Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Aphranture Is Out There! | GA Dominion of Aphran

Was actually very friendly
Khefiir chuckled at Riyo Milne's comment. "I thought sso too. Ass for what that glow iss, Padawan," he said to Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken , "it hass a feel. Perhapss thiss iss the heart of ssecretss."

He patted a gorth amicably and moved through the wandering herd. "When we leave, I'll lead them to sssivilization. Maybe they have brandss or ID microchipss."

Past the gorths, the forest opened up to reveal a shrine with a unique resonance. Khefiir put his saber away. This was a place of peace...and privacy. His eyes wanted to slide away. A vaguely skeletal humanoid was just coming out. A Stennes, he realized. And not just a Stennes, but a Stenned Shifter. Rare people, furtive. The Jedi had participated in their genocide millenia ago - a bad day, when Khefiir read about that in the Coronet enclave's archives.

"Peasssse," he said, raising both empty hands. "We mean no harm and no intrusssion, friend."

Under his breath, he added for his colleagues: "Sstenness Sshifter. Jedi killed hisss people agess ago."


Viribus | Kirk Korrado




If either of them felt like she was staring at them, it's because she was. Dark eyes faded in and out of glinting amber, and she narrowed her lids as if reducing her field of vision would increase the scope of her audio. Her hearing seemed to fade into nonexistence, and she was fascinated by its rapid degeneration.

"What's this stuff called anyway? Maybe I've run it before, depending on where you got it."

The pink man's response was disappointing, and her heavy body sank in upset. Maybe it's because she couldn't hear him properly. The crashing waves were making a pretty rhythmic sound a way's off though, and she felt entranced by the consistency of the waters ebbing against the shoreline.

“Mai should tell you that. She’s the know it all between me and her. But I think we stole it. Not sure, but it’s whatever to me.”

"DEAF." She remembered to answer, once she found the sounds he was making take shape in the same outline of the waves.

"It was one of those SIA runs, black marrket shopping. From a seller that usually distributes to higher-ups. Virrrr herrre," she reached a golden hand and gave a pat to one of the horns protruding from his otherwise sleek head "Got to wearrr a suit and act as though he made millions instead of stealing it.

We're not supposeyd to sample this eithurr"
She admitted, unthinkingly scratching at the nano-bomb at the nape of her neck. The gesture caught the sunlight, and her golden fingers sparkled. Her bracelets clinked together noisily.

Her other hand, also catching the sun, made a vague gesture and the chair she was lounging on disappeared from view, leaving her levitating. The stick, though the zeltron would still be able to feel it (she was unable to effect anything tangible), also disappeared from the demonstration.

"Sleight of hand helps us get what we want undetected. S'why M finds us so useful."


Ryv Ryv | Auteme Auteme | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

Her gaze softened, shoulders slumping under the weight of his words. Though she couldn't fully grasp their weight, she understood on some level. The question of when they'd be back on the lines once more haunted her. Even in the happiest of moments, it lurked in the recesses of her mind, never really leaving, simply existing until the answer came. Ripley's hand extended to take both his wrist, pulling them away from each other. She raised the metal hand to her lips and planted a peck on it, before guiding both to her waist. The Zeltron leaned into him, eyes following the strand of white that hung in his face with a small smile.

"I didn't settle for you." She stated teasingly. "I chose you, because I like you, scars and metal arm and all."

The smile faded into a contemplative frown as she considered. They had been here, so many times before, yet she could never ease the burden that weighed on his mind.

"There's nothing wrong with you for worrying. This war has taken it's toll on all of us in different ways. It makes sense that yours is heavier- you've been fighting longer than some of us have, and you're our leader. Just breathe, Ryv," She paused, allowing him a moment. "We just have to take it one second of at a time. And if you can't find it in you to be happy right now, that's okay. No one can blame you. But as long as you're here, maybe you'll be able to look back one day, see past all the hurt and all the worry, and find that bit of happiness from being with me and our friends. Maybe it'll keep you going when you need it most."

The zeltron allowed her forehead to lean against the kiffar's as she closed her eyes.

"It's not worth worrying about after the war, either. When we get there, we'll find a nice place to settle, and figure out how to exist without the fighting, together."
Major Faction


Become One With All Things

Ryv perked up a bit at her opening sentiments. It felt good to hear the many imperfections he found disgusting were a welcomed part of his being, especially when it came from her. He'd spent many a night staring up at his bedroom ceiling, disgusted in himself and the multitude of scars crisscrossing his body. It wasn't the shallow perspective of being ugly that bothered him. Truth be told, some of the blemishes looked pretty cool. The emotions they brought to mind were what darkened his perspective. Each one had a story, a tale he lived in his battle against the darkness. He could recount each one with startling detail.

