Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Annual Eshan Baazar

Thelma blinked. Where she came from, it would be considered very odd to still go by your maiden name after you were married. But then joining the NJO had introduced her to stranger customs, and she'd dealt with her fair share of people thinking her culture was weird.

"Sure." Thelma smiled, as she always did when talks turned to dressmaking. "Do you have anything in particular in mind?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys

"Neither do I.", he said with a slight frown - a deeper message within the tumultous essence of a dead man walking.​
As the others approached, Empyrean let the frown of his being fade. Before him stood a happy family, a mother, a father, and their child - cut from the marble and picturesque. He knew there was trouble among them, a history he could not see, but this was something he would never get to experience. The casual trip to a bazaar, giving unto a child the simple things they yearned for - not prepare them for the Empire needed to save them, and damn them in the same stroke of the brush.​
"You have a beautiful daughter.", he said with a gentle smile. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled a cred chit and placed it upon the nearby counter. The owner nodded and waved, and the vessel responded in turn.​
Reaching down, he'd offer the oxen toy to her with an open palm - reacting with a withheld joy were she to take it from him, but accepting it if she did not. Even a child would sense the malevolence of his spirit, the darkness deeply founded in a broken soul - but he could dream still. Perhaps that among all things still made him man.​
"It was good to see you. Both of you.", he said with a small nod.​
"Perhaps we can speak again later - another day, another time. Maybe."​
Resting both his hands in his pockets, the Dark Lord hidden in the shroud of consumed flesh turned and walked away - offering nothing in threats, demeaning taunts, or casual violence. He was not here to perpetuate the cycle he was bound to - only to witness what he missed out on. What he would always miss out on. A family like this was only a reminder how isolated he had become in his struggle to survive; but it was nice to see what he could not enjoy himself.​

Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin | Asori Soto Asori Soto

A laugh.

"If you think our children will care about what we have planned for them..." Then a gentle shrug. "...well, they are half yours, of course. So I am sure they will inherit your stubborn sense of duty and lack of self-care." August already foresaw the roles the both of them would play. One pushing the kids to excel, the other offering frivolity and distraction.

Hopefully it would be a good mixture rather than an exercise in frustration.

"Mm, perhaps it is." Agreeing there as he offered his arm before moving towards the stand, once August finally took note of it. "But that just means I can pass it on to one of them when they grow old enough to appreciate geology."

A pet rock would be safer than some of the nonsense the other nobles were up to these days.

Cath hounds? Pet nexu?

It was a competition of who could get the more dangerous pet for their toddler.

"Hello!" Cheerfully greeting Asori once they got to the stand. "Nice stand you have here. Any candidates for a perfect pet rock?" Grinning there just a little bit.
Cora sat primly behind a foldable table, the banner taped neatly to the edge reading PORTRAITS FOR SALE.

While one would expect someone as wealthy as herself to be able to procure a luxury booth, the Padawan's family had never approved of her interest in art. Instead, she had borrowed the table from the bowels of the Coruscant temple's storage.

Several of her finest drawings were lined up for display. At best, they were very generously incredibly mediocre. Most were downright bad.

"Oh-" A piece of tape had curled back, and the edge of her hand-written paper banner fell away. After scrambling to secure it in place with several more pieces of tape, Cora settled back into her chair, grabbed her sketchpad, and eagerly scanned the crowd for any potential customers.

Her lopsided, scrawled portrait of Jem Fossk Jem Fossk stood proudly in the center of the table:

~ w. mind that can see into time ~

A "Hello!" was reciprocated even before she began to stand, which came next, but not before she slipped her thermos into the mesh cupholder.

" rock..." she mused. "Well, rounded basalt gravel is the traditional, uh, breed, for that, if you will. I don't have any of those here, unfortunately, since one grey rock tends to look exactly like another grey rock until you bust out the microscope." And or the x-ray diffractor.

