Okay, seeing that FAs approve this, lets go to next level:
Agreeing on mutual (pairwise) goals!
I am going to make three separate threads for leaders/liasons of GR, SSC, Mandos and GA. To keep things simple, lets set a few simple rules
- These meeting are intended for IC PC leaders of respective factions
- Up to four characters from each faction per meeting; if GA and GR have a meeting, this means 8 characters maximum in a single thread.
- Tionne Thanewulf if excluded from 8 rule, since I have to lead the campaign
- If IC PC leaders do not want to attend or number of leaders is smaller than 4, they can pick a liason(a person who will serve as representative, please be sensible)
- Decisions and commitments made in threads have immediate IC implications
Since we want to stay on track and discuss what is important, I'll moderate the thread like a business meeting.
The thematic of the first meeting will be -
Manus manum lavat(Latin)
Some tentative topics will include
- Acknowledging the Sith threat
- Assesing the posibilities with given resource contraints
- Agreeing on mutually helping in dominions to expand sphere of influence
- Agreeing on helping in invasions in a structured way(sending special troops, FUs or gear)
How's this?
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Can please somebody tag Mandos of interest? [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] help pls