team.

Winter scoffed in disdain...normal people were so...disturbing. And as Winter watched them one of her Royal Guard touched her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Your may want to maintain a good impression...ya know, for the public? These type of people will write all kinds of horrible stories about you for scolding them like that!" She advised. Winter lifted a hand and pressed it into her guards helmet...mushing her aside before recoiling and folding her arms over her ample chest.

"Then let them. I am not here to be anyone's favorite or appeal to the galaxy. I am here to send a message and change things. Better i be myself then pretend to be someone i'm not." Winter growled, her expression tight with impatience as the news reporter and talk show host took a seat at their little booths and played with their hair. After about ten more minutes of preparation, it seemed they were finally ready to go on with the show. The director counted down, and just like that they were live.

Introductions were simply enough. The news man went on to speak after they announced who they were.

"Alright so for today's show Vella we've got a real treat for ya'll."

"Mmhm, indeed! We have been contacted by none other than Winter Sovereign Herself for an exclusive inside look to her story!"

"Thats right Vella apparently our host is a dethroned Princess from a planet that was invaded by a devastating force. As a result she was forced into hiding at a very young age and her family was dethroned. Though despite that our host has showed nothing but diligence on her path to the future! And she has some interesting views on the galaxy isn't that right Vella?"

"Thats right Lib, we've been informed that Winter's heritage goes far down into the Witches of Dathomir. An old ancient clan of witches and warlocks who practiced 'supernatural' means of The Force. Our host has personally went to Dathomir and attained the 'Knowledge of her Ancestors'. Using it to...well create this!"

The news people then began to show screenshots of the Pillar of Ascension for those of the viewers who were watching on a holoscreen.

"These are from the Pillar of Ascension, an Architectural marvel designed to look like a temple or sorts. This massive ship is supposed to be designed for the study of witchcraft, enchantment, and alchemy."

"Witchcraft? Well now i've seen everything." The man replied almost mockingly...Winters eye twitched a bit as she remained patient.

"Well with the One Sith & Republic becoming more and more common, this might shake up the game a bit right? Anyway, enough of our blabbering tonight we are here to speak with a very special woman. She's gone through hell and back, and yet no matter the hardship she strives to see her people rise again and teach others the true power of The Force. I welcome, Winter Sovereign, The Queen of the North!" The man shouted excitedly...a rather...cheerful tone of music playing as lights flashed. Winter winced at the display and grimaced a bit in distaste...always a flare for the dramatic.

Either way, that was her signal.

Winter stared ahead with little expression as she walked out of her corner and onto the...makeshift stage before the cameras. Hips sways in rhythm with each step as her heels clacked along the steel framed floor. Her gaze flicking back and forth between the man and women as they both stood up and clapped, reaching out to shake Winters hand as she got onto the set beside their tables...setting up two little chairs for whoever their 'guest' were...Winter tsked and crossed her arms over her shoulders dominantly.

"Thank you for those...kind introductions. If you don't mind, i'd like to say a few words." She spoke coldly, staring the man in the eye with her icy orbs. He seemed to shiver a bit and pull at her neck tie and collar nervously.

"By all means, your the host." He replied, gesturing for her to do as she pleased as he took a seat along with his partner.

Winter scoffed, turning her back to both of the reporters and facing the cameras directly. Staring into the lenses as her hand clenched her biceps. This was the moment she had worked hard to get or never.

"Growing up in a galaxy torn by war and conflict i learned that those who commit themselves to a single set of ideologies and faiths was archaic. The desire for power and control and the pursuit of freedom and peace have gotten the galaxy nowhere but trapped within an endless cycle of conflict and bloodshed. The galaxy has not are all asleep. Trapped within a reality of lies you have created for yourself. I'd like to to make an announcement to the galaxy..." She began, her eyebrows knitted together as those cold eyes stared forward.

"Dedicated towards the innovation and revitalization of magick, I have created a new faction known as The Awoken...i personally have restructured and redesigned a withering culture of witchcraft and brought it forth into the modern era. The Dark Side & The Light Side united under the banner of magical progression. Our ancestors the Witches of Dathomir had such potential...only to have it wasted by their 'set-in-stone' ways and inability to progress into the future. Over time, they became little more than horror stories...myths of the force. And as time passed by forgotten by the galaxy. Living in the underbelly of other major factions as they fade into nothingness while the light side and dark side squabble over superiority." She explained coldly. Speaking the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Life was given to us billions of years ago...and what have we done with it? All social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch. The Light side is good and The Dark Side is Evil. That's all we've learned, but Light & Shadow does not equal Good & Evil. There are, in fact, no alignments with the force. We've codified our existence to bring it down to basic size to make it comprehensible. We've created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale. The infinite. And The Awoken understand this...for we only seek The Truth...To us, there is no Light Side or Dark Good and Evil...we tear down the barriers that have been built by modern civilization to unlock the limitless possibilities of the force. Devoted to bringing forth new and unique spells, revolutionary technology, and uniting under the idea of innovation. As of of this very moment. We have risen..." She finished, unwrapping her arms from her chest and looking over her shoulder towards the news reporters who seemed rather stunned.

