Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anyone wanna kick some Mandolorian arse?

Elensa Jari said:
You don't think this might provoke the actual Mandalorians? They blew away the Republic due to an insult - you're sure they would not decide to do the same to us for engaging some of their kin?
What? Lol

They blew away the Republic because they vented thousands of their women and children into space, because the Republic was corrupt and broken and wasn't safe for their future.

Not to mention protecting the ones that committed the war crimes.

Insult is understatement of the century lol.
Just a heads up, ic'ly if enough clans get their dander up over the ic fight/raid/scuffle... There may be a war. I don't think the Mandos can take territory, but they sure can cause problems and possibly even put FO worlds neutral if my interpretation of the rules is correct.

So, if the raid goes off, win or lose, there may be a war anyways. The Mandos are almost always at their most active during conflict and groups may just use this as a reason to get activity up, regardless of what's agreed ooc or who wins. Remember, the Faction Leadership can agree to whatever they want, but as soon as the majority of the faction members say the same thing, it happens or a new FO team is put in place. They're no Republic. There is none iron fist. There is no blatant censorship.

Be ye warned
The mandos have been doing raids for years. They rarely get mad or upset about loosing as their faction leaders give prizes loose or win. It's more to keep participating on the rise and such.

Mandos are build for combat so the Faction do raids to keep the members occupied while they come up with a new invasion or dominations. It will be more fun then a competition to win or loose. It's been a while since I've been in a Mando Raid but I doubt they are cry babies if they loose. (As long as you play fair and don't Meta Game)

Tanomas Graf

All of you young people. Always having a bone to pick and need to command your own ship.

I won't be participating in this thread as Graf's fate during the dominion is ambiguous, but if I so much as see a naval officer causing bad rep for the First Order, I'll be coming back from the 'dead' for your booty.
I don't like this the mando's will see it a challenge to their honor as the galaxy's greatest warriors. if we were a minor faction this would be fine but as we're major war is most likely to follow. just food for thought.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Maizono said:

We decided to restart the thread and made it private, and so the original is null and void.

A private thread is not a blank check to do what you want with First Order military assets and personnel. Bear in mind that actions in private threads still have consequences if they come to light.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Evangeline Ovmar said:
Just a heads up, ic'ly if enough clans get their dander up over the ic fight/raid/scuffle... There may be a war. I don't think the Mandos can take territory, but they sure can cause problems and possibly even put FO worlds neutral if my interpretation of the rules is correct.

So, if the raid goes off, win or lose, there may be a war anyways. The Mandos are almost always at their most active during conflict and groups may just use this as a reason to get activity up, regardless of what's agreed ooc or who wins. Remember, the Faction Leadership can agree to whatever they want, but as soon as the majority of the faction members say the same thing, it happens or a new FO team is put in place. They're no Republic. There is none iron fist. There is no blatant censorship.

Be ye warned
> repels Mandalorian aggression
> somehow justifies Mandalorian declaration of war
> pretend it's ICly motivated
> ???
Precisely. If the Mandalorians are raiding our borders, then um, yeah, we have a right to stop them.

Besides, [member="Rexus Wenck"] has indicated that this thread will be a bit of light-hearted fun. I don't see why we can't have a fun skirmish and not possibly join forces later.

Galactic politics, like global politics, can change quite rapidly. Enemies can become friends when the situation changes, and this incident could always be looked at as a group of rogue Mandalorians who simply got a little too brazen with their raiding.
Tanomas Graf said:
All of you young people. Always having a bone to pick and need to command your own ship.

I won't be participating in this thread as Graf's fate during the dominion is ambiguous, but if I so much as see a naval officer causing bad rep for the First Order, I'll be coming back from the 'dead' for your booty.
I can't speak for the Crusaders, but the Clans' fleeters are typically content if people are matching total forces against total forces. Take the time to research the ships that are directly engaging your ships. If the design doesn't specify that X% of guns can fire forwards, then cut the total armament down to about 30-50% and consider that the total gun-count that is hitting your ships. Of those, you'll want to take about half of that number to the face, with some consideration taken for situational factors (such as a really big gun with a slow turn speed targeting a frigate)... and judge damage accordingly. Start off with token damage to shields, light damage to armor, no to minimal damage to hull, and zero critical system damage. In PVP terms, it's like taking a punch to the jaw. It hurts, but you're fine. Someone hits you with a HLRHVC, take the hit... and have it punch out the other side. Then do everything in your power to prevent getting hit by that again. (Just like taking a bullet to the gut in a roleplay. Yes you're bleeding, yes it hurts, yes you could have gotten killed.... but keep going and see what happens.)