He reached up to brush a metallic thumb down the length of her jaw, shamelessly he pressed his face into the nape of her neck, planting several quick kisses on her collarbone as she spoke.

"Thank you, my love," Ryv muttered only loud enough for her to hear. "I dunno if I'm not happy, either... just lost, I guess. Somewhere else right now. Physically in the moment, mentally in another place, trying to feel my way through what's coming next. Sometimes, it uh, feels like something out there is tryin' to warn me. Goofy to say aloud, honestly."

At her touch, Ryv lifted his head and met her movement with his own.

"I've always wanted to go explore the Outer Rim properly. Maybe pick some fights, save some lives, just help the little guys, y'know? Maybe when the Order can survive without me, we can take off and go mess around out there," he slowly pulled away, hesitant to concede the closeness which they shared. "Maybe we should go join Auteme and Luc?"

Ryv pulled away and tugged his tank top over his shoulders. It dropped to his towel below them before he took her hand and began the trip to the water's edge.

"I haven't seen a beach since Dubrillion. I kinda like how there aren't hundreds of dead bodies buried beneath the sand trippin' me up. Nice touch," he chuckled at his dark joke while stepping into the water. "Whoa, that's chilly, uh, okay."
if they're watching anyways
"Well yeah, I want to go," she said, turning to face him. She interlaced her fingers behind his neck. "You told me most of your family... well, I want to meet someone who'll tell me embarrassing stories about little Lucien."

She pinched his cheek like a grandmother might her grandson, then released him and smiled. "I don't know. It seems like fun, I guess, and I'd love to just... meet people at a party, you know? The galaxy's a big place. Lots of friends to be made. This just seemed like a good starting point, I guess. You know, two people celebrating their love?"

Not that she wanted to get married, but this served as a kind of celebration; to her at least. Just the two of them, out in the galaxy.

"I'll, ah, do some research or something later. Get us an itinerary. Right now I want to swim." Her eyes wandered back to the shore, spotting Ryv at the very edge. "Oh, come on in!" she called. "It's warmer out here."

Then she dropped her arms to Lucien's waist, leaned back, and pulled him under the water with her. Her grin was so brilliant he could probably still see it under the surface.


Objective II: The Forest that Speaks
Khefiir Khefiir | Riyo Milne
"Are you ok? You seem rather on edge."
Kisaku bit his lower lip at her words. Worrying it just briefly. How much did she notice? How much did it really matter? She was a shadow. Part of her role within the Order was rooting out corruption within its ranks. If she took him into some kind of custody, he might thank her. It'd be a kind of relief to have an excuse to give up. Let someone else render some kind of ultimate final judgement upon him rather than continue fighting the sickness that afflicted him.
"I'm fine, thank you." The padawan said softly, shaking his head a little. He couldn't let such thoughts consume him when he might be growing closer to something that could help. As they walked he remained silent. After that harrowing, exhausting encounter the promise that the journey was nearing its end was just enough to push him forwards.​
He stopped as Khefiir did, mostly out of reflex. Unsure of what was wrong at first before he managed to catch 'sight' of the man. His presence in the force was so... Muted. Almost as if he could be focusing on it and at the same time be unsure if there was anything truly there. Following Khefiir's lead, he raised his hands with some amount of anxiety. He hoped dearly for this to resolve amicably -- what Jedi would murder an entire culture? Needless to say Kisaku was not well versed in history.

"We truly do - we can leave if you'd like." The anxiety was plain to hear in his voice. He didn't even stop to think about whether or not Riyo or Khefiir would agree with such a statement. They might not be so easily dissuaded from seeking out the secret that resided in this forest. Though perhaps, it stood in front of them now.​

"Of course Empress Teta would bow their heads to this slap in the face," Kaito muttered. "We need to be more aggressive! The sheer fact that they want to touch our local businesses at all should be enough to tell you what they'll think of our compromises. THey'll just fight to have those removed. No, we need to fight back and pool resources. Between our two parties we have more than enough votes to deny their crazy legislation!"

Corporatist Party Room, Coruscant
Objective III - Collective Responsibility


Senator Ju Li Kim
Representing the Atrisian Commonwealth

The Vice-Chancellor seemed a shrewd politician.