"I intend to create a new order, and i will continue to lead it into the future myself. Bringing forth a new era of prosperity for my people... And let me assure my fellow faction leaders of one thing...we have no quarrel with any faction...Republic nor Sith...Mando nor Hutts. However...should anyone meddle in our affairs or stand in our way...they will feel my wrath!" She hissed coldly, looking back into the cameras and scowling. Suddenly, as she finished her little speech, the sound of clapping and cheering sounded all around her. Her Royal Guard and Captain whistling and cheering.

"All hail the Queen of the North!" Scarlett shouted, lifting her fist into the hair as to urge the others on. And in unison, everyone stood at attention and put one hand behind their back with the other on their hearts.

"The Queen of the North! The Queen of the North! The Queen of the North!" They all cried in repetitive sync, filling the halls of the ship with their praise as Winter slowly turned around and walked off stage. From now on anyone with the desire to learn no matter the species, alignment or previous faction would be welcomed into these halls...The deed was she waited to see who would answer the call.

[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Eirlys Verd"]
[member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rustag Bovruta"]
[member="Eire Saf'Voak"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
[member="Tia Laveau"]
[member="Loxa Visl"]
[member="Kass Zyn'meshurok"]
[member="Evan Kenner"]

(This Thread is the first Faction Gathering thread made for the announcement of The Awoken. Any and all members of the faction may join INCLUDING anyone who desires to be a member, ally, or potentially aid The Awoken in anything ranging from weapons, ships, and ect. Cheers mates! And let the force be with you <3)

Felran Natri

Felran was drinking at a cantina on a nearby system. His master had left......he had no ide why. She had simply left a note stating she had left the Sith, and he decided to do the same. He still wore the cloak of the One Sith though, it was a memory of what may have happened. He started to drink his worries away untill he heard the the holo television pop on. The talk of the Witches of Datomir had interested and he turned to it. When he looked he saw a familiar face on screen, it made him smile slightly. When she had finished her speech he got up and walked out the cantina. He made his way to (he wasn't going to lie, stolen) One Sith fighter. When he reached the inside and took a seat down and broadcasted a comm to the Pillar of Ascenion. It took him a few tries but he finally got the right channel. "Greetings Queen Sovereign. I had heard you wonderful speech and I agree with you. I would wish to join you in this little prospect. You know who this is."

[member="Winter Sovereign"]
With nowhere else to go in the galaxy, all opportunities seemed to have faded into black, a new door opened at the broadcast, and the young iridonian immediately decided to take this new chance at finding purpose in the galaxy.

He decided to join the call, opening up a channel with the "Queen of the North" via a pay-holo-terminal from the soup kitchen street he was wandering down in the Coruscant slums. He cleared his throat, feeling a bit taken aback at how young and stunningly beautiful this "Queen" was. She would be the first boss he'd be working for who actually looked pleasant to know.

"Queen of the North, as they call you, I am Rustag Bovruta. I am just a humble iridonian man looking for a place in the galaxy, and while I am not nobility like yourself, I can remain loyal to your cause in exchange for a chance to make something of myself. I have roamed the streets as an urchin for too long. Let me find a place among your ranks, my lady."

Unbeknownst to Mister Bovruta was his faint force-sensitivity, which would have to be exposed one day if he were to practice this witchcraft and the like. That, of course, was not the point. He waited to see if the beautiful Queen would answer his call to action.

[member="Winter Sovereign"]
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

James sat back in the studio, behind the scenes. Many could wonder how he got in. Breaking and entering? Sabatague? Deception?

None of the above. The reporters knew him well. He often made circuits on the 'net, his actions drawing scorn or support but most of all--ratings. It hadn't taken much convincing for him to be allowed in for the sake of ratings. He heard the floor open for questions and waltzed into the stage like an actor making a grand entrance. Well now that he heard the queen's speech, while he didn't like her bedside manner, appreciated her desire. They were parallel and that was all they needed. She wanted change, he wanted change, they could work with it.

He could feel the collective gasp across the galaxy as he took a step into the view alongside these other beings.

"Ladies and gentlebeings," he said waving a cigarette around. "Ye all know who I am. James Justice. The people's criminal. Smuggler, pirate, mercenary, and most of all--The Kingmaker. I want ye all to hear this; Justice Shipping supports this endeavour, so long as they accept it and continue to work for the people. We will supply them with troops for a discount and clone them if needed. We also be more than willing to fight for them as privateers. The details shall be worked out later."

