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Dominion Apocalypse Now | Dominion of Kalee | NIO


[P R A Y I D I E]

Robogeber Robogeber
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
REC-LU01 HAAT - Five Squadron of Twelve
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Six Squadrons of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter

The two men on either side raised from their seats with the arrival of their guest's shuttle entering the hangar. Their level of respect for the Warlord of Prefsbelt would show in their more formal greeting, the sight being offset by Lucien himself lagging behind the men in raising to greet his guest last.

With the initial formalities over with, Luc waved a dismissive hand towards his guest as he resumed sitting down in his seat, shortly followed by his retinue of advisors as well. "Lucien is fine, Admiral. Or if you must maintain formalities, Prince would be more appropriate." It had been a long time since someone had addressed him as anything other than that. As much as he appreciated his claim to Serenno being respected, it still didn't sit right with him while the world remained under the iron rule of his grandfather and his Sith-Imperial masters.

A grin shifted onto his lips once the tension within the air had broke. The warlord's request, which came up next, was met with a moment of contemplation that lasted only seconds before the request was granted. A nod was exchanged between Rexton and Luc, the former then giving the order on behalf of the Exiled Prince. "Very well, it shall be done." Rexton replied, issuing the order for the dispersal of the small cadre of Myrmidons present himself.

Luc spoke up next, once the Myrmidons and their equals in the Stossjaeger Corps had left the area entirely, the ad-hoc conference set-up now solely occupied by those currently seated at the table. "Now that we've honored your request, I assume that we can conduct our business-- unless there's a need for further accommodation."

Objective: Settle in for the meeting.
Location: NIV Myrmidon

A Little Drop of Poison

Rausgeber confirmed the order to the Stossjaeger, who were the last to leave. They departed back to the shuttle, and Carlyle sighed, eyeing Lucien, and his cadre of servants. It was true this was an atypical request, but there was one more. "
There is unfortunately one thing further." Carlyle informed Dooku with a slow nod, "You and your associates," He gestured to both the advisor and military man sat beside Lucien, and then Lucien himself, "Upmost confidence in what I am to reveal to you." Carlyle gave a pause and waited for any acknowledgement, before continuing. The man reached into his tunic and something strange occured.

He began to pixelate, his features hideously contorting and dissolving into what seemed like a void, "I imagine, you already suspected I was something different Prince Lucien." Carlyle mused with a disconcerning smile on his features, "That perhaps I use decoys as envoys like that discussion regarding Er'Kit," The Grand Admiral continued. The flesh was beginning to peter out, and his face, was replaced by that of a cold, obsidian dome. Which now began to flash, and crackle with static. "But I assure you," Rausgeber's voice had changed from the warmth of flesh, to being now filtered through a robotic vocaliser, "Things are far less hospitable than you can imagine." The droid now cackled.

"Now you see me," And his eyes piercing blue began to form on the screen, . "In the flesh." Carlyle paused as the rest of his face slowly seemed to boot up, scarred with scanlines on the display. "Unfortunately, keeping up appearances with that... Skin.... Well, it takes a great deal out of me, and I have unfortunately been stuck on it for a vast portion of my journey here, from Prefsbelt."

"Now," A wicked grin came over the droids eerie features, "What can I do for you gentlemen?"


[P R A Y I D I E]

Robogeber Robogeber
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
REC-LU01 HAAT - Five Squadron of Twelve
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Six Squadrons of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter


An unexpected outcome to the situation. The Warlord across from him had decided to really who he really was, the outcome of which was met by a momentary bout of silence by the three individuals sitting across the table from him. Luc would be the first one to break the silence, offsetting the seemingly shocked look sitting upon Admiral Mandela's face, and the impassive stare being presented by Valyrian. "Unexpected- but I've learned to expect the unexpected in this...tumultuous galaxy of ours."

It made sense once he took a second to put together his thoughts on Warlord Rausgeber, who in all of their shared interactions had always presented himself as an extremely logical man. His ability to remain consistently logical in his actions gave off the aura of a cold individual behind the pressed Imperial uniform and the influence he wielded from his station. Decisions flowed from his domain with nothing short of rationality in mind, presenting a stark contrast to the seemingly emotionally-guided directives that stemmed from the province of Nirauan under Lucien's domain.