"I do have a pet made of rock though," she suggested as she walked over to one side of her display. From in between a polished slice of petrified wood and a sawed-off open cast geode, she pulled an intricate, iridescent carving. She set it on its four stubby legs in her palm as she walked back to the center of the stall to show it to August. "This is K'omandu. He's a Ewoate. Or was, perhaps, I suppose." She gave the sculpture's head a stroke with one finger before glancing up at her potential customer. "His kind were small, dry grassland mammals that roamed the southern pole of Tatooine about 100 million years into the planet's global transition from rainforest to desert...if you're one to believe the extraordinarily old Tusken oral traditions."

Most paleontologists didn't seem to. There was no such thing as an Ewoate in the geologic record.

Except, if you asked her, yes, there was. Fossils could be social imprints as much as ones in layers of mud.

She cracked a smile. "Which I highly suggest, sir."

Plus, opal percolated into wood was more than enough physical substance to their story to sell Asori.

August Oreno August Oreno Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin
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When the cat approached Mira, she was more than overjoyed to extend a gentle, low hand towards the cat to smell. As she let the cat warm up to her, she looked up and the menu. She already knew what she wanted.

"If it is available, may I please have an order of M-Alorren Seafood Noodle Soup and a side of The Mishel Steamed Shrimp Dumplings?"

She closed her eyes. Even in the frost of this current climate, she could feel the warm seaside sun of her home. She could smell the cooking fish in a firepit outside her house. She could taste her auntie's wonderful cooking and hear her family speaking warmly around the fire.

She opened her eyes again. She was once again bitten by the snowy weather. She looked down to the hall and offered her hand. Now that the feline was aquatinted with her scent, would it let her pet it?

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Sor-Jan Xantha

She walked around the different shops.. pictures and minerals were well... she rather liked it more. SOmething personal compared to well what she would give most people but there was always a chance. She walked more through the bazaar and stopped seeing well the one here she knew. Sor-Jan was Sor-Jan and they would at least be able to like have some food and talk about things... his support had been essential with the silver jedi and there was always Zak whom they had to deal with. She would be able to offer other things here and well Sor-Jan liked it when other people spent their credits. "Sor-Jan, it is good to see a friendly face."


Kahlil paused then. Actually looked at the man. Vera, too, looked at him. Then to the ox that was offered. She didn't hesitate to take it, with a bright smile no less. Her oddly colored eyes just watched him for a moment longer, then turned back to her mother with a wide grin to show off her new prize. Kahlil didn't look away though. Just watched him as he turned to leave.

"It's never too late to stop."

Parting words for the Dark Lord. Then he was back with his family, pulling Vera on his shoulders and smiling warm and bright.

"Picture bracelet sounds fantastic. Which stall do you think sells them?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Between missions, she was pretty much at her own disposal. The SIA agent kept several aliases up, using each to move about whichever space she needed. Today she was blonde, with blue eyes, a rock in her shoe to bely little limp and fake indetichip. She sauntered up to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike 's stall and herself a little look-see. What really caught her eye was that bolt of cloth.

She squinted in to read the label. Hypermemberane it was called. Perfect for n SIA agent in plain clothes. Without being too obvious, she smiled and nodded at the Jedi craftswoman.

"Hello there!"

She extened her gloved hand.

"Jade Selmy. I see you have some of that hypermembrane on display today? Mind if I buy some?"
Noelle placed a hand on the hidden swell of her stomach and frowned. She lingered a step behind as August Oreno August Oreno walked forward, the shrill shriek of her daughter's protests for freedom dispersing through the winter air. Noelle sighed and gave her the ivory clip to play with.

"We are not stubborn."

The one year old threw the clip and shrieked for the ground.

"...Hmph," Noelle relented, wordlessly gesturing for Arsi to let her down. Maybe the child could do with one of Asori Soto Asori Soto 's pet rocks. A subtle pull of the force tugged the clip right back into her hand. It was in that moment that she felt it-- a ripple of corruption echoing from the delicate energies she had tapped into.

