According to [member="Farah"] he should become more experienced in helping people rather than just corpses and dead rats.Irajah had agreed with that assessment.
Both of them had glanced towards his hands while making that assessment, causing him to feel just a touch awkward. He was getting better at it, yes, but he still wasn't truly comfortable with doing anything really intense like open-heart surgery or things like that. An exchange program allowed him to work part-time for a local clinic in the capital of Terminus. In truth Sam liked it here- it reminded him a little bit of Tryp an' then some.
She was kind.
He liked her.
Most nights Samson worked alone, it was less awkward and the others were all to happy to give their rotations to him. They had snickered the first couple of times.
The last patient had been helped about forty minutes ago and it didn't look like anyone else was going to come in. That was probably for the best, he still had a few course slides to go through. He'd give it maybe another twenty minutes and then start closing things up for the night.
Samson hummed softly as he bend over a crate, brushed steel, clean, it was the last supply run with anti-biotics.
They had just deposited it in the middle of the entry hall.
How rude.