The Sith’ari
His voice reached out across space and time, transcending the vast physical boundaries through the majesty of the Force. It started as a whisper, almost a faint echo. Slowly it grew as if it was becoming attuned to Wilhelm's location and place within the vessel. The cargo hold was cold, filled with stale air, and cramped with the plunder of the newfound pirate companions hosting the boy. His voice was not.
There was a strange warmth to the Elder's voice, unlike before it did not try to worm through his mind from the dark recesses like on Hoth. While not invasive, it seemed darker then and more assertive. No, not this time, it came to the forefront in a welcoming, comforting warmth. The same way it came to him before, during his stay with the CIS when he needed it the most.
"You have done well, my boy."
There was no visible body, no physical presence around him to match the voice. As it had always been, an inaudible voice that only he could hear. Yet, there was no mistake that someone, something was with him in that cargo hold.
"The Ashla has preserved you from the perversion of the Bogan. Be mindful of what you have witnessed, for you too can become as savage as those beasts." He paused, ever so briefly as if to collect his thoughts on the matter. "I promised to teach you, and so I shall. You are growing closer, I can feel it. I also sense that the time for apathy is over. With the threats aligned against you, perhaps we should begin our lessons sooner than expected."
The Elder exhaled softly, followed by a sudden wheezing. Composing himself, he chuckled in a lighthearted manner. "Such is old age. I have been around for a long time, and I have had many names."
His voice deepened, "You may call me Laevus.." An unseen smile crept across his wicked face, "..and I look forward to completing your training."

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