Her head snapped up, eyes alert as she scanned the crowd.


Outfit: Winter outfit | Necklace | Ring
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera took the offered toy from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and wanted to show it off to her mother with all of her usual excitement, but Valery's intense gaze didn't shift until the man had disappeared from sight. Only then, she was able to look back at her daughter and offered her the same loving smile she always had whenever she spent time with her family. This wasn't exactly an expected family trip, but she couldn't be happier that they were here.

"Thanks for coming, love," Valery said before stepping closer to quickly kiss his cheek. "I uh, did not expect that. I don't have my lightsaber with me either, so..." Not that she wanted to try and strike someone down, but it meant that she couldn't defend herself nearly as well as she normally would.

She didn't want to linger on all the what-if scenarios though and decided to focus on their time here.

"I think I spotted a stand," she said, as she looked over at Sor-Jan Xantha. "He's selling all kinds of tech, so maybe he has what we're looking for?"

Valery took his hand, interlaced fingers, and decided to walk there with him. He was currently still talking to someone else, but as soon as he'd have a moment, she would approach together with her husband.


Sor-Jan Xantha

"Sor-Jan, it is good to see a friendly face."

The tow-headed boy looked over at the sound of someone calling him name.

"How are you finding the bazaar?" the young Anzat asked, as he was presented with the rare opportunity to communicate at his own eye level. Matsu was short enough that he didn't have to crane his neck.

"This is my first time on Eshan, though I think I recall either Coci or Audren saying something about it from the Coalition days," the gray-eyed engineer noted, glancing around at this unique opportunity to glimpse the planet's capital. "What about you? Been here before?"

As he spoke, he spied what seemed like a family starting to approach toward the Corellia Digital booth. "I'd ask if you wanted to do dinner later, but then my next question would be to ask if you had any recommendations for dinner," he added, taking a step back as he began to pivot and give his attention over to these potential customers.

He'd been about to ask Valery Noble Valery Noble if she was happy with her HoloNet provider, when he paused.

...there was something familiar about the woman. Not the man. Not the girl. But the woman, yes.

The problem was, he couldn't place it.

And even with his Anzati senses, standing this close to Matsu his sense of the Force was muddled. There seemed quite a number of the Force Sensitives in or around the bazaar.

"I've seen you somewhere before," the boy noted aloud, locking his eyes on the woman specifically. She didn't strike him as Echani. What then? "Commenor, perhaps? Or Alderaan?" he ventured.

Glancing at the man and girl accompanying the woman, the boy offered,
"My name is Sor-Jan. Welcome to Corellia Digital. What can I interest you in today?"

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Sor-Jan Xantha Jadcasa Leesib Jadcasa Leesib

She looked at him and bowed her head. "I am finding it interesting... different in the better way since not every stall is just more tech and equipment... a picture might be fun to take to Hanna Ike Hanna Ike who knows." She said it with a smile but well the talk of dinner was important... "I think there is likely some place that would be good though." SHe said it and saw a woman off to the side going towards her stall and another who was coming here and getting Sor-Jan's attention. A bow of her head towards him though. "Later though my friend we shall eat and I'll show you a few of the new things we have been working on." She bowed walking and going to the stall as the one was asking about the hypermembrane and smiled. "Of course. it is one of the better for making outfits. Is there any enhancements you want for it?"


"You probably should at least keep one. A saber, I mean. You are still the Sword." And even on a world like this, on a day like this, there could be danger. He had his own saber on him. Always would. Not to fight, but to be ready to defend those who couldn't.

He bumped her with his hip, though.

"You can borrow mine, though, if you need one. I think I'm plenty good without it."

Kahlil gave a wink, though blinked as they stopped by one of the stalls. Oh.

