Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anyone Need A Street Rat?


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Need to get this character going, so I'm calling out to you people.
Whether you need someone dead, help in a fight, a heist, whatever; I do freelance work for anyone and everyone.
Bio is in the signature if you want it.

I look forward to taking your money.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

The Red Ravens hire lots of outside contractors. Such as the Jackels, Vanguard, which are Piratesz and a PMC. But we'd love to hire you for a few heists we have planned if you want. We can give you acces to our armory and of course plenty of drugs and credits

You can find more about us here
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Well, you're a street rat. I'm a wealthy businesswoman. What sort of legitimate, reputation-growing things do you think Circe would be interested in doing with Nyx?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Becoming one of the heirs to the Emeritus company. Not to mention being the adopted granddaughter of [member="Silara Kuhn"] and [member="Alric Kuhn"] will have its perks. >_>

Jak Skirata

[member="Nyx"] or you could join me on my many credit filled, danger filled adventures...All while learning the Force and how to be even more deadly! :D

Jak Skirata


Besides becoming a badass bounty hunter, fame, fortune and your very own private zoo of deadly creatures? (working on that one) Well I guess I can throw in the tihaar...

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