Who knew he was going to say this? No one. No one but him. Reveling in the stunned silence that followed, James took a puff on his cigarette and gave a winning smile. Just another day as James Justice.
Hank wasn't one for speeches. When his books had had success, he was constantly called to give readings of poems, essays, and short stories. The pay was good, so he would show, but he always showed drunk on something. The readings were always lively, but rarely according to plan. He preferred to sit in a dark corner behind the scenes, taking notes, and so he did. While he was on the Pillar of Ascension during the speech's delivery, he was well away from the broadcasting action. He drank a very full glass of whiskey and puffed on a cigarette, considering how good life had been to him in recent memory.

He had been hired by Winter not long before to be a sort of official historian for The Awoken. So far, the rise of the faction--and the meteoric ascension of its leader-- seemed so immediate that it had been hard to keep up. Still, Hank had been quiet and in the background, trying to stay out of the Ice Queen's way. Truly, she was something to behold: Not long before, she was nothing but a list of aspirations and a pair of nice legs, but weeks later she was broadcasting to a galactic audience that accepted her with open ears.

And she still had damn nice legs.

Maybe Hank was just a washed-up creep, but--for the first time in years--he felt like he was on the cusp of something enormous. Like he had gotten a boot caught on a rocket just before it took off, and now he was hanging backwards miles above the atmosphere, gazing down on the beauty of the world from the peace of space.

Kark, that's good. Write that down.

[member="Winter Sovereign"]

Evan Kenner

The Wrong Side of Heaven
I've been in hiding too long.

Light Side? Dark Side? Feth them. They're all wrong. There are no colors in the Force, the Force is grey. It is the silver lining.

These were the things Evan pondered as he watched [member="Winter Sovereign"]'s broadcast. Evan had spent time in the Galactic Republic training under the Light, as well as in the Primeval training under the Dark. He was sick of both. This 'Awoken' sounded like a good in-between.

He answered the call.

"Queen of the North, I am Evan Kenner. I have experience with the Force, and I will be happy to support you. Tell me where to go, and I will be there."


Disney's Princess
Meanwhile, in the Fortress of Solitude

The surest sign of a good tyrant is that they love to hear themselves preach. Grant smiled at the tele and leaned back on the couch to just shake his head. Oh. This was cute.

"Hey Karen? Get a load of this chick. You see'in this?"

"Yep. Got it on in the bedroom too. ...She's a peach eh?"

The tall Pherson smirked and clicked the holo to mute. He could almost laugh.

"Yeah. Announcing to the whole galaxy that there is no Darkside. Ha! As if the reemergant Sith haven't figured that one out for the past... I don't know. Twenty years? What a moron."

"Now Grant. Don't be so harsh. I aim to meet the girl, ya know."

Pherson almost jumped off the couch. She what!?

"What!? ...Why!? She's clearly nothing but a selfish child crying out for power and attention. Like a Sith Emperor. But... More deluded. Why would you even..."

"Because she's got spunk. That's why. Come now dear. Give the woman some credit, Grant. She'll amass a fortune and a cult following with a spiel like that one. You know I'm a sucker for a good Force Cult. And fortunes."

Grant just about facepalmed. Was she really serious?

"Yes. And I'm sure the whole of the Republic and Sith Empire will just love her "womanly touch". Get on the bandwagon. ...Look. If you're serious? Leave me out of it. The last thing this family needs is another psychotic Force User with a Marytr-complex trying to save the galaxy. Spiel or no spiel."

"Very well darling. I'll go alone. Just to please you. ...Now. Can you come to the bedroom and help me with something. My clothing appears to have slipped off and I'm lying naked on top of the covers."

Grant immediately blushed and scrambled to turn off the TV.

"Should I... Should I bring my Lightsaber?"

"Oh no. Just that fine sassy butt of yours, you delicious hunk of man you."

Pherson jumped up from the couch and started pulling of his pants. Gods, how he loved that woman. They could get back to the whole Awoken thing later.

Erm. Much, later.
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

Gray listened to the speak the pretty woman made. He had to admit she sounded like the type that came from a long line of royalty. The air of supremacy was all about her and her sense of being right in all her actions... but he also had to admit she wasn't wrong. As much as people tried to divide themselves up into different beings, it didn't matter in the end. People were all the same no matter their race or the ethnicity when it came down to who they were on the inside. Gray had seen it every day as he traveled around with his family. He had heard all the stories about Jedi and Sith, how they fought against each other, and yet there never was a true winner between them in the end. Even the political spheres were just going around in circles as they tried to draw a line in the sand between themselves and the 'others'. Gray had never pledged himself to any organization before, only to individuals. He figured that was the way to do things and from he saw he might as well do it now too.