"Master Sor-Jan. Master Ike. Uh. Hello."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Sor-Jan Xantha

Miri Nimdok

Miri spotted the Corellia Digital logo from quite a distance away. Remembering that she had planned on buying one of their smart watches, she headed over to the booth.

Unfortunately, by the time she arrived a sizeable crowd had formed around the vendor... a young boy? She raised an eyebrow at Sor-Jan Xantha . Among the crowd were several notable Jedi, oddly enough. She recognized Master Matsu Ike from the Silvers, and the Nobles from NJO. Hoping to avoid drawing their attention, Miri kept her head down and waited until there was a break in the conversation before she pointed to a box containing a HoloLink. "One of those, please."

Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin | Asori Soto Asori Soto

A bemused track of his mouth. "Of course you are not." It was best not to argue with your wife, lest she showed all the ways she could be displeased with you. The shriek of the little one made him smile, exchanging a knowing look with Soto, as she explained the backstory behind the little 'pet' rock in her hands.

"You know a lot about the history of rocks, ma'am. I am in love with it already." Gently he accepted the rock and looked it up and down. "What do you think, Noe, would the little one like-"

He had turned around to show the toy and noticed Noelle's expression there.

His own furrowed into concern almost immediately. "Everything okay?" Stepping forward with a hand on her shoulder, August looked around to see what was amiss. Sadly his own potential in the Force was... limited. It was there, but August had never cared to cultivate it. There was always more to learn and to add a whole new discipline?

It sounded frankly exhausting to him.

August glanced back to Asori with an apologetic smile. "We will take it, ma'am. And perhaps if you ever come across more cute ones like these." Dangling the one in his hand. "You can contact me? I am sure the kids will love it when they are old enough to appreciate it."
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Noelle's back was taunt against his hand, tight and quivering with energy ready to explode outward.

The source of the corruption drifted away, magnanimous and uninterested in the lives around it. There wasn't a spark of ill intent throughout its being, only.... heaviness.The line between her brows deepened.

"Odd," she murmured, her hairs bristling as she force herself released the psyche energies back into the force. "...I thought I felt my Mother." The word fell heavy from her tongue.

She left it there. Just as she left the potential darkness to its wanderings.

Noelle took rare, steading breath and redirected her entire focus back onto the market. She watched the "pet rock" dangle in his hand and mustered a polite smile for the vendor.

"It's beautiful."

August Oreno August Oreno Asori Soto Asori Soto
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Outfit: Winter outfit | Necklace | Ring
Appearance: Link
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Sor-Jan Xantha Miri Nimdok

"Yeah, yeah, I know," she grumbled a little. She knew that he was right and that she should have brought along her lightsaber. But a part of her also just wanted to be able to spend a day without having to think about her weapon. The sudden bump of his hip against her own drew her out of her thoughts, though, and got her to blink before looking at him.

Now he was the playful one, huh?

"Nah, you keep yours. I can handle myself without a lightsaber too, you know." Her skills with the Force weren't lacking compared to those with the lightsaber, but she often preferred the latter. Partially because of her traditional view on using the Force, and well, she was named the Sword for a reason.

At his wink, she flashed him a smile and squeezed his hand, before bumping her hip back against him. Then she turned to the stall, and blinked once more when she noticed the boy staring at her specifically. "Well, I haven't been to Commenor or Alderaan in quite some time, but it's possible?" He looked familiar to her as well, but she couldn't quite figure out why yet.

"He was at the Temple party!" Vera then chimed in. She was very observant, but perhaps it had been a vision of some kind?

"Ah, the ceremony on Corsucant?" Valery chuckled and remembered both Kahlil and Vera showing up to surprise her there, much like they did today. She had never really expressed it, but she loved these kinds of surprises.

Miri Nimdok then appeared to request something, and Valery would wait until she got the assistance she needed, before turning back to the boy. "I was hoping to get a bracelet with an integrated holo-projector. Something to store photos in. Do you happen to have anything like that?" She asked and gently squeezed her husband's hand, as it was meant to be a gift for him.

