The Last Son

- Full name: Anora Maylee Shaw
- Preferred Name: Anora Shaw
- Alias: Sierra-107
- Titles: Technomancer
- Species: Near Human
- Race: Nearhuman / Echani
- Birthworld: Unknown
- Homeworld: Eshan
- Faction(s): Independent,
- Rank(s): Dark Jedi/Neutral Master
- Class: Lightsaber duelist, BattleMedic, Technomancer
- Mentor(s): Darren Shaw,
- Student(s): N/A
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Force Alignment: Chaotic/Lawful
- Gender: Female
- Age: ~Twenty four GSY
- Height: 5 foot, 9 inches
- Weight: Approx. 130 lbs,
- Complexion: Caucasian
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Color: Pearl white, Silver tint.
- Distinguishing Marks: A cut across the left cheek just under the eye.
- Voice Sample: A2 - Nier Automata
- Appearance description: Hair, scars, and an attitude to match with her father, Anora is almost the spitting image of Darren. While taking most of her mothers facial features, and a frame that Darren said her mother had as well. Having a slightly taller height than most women, but not overly tall like her father. Her frame is lean, but toned enough to be physically fit. Silver hair, and green eyes are distinctly different than Darren's blue eyes.
- Marital Status: Single
- Sexual Conduct: Demisexual
- Languages: Galactic Basic, Sith,
- Occupation: Scavenger, Hired hand, Duelist.
- Residence: Residence upon Eshan,
- A Father's Daughter: Darren has trained Anora from his old Sith Empire Days in the way a soldier may act. While she is no official soldier herself, if need be, she can fill the spot.
- Lightsaber Duelist/Swordsmen: Echani are well known for their usage of vibroblades, and swords. Only to further her training in early years, Anora knows how to use the Lightsaber almost to the equal strength as her father.
- Strength of the Force: Born into a heritage of Force users, Jax Naban, and Darren Shaw, She too has the force to aid her. Currently she only has knowledge of Telekinesis, Revitalize, and a very close connection to sensory force powers.
- Nimble: Unlike her father, Anora has a much smaller frame. She is nimble and much quicker than Darren ever was.
- Hypersensitive: Anora has a sensitivity to hearing, seeing, and feeling things that others might not quite pick up on. Her senses are keen, and compared to animals who are able to detect others by their natural senses more easily than other humanoid species.
- Dreamer: Dreaming is a pastime of hers. She tends to be someone who will look into something, or try and find a deeper meaning for actions. While this can sometimes lead her to the right decision, or even into bad situations, she still dreams of a place that could be better than what it is. While she knows true peace will never stay, she hopes for the best outcome possible.
- Protective: With a name of Shaw, many disregard the name, or squander it with less than suitable words. Along the same lines of "Don't Call me Chicken" She instead has the idea that her name, and her fathers name mean much more to her than what others may expect. If provoked, she can completely push aside her good side, and become something much more.
- Lack of the Force: Darren never taught Anora a whole heck of a lot of the force. Her limited force knowledge can hinder her in battle. She doesn't know about any force powers other than the ones that she herself has learned, and this can put her in very bad positions when fighting others who know so much more.
- Lack of Armor: Much like the Echani's training and fighting styles that use speed, and dexterity over brute force, Anora is not a physically imposing figure, nor does she wear armors that protect her. In fact, she would much rather wear little to nothing if it would have been considered appropriate in a social setting.
- Chaotic: Anora takes much after her father. Her chaotic and rebellious nature hold strong within her veins. She does understand the importance of Order, and a uniform system, but prefers to go of her own accord. Her actions may seem difficult to comprehend as she may team up with a Sith, as likely as a Jedi, then the next day fight either of them.
- Demisexual: Anora is not interested in physical relationships. She can be friends with many, she can make allies, and she does have emotions towards others, but her true feelings are held for "the one" and once she finds that person, its difficult to change. Otherwise, Her feelings could go to anyone.
- Unknown Mother: Anora does not know who her mother is. She has no clue who it could be, and either her father doesn't know, or wont tell her. Thus she is on a quest of self discovery, as well as finding who her real mother is.
- Woman of No Consequence: Anora doesn't look towards the future, or more so, she is selective with what she wants to see in the future. While she hopes to see that she would one day meet her mother and maybe bring her back to Eshan to live with Darren, She doesn't look for the consequences of her actions. Unless they pertain to her, or her father, she doesn't care for what happens.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A malfunction in her left hand, One of the major nerves in her left hand is pinched. This causes the thumb, the pointer, and middle fingers to be numb from time to time, or cause tons of pain. In battle, this is very bad for her, and thus she relies upon her right hand more often than not.
Birth of a Legacy
Anora Maylee Shaw was born at a truly unknown time, in an unknown place. Darren Shaw, her father, has spoken about receiving her at his doorstep. Since then, she has been in the care of Darren. At first, she was taken care of by Darren's mother Maylee. Darren has never had a child before, and thus did not know how to raise one. With the help of his mother, Darren raised her on Eshan. Kept a secret from everyone, It is only until recently that Anora was allowed to claim her fathers name.
During the retirement of Darren's life from exploring the galaxy, and his return to Eshan, Anora was taught in the ways of the force, as well as her usage of the lightsaber, Echani Martial arts, and other various ways to defend herself. She was taught how to use rifles, blasters and other such common weapons. All while going to school, Graduating a year early, and graduating within the top 2% of her class.
However, graduating at the top of her class, does not mean she is the best off. Even while Darren allowed her to still live with him and her grandmother, Anora was not the best at finding a job. She resorted to running errands for those on Eshan, as well as scavenging what she could to be sold at the local Flee markets, and metal shops. She found herself learning how to pilot ships, speeders, and even tinker with a little bit among the wreckage that she could find. While she is nowhere near a master creator, she tinkers with items simply for fun. While she does know that her father has created force artifacts,
She has only taught herself how to imbue items through the force. Done much like how the Jal Shey might, only being self taught, the best she can come up with are minor if not insignificant to many other items that have been created in the past.
It's with this knowledge, and with the blessing of her father that she leaves Eshan to discover more of the galaxy.