Perhaps he had not seen it coming, but in the end it had all come together in fitting into his perspective of how the domain of Prefsbelt operated. Cold and efficient- almost like a machine. "Your secret is safe- I don't make it my business to interfere with the personal aspects of my fellow peers." Truth, offered behind the veil of a casual smirk. Business could proceed as usual now that the time for sharing secrets had come and passed.

Valyrian shifted in his seat as he reached to the side of his chair and brought to the table a durasteel case, locked and sealed with a biometric scanner. He slid it across to Lucien, who placed his thumb upon the scanner and held it there for the few seconds it took for the panel above it to light up green and disengage the hermetic locks that sealed the contents from the outside world.

A single folder was removed from the case, then slid across the table for the Warlord to view to his heart's content. "Despite our...disagreements in the matter of ethics within the confines of the Imperial Assembly, I'm not foolish enough to believe that, in its current state, the province of Nirauan can match the technical and industrial capabilities of Prefsbelt Command." Valyrian reached across Lucien and retrieved several more folders, presenting them to Rexton and Luc before placing one more in front of himself.

"As you can see within the dossier-- The request I have for you today is simple enough, assuming my counsel has not overestimated the capabilities of your domain." The contents, assuming Raus had glanced at them by now, consisted of over a dozen pages containing the initial concept of several classes of vessels along with the desired capabilities that Lucien was looking for. "As such, I would like to arrange a deal between us pertaining to creation and design of a number of vessels to serve as the vanguard of the newly-formed Nirauan Sector Navy." For the first time his ambitions were brought to light, even if thinly veiled behind the legality of his position as a Warlord of the Order, to another outside of the immediate circle of those that were sitting with him on either side. "I do hope we can reach an accord on this first request, as I do have a second matter that perhaps you'll find interesting."
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On the sky, several transport ship could be seen as long with various speeders coming in the directions of the NIO forces and their allies. Around thousands of Kaleesh warriors under the name of the "Sons of Grievous" assembled from Ra's and Rezoom own tribes and Ra's ex band along with various veterans of the last Kalee-Huk war were here to settle their own point on this Civil War. The War hero Ra's was quite pissed, he just left his planet since only a few months and now they had broken into a Civil War and the ennemy was trying to take over ? Kaleesh was always a troublesome people nedless to say, but this, this Ra's won't allow it , however a Civil War and a giant bath of blood between his own kind was the last thing he wanted, so if he could talk with those "NIO" he will do it, after all they might help him in his own plans...

"Remember Rezoom we are not here to fight, not yet. We are here to calm the Chieftains and Warlords in conflit and try to take a peacful approach with the NIO,unless they force use otherwise. Our forces need to stick to the plan Rezom "


Objective: Push the agenda.
Location: NIV Myrmidon
A Little Drop of Poison

Rausgeber scanned the dossier listening as the Nirauan stated his position. While he had but one cycloptic optical sensor hidden behind the obsidian shielding of his face, the eyes of Carlyle scanned over the documents meticulously. "
I imagine COMPNOR does not know of your ambition. Hmm?" The droid mused with a wry smirk across his lips. He placed the papers down, "So I am to just handily arm you with, a," he paused and glanced down at the largest class of vessel present, "Reasonably well armed flotilla, and potentially paint a target on my back?"

The droid somehow sighed, and leaned back in his seat, "
Despite complaints regarding ethical treatment of undesirables," The Grand Admiral mused, "My forces have orchestrated the construction of a new industrial centre away from the prying eyes of COMPNOR and your oversight." There was a neutral tone across the Warlords features. "My Command can construct your vessels, Prince Dooku," Carlyle mused, "But, as it sits, I have obligations to IMPCOM," The ex-First Order military man informed the Prince, "If I were to take on your little pet project, you wouldn't see the first ships make lift off until, perhaps the otherside of next year."

Carlyle paused, eyeing his compatriots with his beady gaze, "
But there may be a way to avoid such a wait." The showman's grin returned to his features, hungry as anything. "I think if I were given authorisation, by say the Imperial Assembly to increase Prefsbelt IV's immigrant and prisoner in take this wait time could be expedited. Perhaps by eight months to a year for a full sector fleet." Rausgeber paused, allowing for the information to settle in, "Your reservations aside gentlemen, I believe that by the nature of the war we face and the structure of this Empire we serve, require us to make decisions and deals with those deemed unsavory." Carlyle conceded.

But, should you allow this, you will have made friends on Prefsbelt. Friends who could ensure your forces receive increased deliveries and stockpiles of weaponry."