Glancing to her right, Ju Li inclined her head with respect to the outspoken member of the Corellian delegation. The concern regarding Senatorial overreach into the planetary nexus of control with business was a startling matter that required a firm hand.

However, much as Vice-Chancellor Tithe had vocalized, there was a potential to create a framework for planetary control and cooperation. It seemed an adequate compromise to recognize the proponent's need to bring greater awareness to the state of ecological systems within the Alliance, while deferring to the denizens of those planets to govern themselves according to goals and standards that would be self-imposed, rather than Senate-imposed.

Certainly, enacting strict environmental legislation would be far easier on less populous, less developed planets. So it was difficult to draw a universal standard when there were fundamental differences in industrial development or atmospheric composition between worlds.

"I feel as though Corellia has the right of it," the woman offered finally. "However, were the proposal to be amended as our esteemed Vice-Chancellor just stated, then the Commonwealth would be more in favor of a compromise."



LOCATION: Corporatist Party Room, Coruscant
OBJECTIVE: III - Collective Responsibility
IN FAVOUR: Annasari Annasari | Rafiq Novak | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo
OPPOSED: Maou Maou | Ashalin Pelagia Ashalin Pelagia | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau
UNDECIDED: Faith Organa Faith Organa

Those in favour of the bill, please post in the Federalist Party Room.
Those opposed, please post in the Corporatist Party Room.


Senator Kim of Atrisia spoke out in support of Tithe’s amendments to the proposal. By moving regulatory oversight from a Senate committee back down to individual planetary governments, Alliance member worlds would be able to set their own targets based on public sentiment, local environmental conditions - and most importantly - the types of volumes of commerce they wished to encouraged.

As to the second proposed amendment - appointed someone the Corporatists approved of as a co-chair of the new committee - a way forward had now presented itself to the Vice Chancellor.

“I would like to nominate, ah, Senator Kiyoshi, yes, as our endorsed candidate for the co-chair role,” Tithe suggested. The appointment of the hardliner would not be without controversy - he certainly did not have a long track record of environmental activities. But that had nothing to do with Tithe's decision to select him. Kiyoshi would not be a pushover and could be counted on to ensure corporate interests were represented. Even if he couldn’t sway the vote, his position would empower him to slow the committees work long enough for the Corporatists to build a voting bloc big enough to repeal the measures.

“Do you accept? And can I get a second to the motion?”

While he waited for the process of nominated Kiyoshi to be worked through, Tithe waved over his chief of staff. “Yes, ah, arrange a meeting with the esteemed Member for Jakku. Let’s see if this had legs enough to get up.”
Last edited:

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
: Coruscant, Senate Chamber's Private Meeting Rooms
Objective Three: Collective Responsibility
Action: Listening and Speaking


Seto’s smile grew slight, the corners of lips stretched as he listened to the Vice-Chancellor give his thoughts and proposed plans. It all sounded far to him, and overall Seto was more concerned with the clock on his data-slate than furthering the discussion with any more added topic points or amendments to the bill. Time was something difficult to buy more of and Seto wondered how much more they would spend before things came to a head. It’ll be most interesting how the other supporters of this bill will react to these changes. . . and hardliner.
The Du Couteau heir’s ear perked as muttered comment from the side of the Corellian Representative made Seto grin. He held down a chuckle as he continued to listen to the rest of the Party Members further agree with the Vice-Chancellor’s plan on dealing with the Bill and their supporters. But when he nominated the Senator of Corellia Kiyoshi to be the co-chair role for the ESS, Seto raised an eyebrow and his grin widened.
Leaning slightly closer to the Senator of Corellia, “Perhaps you would enjoy me bowing to you instead.” Seto commented quietly, “-Without slapping me, unless you ask nicely of course.” Giving him a wink before turning back to focus on the Vice-Chancellor.
“I will side with the Party and support your nomination Vice-Chancellor.” Nodding his head in approval.

|| Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Maou Maou | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Ashalin Pelagia Ashalin Pelagia ||

In favor: Rafiq Novak | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo |
Opposed: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Maou Maou | Ashalin Pelagia Ashalin Pelagia
Undecided: Faith Organa Faith Organa

Anna's hand fluttered over the datapad, scanning the statistics that the senator had sent. Her lips pursed in displeasure. Fresia, while more populated than her own world, was far from crowded. Yet incident after incident stared back at her from the screen, millions put at risk so another corporation could line it's pockets. She pulled herself back from the anger that threatened to bubble over and focused on the changes proposed instead.