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Eshan |
| SELLING: FAE/CRP.01 "Viridis" Gardening Droid [x2] | PG-series Utility Droid [x6] |

If BB-610 were to complain about anything regarding the manufacturing of astromech droids, it would be the lack of arm strength capable to carry things larger than a handbag. Even with his utility arm, it was relatively flimsy and still lacked digits of any kind, meaning the droid had to once again rely entirely on his cable launchers, cords hooked around a large, bulky stand as his motors whirred in desperation to tug it along the ground as fast as he could, but his diminutive stature left much to be desired as the legs screeched across the floor from the undignified dragging. Also hooked around his cables were two soft blankets, getting pulled along just as unceremoniously as the stand.

Thankfully, he wasn't selling the blankets, but rather what the blankets were for.

Trailing behind him, the clink-clunk of four pairs of legs sourced by a duo of Viridis units grew louder with their excitement in sight of the bazaar, one of the droids carrying a cheap, plastic chair atop it. Skittering all around the astromech were six PG units, chirping giddily, all of them adorning an array of bright colors and individualized markings that made every last one stand out from their brothers. Sat atop BB-610's flat head was Scampi, the Nobles' pet porg, currently eyeing all of the shiny PG droids in awe, eyes not knowing which one to settle on as they dashed around like barely controlled children. BB-610 wanted to take the bird out for a walk, as the apartment was entirely empty, and the last thing he wanted was for Scampi to grow paranoid from time spent alone.

Tunnel-visioned as he located a free spot to park his stand, the astromech finally dragged the wooden table over and settled it in place, retracting his grapples and sighing in relief. The two blankets were neatly placed at either side, with the two Viridis units promptly folding their legs and taking seats after handing BB-610 his chair (and subsequently nudging him on top of it). Firmly seated, the assortment of PG units scaled onto the table, with the astromech beeping sternly for them to behave themselves. Tool-bay disk slotting open, he retrieved a decently sized name plate, placing it on the front of the table.

With its writing done by Vera, it read,

Now that the hard part had concluded, all they needed to do was wait for any possible buyers. Glancing to the stands beside his own, BB-610 had only just now realized that he'd parked his table right next to Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania 's, with the astromech bweeping happily in greeting. Scampi, already seemingly bored, outstretched his wings, hopping along the droid's head before flapping and fluttering over to her fold-up table, cooing curiously as he tilted his head, large brown eyes fixed on the Padawan. As BB-610 looked at her items, he chirped and clicked in fascination, turning his head to tell Cora that he didn't know she made art, and that he thought they looked incredible. While art was still a rather foreign concept to him, BB-610 had nonetheless understood them a fair amount given Vera's tendency to draw so much. His frame of reference was rather small, and as such, 'bad' art didn't quite register to him.


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Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

She gave the two Jedi nearby a warm smile. While she might know whom Matsu was, courtesy of the SIA data banks, she'd never met the woman in person. Janesha knew some of what the force had to offer, having witnessed Jedi and the like. She knew enough about the cloth to make a laymans terms sheet of what it did.

Jade Selmy however was a little ignorant of the force, and the material in question. She nodded and waved her hand towards the cloth, adjusting her stance to include the Jedi Master much better into the overall circle.

"Oh I'd be interested to hear what kind of enhancements you have? I'm making this into a suit for my sister, you see. She's in some....well, rather dangerous work from whatI understand."

Was it dumb to hide from the Jedi Master here? Maybe, but even dumber would be spreading her true identity around, especially with a known enemy of the Alliance on sight. Yes the Sith had not eluded her gaze, but the Jedi had handled that particular flavor of ice cream. Besides, she preferred the more strategic part of Strategic Intelligence Agency, and that did not include starting brawls in the street.

She held the Master's gaze with a warm smile, waiting a response.

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