Rezom stood next to his sith master, one of his own race. His anger was a visible one. Not on his face, hidden by the mask. Not in loud growls, or exaggerated movement. Merely in the way he stood, the way he moved, and the few words he did utter. They all felt filled with a predatory malice aimed towards something outside the ship. His slitted eyes more than anything else screamed of incoming violence.

In truth, Rezom had killed other Kaleesh before. It was not uncommon for tribes to wage war against each other and growing up, he'd been involved in such things. However, there was politics. As his master reminded him of such a case. [In Kaleesh: "I shall obey master." he said simply. It was known he was not fond of the complicated political matters. But he found them necessary nonetheless. And would not jeopardize it. He touched the two lightsabers at his side, and the rifle on his back.

He may not be here for a fight. But if one did come, he would welcome it.

Ra's Ra's


[P R A Y I D I E]

Robogeber Robogeber
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
REC-LU01 HAAT - Five Squadron of Twelve
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Six Squadrons of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter

Rausgeber was a shrewd man, he'd initially thought. Of course he was now aware that the man was actually
not a man, but it was hard to not see the individual as anything but, considering the rational, yet still very human interaction that occurred between the two parties. Raus made several reasonably thought out points initially, and there wasn't much that Luc could counter on the topic of Prefsbelt providing aid to the fledgling, ambitious Warlord's domain. Assistance from Prefsbelt Command would indeed draw the lines in the sand even further, especially since Lucien had begun to openly oppose the ideology and directive that Compnor was attempting to spread throughout their shared Empire.

Yet regardless of the poltiical aspirations of the Warlords and Commissioners on each side, it was an undeniable fact that the neutrality of Prefsbelt meant that no matter Raus' hesitance,
money would still talk in the end. And what the Warlord of Nirauan lacked in owned industrial capacity, the province of NIrauan had all but made him one of the more financially prosperous Warlords wtihin the Order. Despite once being known as the faux Warlord of the Order, his presence within the administrative capitol of the Empire meant that there were no significant hindrances to prevent him from hoarding the wealth the planet provided.

He outfitted his own Legion, and even maintained one of the few highly independent battle groups within the entirety of the Order. It only took the presence of his newly -- at the time -- assigned Advisor for him to gain the knowledge needed to better manage that hoard of wealth he possessed. Investments into Nirauan followed- New Carannia itself being the shining example of what happened once the inexperienced Warlord was able to realize his ambitions with proper guidance. It would serve as the first of many projects to come, and with Prefsbelt's assistance, even greater achievements could potentially be realized even sooner than he'd expected.

Assuming that is, he was willing to make the metaphorical deal with the devil.

The domain of Prefsbelt's desire to take in as many, as they called them, undesirables as possible, was a topic that Luc had rallied hard against within the grounds of the Imperial Assembly. The deal being presented to him would essentially make Luc a hypocrite if he accepted it as it stood, but Luc could not deny that the positives would far outweigh the negatives regarding the realization of his ambitions. He was met with silence initially while Luc pondered to himself before outright agreeing to the terms offered.

"In good conscious, at face value, I would have to personally disagree on the terms being offered." Luc finally spoke up. Valyrian peered across to his inexperienced ward, prepared to offer his assistance if the Exiled Prince needed his counsel. "But-- you're right. Hard decisions are necessary for the realization of what we wish to accomplish. For the greater good of what I wish to envision for Nirauan, today, I believe we do need to reach an accord." Valyrian sat back in his seat, a pleased look upon the elder Imperial's visage as Lucien seemingly found his direction.

"I'm willing to agree to an increase of immigrant and prisoner intake within the domain of Prefsbelt Command, but not at the detriment of Nirauan's own intake of immigrants. I have no desire to interfere with prisoners being sent to your domain in droves- Nirauan doesn't need them coming to our world. In fact, I'm willing to arrange for the extradition of criminals charged with violent or capitol offenses from Nirauan to Prefsbelt. Those are truly the undesirables that we do not want." A finger raised in the air, just in case Raus wanted to interject.

"Regarding the immigrant question-- I'm willing to utilize what influence I possess within the Assembly to.. arrange for some of the other lesser Provinces to have their immigrant intake re-routed to Prefsbelt instead. In reality, it would probably be to their benefit, considering a large number of our controlled worlds simply do not have the ability to properly manage them in the first place. Both you and I will find our provinces benefiting heavily from this arrangement, without the need to compromise what I stand."