"That is a valid point to raise. The efforts would likely be sabotaged anyways as they made their way through Finance and Commerce- they do love their bureaucratic obstacles."

She paused, studying the screen intensely.

"I second the motion to remove the offer for planetary aid. We'll table that conversation for now and come back to it at a later date with clear heads. Jakku and other supporting worlds will join Fresia in sanctions should the need arise. All in favor?"

Her gaze swept the room, just as Myra moved forward to place a hand on her shoulder. The echani leaned in, relaying a message from the Vice-Chancellor. The arkanian nodded in response.

"Yes, whenever he is ready." She murmured back.

Ryv Ryv | Auteme Auteme | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

Ripley followed him, the warm sand molding itself around her feet.

"Lost is okay, too. I'll always help you find your way back- you should know that." The zeltron teased. "Honestly, that idea sounds pretty damn good right about now. It's been a long time since I've been out there... I miss it a lot. I could show you all the places I liked to hang out. Maybe we could link up with Kahne, too. It's been a minute, and I think the two of you would get on great."

Auteme's call interrupted her growing giddiness. She threw a grin out to the pair, waving.

"We're coming!"

Placing a foot in, the water welcomed her, lapping around her ankle. It almost seemed as excited as she was. A sigh filled with contentedness rose from her as she took the kiffar's hand and pulled him deeper. Her eyes swept the red and golden skies, taking in their beauty, before turning back to Ryv.

"Outer rim or lower levels, as long as we go together, we'll be okay." She declared with a cheesy grin.

Her head turned to Auteme and Lucien to shout once more. "Alright, so you two know how to play chicken, right?"


He dipped his head at the mention of his family, a soft smile still resting his face as he let her continue to speak. "...Yeah." He'd mutter, not bothering to mention that the wedding was for a cousin who he'd recently connected with. It was easier to just let the conversation move on instead of bringing up the past once more. Luc hadn't talked to his parents for several years, or shortly before his entry into the New Imperial Order.

Luc was certain that they knew where he was, given his high profile status within the Order. His claim to the throne of Serenno had been widely publicized, after all. The exiled Prince made for good PR against the Sith, despite how much he hated attending the various Galas and events in the Core on the Order's behalf. Regardless, it still didn't convince them to reach out to him, but neither did he think about doing the same.

He'd see them when he came back to reclaim his home.

A surprise would bring him back out of his head as she pulled him beneath the water with her, inhaling a mouthful of seawater before coming back up to the surface and catch his breath. He joined her back beneath the surface seconds later, reaching out to Auteme and lacing his fingers between her own. "I love you." He mouthed out towards her, pulling her close to him and wrapping her within his arms. He lifted out of the water and held her above his head, tossing the woman a bit further out to get her back for the surprise dunk from before.

He looked victorious as he let out an exaggerated laugh, only coming to a stop once Ripley and Ryv approached the end of the scene. "Chicken?" He shrugged. "Can't say i've played before, but count us in." He answered for the both of them on purpose, delivering a wink towards his girlfriend.


IN FAVOR: Rafiq Novak | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo | Annasari Annasari
OPPOSED: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Maou Maou | Ashalin Pelagia Ashalin Pelagia

There she sat her gaze shifting from one hall to the other. Should be such an easy decision yes or no, support or not. The word from the High Council was that if Alderaan prized beauty and saving the ecology surely then the decision was the bill.

But there was more to it than that, the nuances that others failed to realize, or think of. Already the GA had the ability to come in and make decisions on what was acceptable and what was not, they could effectively remove her from her position for failure to perform or failure to support their policies. This bill would give further abilities to the Alliance to go to planets and what as it the bill said, "monitor environmental impacts and seek action to control them"

They could regulate mining on Alderaan or anywhere and cripple an economy anywhere based upon their findings...or dare she think it political standings. The lobbyist who tried so desperately to get her to support cloning facilities came to mind.

This bill represented more control over the planets within the Alliance or an agency of the alliance more than it represented ecology and saving wolfcats.

But there were merits as well, helping planets to recover. helping businesses to transition to lesser foot print on the environment. How would Jakku feel if it was determined the entire planet was unfit for living because the graveyard was emitting hazardous energy pulses, or the ground was saturated with fuels that could explode......there was a risk for them and the formation of the ESS.

She imagined they just really wanted to get some relief to their world.

Faith made her decision and headed to the room of her choice. Upon entry she saw a familiar face. Shoma Ike Shoma Ike .

"My apologies, I had much to consider" She found a seat and gave her attention to those in the room.

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