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Approved Starship ANS Valor

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  • Classification: Assault Cruiser
  • Length: 980 meters
  • Width: 430 meters
  • Height: 465 meters
  • Armament: Average
  • Defenses: Extreme
  • Hangar: Extreme[8]
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Deflector Shield Generators
  • Reinforced Hull Plating
  • Advanced Repair Systems
  • Advanced Internal Defenses
  • Advanced Communications Array
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • VT-Hyperspace Capacitor
  • VT-Refraction Sensor
  • Bastion: The ANS Valor has been heavily redisgned and refitted from the original model of Cruiser. The ship's interior has been almost entirely redisgned, it's hull has been reinforced, and it's weapon systems have been updated and upgraded. The ANS Valor, unlike it's sister ships, is capable of taking an incredible amount of damage. The hull of the vessel has been reinforced, there are multiple shield buffers, and the vessel itself is sturdy enough to take on assaults from ships twice it's size. The inside of the ship has also been resigned, moved and shifted about to offer a variety of internal defenses against boarding parties or other assault forces.
  • Planetary Assault: Though in theory capable of directily engaging enemy cruisers, the ANS Valor isn't really made for it. The purpose of the ship is to function as an assault base for planetary incursions, utilized as a base of operations by the Fifth Legion. The Valor utilizes it's massive size and role as a fleet carrier to conduct planetary assaults for the Alliance. It's weaponry also suits this purposes, geared towards precision orbital strikes rather than going for all out damage as many Destroyers do.
  • Fat and Slow: The ANS Valor is not a very fast ship, nor is it maneuverable. This makes it an easy target for any enterprising fleet admirals, and in general the Valor will have difficulty turning away from any serious engagement.
  • Confusing: Recently reworked, the inside of the ANS Valor can be incredibly confusing. The entire ship is made up of winding hallways and maze like corridors. If one is not familiar with the ship it is incredibly easy to get lost within the vessel itself. Even for members of the Alliance the Valor can be very confusing, and more than once Jedi who were temporarily stationed aboard had a tendency to get lost.
  • Engines Hanging: The one design that was impossible to work out of the ANS Valor was the original placement of the engines. Like on the original cruisers, the engines of the ANS Valor are incredibly open and exposed, making them the perfect target for fighters and bombers.
The 5th Legion has been a part of the Galactic Alliance since before the fall of the One Sith and the Liberation of Coruscant.
During this time the Legion has grown from a small division of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to it's own standing military branch. The 5th Legion enjoys several liberties within the Alliance, including greater freedom and it's own command structure. This has allowed the force to be more effective, but up until recently there had also been certain limitations to the Legion's capabilities.

This was mostly because the Legion still relied upon the Galactic Alliance Navy to ferry them about.

With their involvement in the wars of the Alliance, and the growth of the trust between the soldiers of the Legion and the Commanding Triumvirate this has begun to change however. Recently the 5th Legion began to receive it's own ships, vessels purpose built or retrofitted for use by the Legion. The first of these vessels is the ANS Valor a heavily modified Valor-Class Cruiser.

The Valor was designed to be an Assault Ship, a mobile fortress that the 5th Legion could take into engagement zones and begin planetary assaults with.

Unless vessels within the Navy or the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces the ANS Valor was not built for direct ship to ship combat. The vessel was created as a sort of bulwark, moving into combat while surrounding itself with a fighter screen as well as escort class. The Valor then reaches planetary orbit and quickly begins launching it's smaller assault craft, allowing the 5th Legion to more effectively reach the surface of the planet below. The Valor then remains in orbit, utilizing precision weaponry to assist in ground operations and remain a stable base of operations for other craft around it.

In a situation where there is no world to assault the Valor functions in much the same way. Much like a command ship, The Valor sits at the back of the fleet, offering a launching point for fighters, bombers, and boarding parties.

At times the Valor will even serve as a form of bait. Due to it's nature as a base for the 5th Legion the interior of the ship has been designed to be almost maze like. Auto-turrets, thick blast doors, ray shield projectors, and winding corridors that are easy to get lost in are everywhere. Making ones way through the interior of The Valor can be incredibly difficult if you've never done it before. Though it is hardly impossible to board the Valor, it is intensely annoying to say the least.

The Valor is less of a ship and more of a floating fortress for the 5th Legion, a vessel that serves as a launching point for their missions and operations.
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