Graf's Archive Account

Image Source: Here.
Intent: A new lightsaber for the Knight of Ren, Anor Ren.
Development Thread: If needed.
Manufacturer: Anor Ren
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Anor Ren
Modularity: Only the crystal and focusing lenses be taken out and replaced, and only a Force user could do it as it is very delicate modifcations.
Production: Production: Unique
- Exterior and Interior: Durasteel
- Detail: Electrum
- Grips: Rubberized Durasteel
- Various Internal Components
Size: Double-Bladed
- First Blade: 114 centimeters
- Second Blade: 114 centimeters
- Hilt: 33 centimeters
Special Features:
- Resistances:
Great resistance against blasters. - Great resistance against lightsabers and swords.
[*]Internal Components:
- x2 Magnetic Stabilizing Ring
- x2 Blade Emitter Shroud
- Energy Modulation Circuits
- x2 Cycling Field Energizers
- x2 Blade Energy Channel
- x2 Red Synthetic Crystal
- x2 Focusing Crystal
- x2 Focusing Crystal Activator
- Crystal Energy Chamber
- Energy Gate
- x2 Primary Crystal Mount
- Diatium Power Cell
- x2 Power Vortex Ring
- Power Field Conductor
- Inert Power Insulator
- Belt Ring
Strengths and Weaknesses:
- +Can cut through objects
- +Can deflect blasters and clash with lightsabers
- +Double-bladed = more carnage
- +Can select which blade is active
- -Vulnerable to cortosis, can barely cut through phrik and bes'kar
- -Larger hilt means greater chance for it to be hit
- -Two blades makes it more difficult to defend due to positioning
- -User prone to being killed by said double-bladed lightsaber
Description: After ascending to the rank of Knight within the Order of Ren, Anor felt that he required a new weapon, especially after receiving a new cybernetic forearm, therefore after careful study of past designs, he created his second lightsaber, this time instead of the average single-bladed lightsaber, he went all out and made a saberstaff to strike fear within his enemies.
Lightsabers have many strengths, like the ability to cut through almost everything except a handful of things, with the speed being determined by the durability of the object. It can also deflect blasters, slugthrowers and even clash with other lightsabers. Even with strengths they have some weaknesses, for example, when the blade comes in contact with cortosis alloy, it can short out causing it to become useless for a period of time. The Double-Bladed has distinct advantages and disadvantages over the single-bladed, like for instance it can hit more targets and cause more damage at the cost of the lack of techniques available, the double-bladed makes up for this by being able to have one blade active at a time for an element of surprise against their enemy and to be able to better defend themselves.