Kass Vale said:
I don't like this the mando's will see it a challenge to their honor as the galaxy's greatest warriors. if we were a minor faction this would be fine but as we're major war is most likely to follow. just food for thought.
Most of the time the Mandalorians are sitting on rocking chairs on their front porches, drinking beer and reminiscing about their glory days. Most of the time when someone shows up with something worthy of getting them off their butts, they are more entertained than anything else. If the fight is good, then win or lose, they tend to sit down and chill.

If nonsense happens, Mandos tend to roll with what they think makes sense IC, regardless of how silly it is OOC. Ala, everything that lead upto Roche and followed it.

Best advice I can give you with the Mandos is A- Don't be afraid to be the bad guy. And B- If you screw up, own upto it and roll with it. Don't call off that orbital bombardment just because your faction is telling you you screwed up. Continue leveling the city until someone does something IC that would justify you stopping.

Natasi Fortan said:
> repels Mandalorian aggression
> somehow justifies Mandalorian declaration of war
> pretend it's ICly motivated
> ???
There was that one time that Ordo and Mia served as Allies in a GR invasion of OS Coruscant. Ordo became possessed by the Dark Lord and became the DLOTS, then promptly killed Mia. Alor Council + Mand'alor got butthurt, launched an invasion that cold-cocked the OS for months, and ended(ish) with Ordo and Gilamar (the Mandalore) punching eachother during a freefall before crashing into skyscrapers Man-Of-Steel style.

Evangeline Ovmar said:
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
One flaw, there.

Since when have the Mandos needed a formal declaration of war? :p
*whistles innocently*

Valessia Brentioch

I'm just going to add: What in the ever loving abyss. [member="Evangeline Ovmar"], OOCly things have been set up so that members from both factions can enjoy a little bit of PvP. So I'm not sure that was even necessary.

@T'yr Dellos, sounds cool - I'll leave it to Rexus and Ticon to sort out since they've gotten together on this one.

And no, I'm not participating - unfortunately, between my work schedule and factory submissions that need, submitting. I'm swamped at the moment but I'll certainly be reading it!
Valessia Brentioch said:
I'm just going to add: What in the ever loving abyss. Evangeline Ovmar, OOCly things have been set up so that members from both factions can enjoy a little bit of PvP. So I'm not sure that was even necessary.
That was his idea of snark. He didn't mean anything by it.
Natasi Fortan said:

A private thread is not a blank check to do what you want with First Order military assets and personnel. Bear in mind that actions in private threads still have consequences if they come to light.
Understood. In the new thread I'm going with nothing but clothes and a blaster in a handbag.
Valessia Brentioch said:
I'm just going to add: What in the ever loving abyss. Evangeline Ovmar, OOCly things have been set up so that members from both factions can enjoy a little bit of PvP. So I'm not sure that was even necessary.
T'yr Dellos said:
That was his idea of snark. He didn't mean anything by it.
Snark, kinda, but primarily a possibly-crudely formed statement of "No plan survives contact with the enemy" and to keep in mind that the Clans tend to be fairly autonomous in decision making, Mand'alor or no Mand'alor. Clan A may be chill about everything and is the one planning things with you, Clan B is cool with things, but Clan C and D might IC'ly start warmongering and if they bring in Clan E, F, and G into the picture, you've got the majority of the clans up in arms IC'ly lol

Also, I didn't realize this is between you guys and the Mandalorian Empire/Crusaders/Happy Luck Fun Time Band, which means I more or less have zero predictions for this one as I'm not affiliated with them lol
[member="Evangeline Ovmar"]

I slightly agree with you in that since but if the Mand'alor and the Alor Council say stop then the Clans stop. That's how Jaster became a Dar'manda, he disagreed with the Mand'alor and he and his Clan were called a traitor. So raids were the only thing that are outside the IC war. They pretty mean nothing more then a training drill or a War Game to the Mandalorians and there is no IC Honor for them to get butthurt as long as their comrades meet a proper Mando Death. (Pretty much just dying in the battle field)

Them not liking our government or having an IC grudge would have to be brought up with their council and then the Empire or Clans as a whole would need to decide on what to do. So as long as its played fair there should be no problem.

@T'yr Dellos

First off I enjoy your writing. Second you hit the nail in the coffin for this argument, either of the Mando nations really get upset unless you really try to Kark them or their long term plans over, so pretty much dont try and be that invincible player that over extends their characters ability and take on several Mandalorians at once. Your character will die and no one will listen to you complain.

The Mandalorians have some of the most experienced PvP writers on the Forum, they have no problem with working with people as long as you talk with them and plan out your thread OOC.

Anyways my two creds. Ill just be over here playing with my science kit and trying not to blow my planet up. :D

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