Gray got onto the holonet and cleared his throat. He said as the call connected, " Hello there Winter was it? That was a very pretty speech you just gave, almost as pretty as you are actually. I don't know how well things will go for you in your path, but I would be more than happy to help you out if you need it. As my old man always said, Discipline in Action, Freedom in Words. I look forward to seeing how things progress from here on out."
On board the Doppelgangers Lament

Darth Erebos sat on his command chair in the almost empty bridge, with only his Tuk'ata, the communications officer, helmsman, engineering officer and the ZTI corespondent of the ship for company. In his left hand was a datapad that contained the history of Darth Revan, Erebos's newest fascination of history, his right was pointed forwards as he rolled through holo-station after holo-station looking for something pleasant to listen too while he read. Then a tinge of the force told him to stop and he heard the message from the [member="Winter Sovereign"] herself.
"Marcil is that, that massive ship we helped build?" He then asked as his companies correspondent went through their files and then nodded. "Yes sir it is, It's called.... the pillar of accession I believe." Now he was intrigued and he placed the datapad down and stood up from his command chair and walked to the paused image of Winter. This had potential, he was always drawn to power and until now that had been the great sith lords of the past this might be the power of the future, a way to bring forth new avenues of power in sorcery, alchemy and whatever else might be made within the.... Awoken did she call it?
Behind him Dilsya, the female of his three Tuk'ata, growled at the image which just made Erebos chuckle. "No need for that you little idiot." He said petting her head before he placed his hand up to his chin. "Chart a course to the pillar of accession and send them a message of our coming arrival." "We will have to stop above Coruscant to refuel first My lord." The helmsman replied almost immediately. "Well then in the message ask them if we need to pick someone up on the way, might as well help the queen out." He said almost in a nostalgic tone before he shook his head a little. "Alert me when we arrive on Coruscant." He said before he headed down to his private library aboard the ship to converse with an ancient sith lord.

[member="Rustag Bovruta"] (In case you want a pick up CX)
Rose had been given information from one of her scouts that their was a new faction in play and they were going to announce them self and she wanted to go check them out personally. After what seemed like only a few days rose had pledged her life to the queen. It all had happened quickly but she doesn't break her honor code so she decided to go get her ship and head back before the queen made the announcement.​
It had taken rose for even to get past the guards when she docked and refused to give them her weapons and take her armor off. Rose had managed to punch sense into the troops without talking but it would come back and bit her later on knowing the security. Whipping the blood of her hands with a cloth she placed it onto a waiter tray who was walking in the opposite direction while nodding at him. As she was walking down a side corridor eight guards marched towards her and yelled at her to stay were she was. She complied to their request as she took it. They were about ten feet from her when they pointed their weapons at her. "Really?" She said confusing the guards. "Who are you and how did you get access to these halls?" Smirking at this statement she replied."I do not and will not say who i am but i will allow you to know how i got access. The queen." She said shrugging a little. As ten of her troopers turned the corner six were just troopers two medical troops and the last two communications all had the old medical corps emblems on their shoulders. "Oh and there with me. "Personal" guards of mine." You could feel the tension between the guards and her troops with in the silence with little breaks of noise of their armor clinking together. Rose looked at the guards then back at her troops as they were both engaged in a staring contest. "Can we go?" She said stepping in between them all. "Yes. But if i find out your not telling the truth i'll make sure you won't leave this ship alive." "Oh my god. i feel so threatened by that oh my god oh no........." She said super sarcastically waving her hands around. "That's it!" He said as they all raised their weapons. Rose just looked at them with disappointment as she reached up to her neck and grabbed her collar showing it to the guards. "Oh! I'm sorry!" He said as they all lowered their weapons looking confused at their captain. "The main hall is up to your left third door. Lets go we wasted enough time here." He said as they all kept going and passed them. Rose turning to her guards. "Not the brightest bunch in her army are they?" They all laughed then started to follow her once more. "I forgot how easy it was to make you guy's laugh. I love it!"
The second she got to the door they holstered their guns most on their backs but some to their sides. "All right remember don't start any fight or skirmishes and you'll able to upgrade your barracks." She said swinging the doors open reveling [member="James Justice"] on the stage announcing he would help this new organization. "On of the clones had reached the second floor already having drinks within the crowd and yelled. "Get the feth off the stage you commoner! We want to socialize and make new allies. Yeh Pirate!!" Rose had to use every thing she had not to break into a laughing state. But the clone knew what he was doing even she couldn't find him. Once she got control of her self again rose signaled two of the guards follow her just in case a certain guest here blows their top and attacks her. Right about now there were individual people and organisations trying to contact the queen to speak to her. But she took her chances and grabbed two drinks off a waiters tray and walked over to her smiling with joy but not walking to talk with all these people around. She was there more for her just wanted to spend time with her even if she was talking to other people the whole time.
[member="Lady Sovereign"]​
[member="James Justice"]​

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