Objective: Push the agenda.
Location: NIV Myrmidon
A Little Drop of Poison

The Grand Admiral listened to Lucien as he made his terms in a neutral manner. He frowned a little when Dooku explained Prefsbelt would not be receiving any of Nirauan's intake, but inside he was grinning. This was perfect. If he had known that the little dictator of Nirauan would have extended his reach this far, then Carlyle come solely to Kalee for this meeting, rather than Project RUUSAN. Nevertheless, it would seem this arrangement with Nirauan would be almost immediately to the benefit of the Grand Admiral and Prefsbelt proper. Fresh blood would now grease and oil the cogs of his war machine. All because the Princeling wanted to square up to some two-bit spy agency. It was beautiful.

Then I think based on this, we have an accord." Carlyle drily mused, small grin crossing across his lips. "I do assure you, Prince Dooku that the more growth we experience in Prefsbelt's labour pool, the more prepared we will be for inevitable conflicts in the future." The Grand Admiral assured the younger man, cryptically. Some old wounds never left the former First Order warhorse. Particularly those inflicted by those under the banner of a Galactic Alliance. Hideous business. Rausgeber paused, and eyed the documents, "Could I be so bold as to take these back to my vessel? I can have them transmitted back to Prefsbelt, begin any design alterations and reconfigurations before the end of the day, and have some, firmer plans drawn up."

But there was yet one thing more the Grand Admiral wished to discuss. "
Before, I set out my advise regarding the construction of your vessels, Prince Dooku, you referred to having something that would strike my interest." Carlyle leaned back in his seat and cocked his head to the side, "You certainly have piqued that interest."


[P R A Y I D I E]

Robogeber Robogeber
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
REC-LU01 HAAT - Five Squadron of Twelve
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Six Squadrons of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter

A roll of eyes followed Raus' words. Despite having reached an accord on their agreement, Luc was in no position to want to entertain the beliefs to which Prefsbelt held as a standard. "With all due respect, Admiral, I personally do not care whether Prefsbelt is within a position of better preparedness in the case of the inevitable conflicts which may soon rock the worlds on our frontlines." The words were said with a smile, even as he offered up a shrug to further drive in what he said.

Luckily for him, the topic would switch back to what they had come together to meet for in the first place. After all, the business interests shared between them were about the only connection that Prefsbelt and Nirauan maintained. Outside of that, the two were just as ideologically different as Nirauan was to Compnor-dominated worlds. "You may feel free to take that dossier with you- I encourage it, actually. Despite our differences, I would like to maintain a semblance of trust to be built upon in the future. Business is paramount to achieving ambition within the Order- not extremism, after all."

And with that, he slid across the table another dossier- a black folder, unlike the manila one currently within his hands. "Beneath my headquarters on Nirauan, we discovered the mostly intact ruins of a facility which may benefit not just Nirauan, but perhaps even Prefsbelt itself. Spaarti Cylinders- dozens of them, albeit more than 90% of them are far from being in operable status. Data-mining has confirmed that these are the remnant of the Pentastar Alignment's facilities, back during the days of the fragmented Empire of old. I'd like to get this facility not just in an operable status, but expanded to a greater capacity that it currently has."

Luc would give Raus has some time to review the documents before he continued any further. His excitement was beginning to show through his tone, after all, and he needed to maintain a semblance of coldness towards the literal robot in his presence. "And that's where you come in."

Objective: Bargaining
Audience: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

The Grand Admiral quietly and politely listened to the young man as he listed how Prefsbelts preparedness would not matter. It was that, he addressed first. "
I think you misunderstand my aims, Prince Dooku." Rausgeber mused with some wry smarm. "I intend for Prefsbelt to be the forge of the New Imperial Order. Providing the arms, munitions and assets neccessary for future war." Carlyle paused, "I don't intend to debate the politics of it, but you would be a fool your highness, to believe any lasting peace with the Sith Empire or Galactic Alliance can permanently exist."

But this aside, this is.... Curious to me." Carlyle paused, and his eyes seemed to flicker on and off. Almost as if the droid were accessing something. A memory, or perhaps data. "Spaarti Clones....." A pixelated tongue lavished the screens lips, "Such archaic technologies will require some time to fine tune," The automaton mused. It was a curious thing, cloning. Carlyle had always thought such a practice was impractical and "But, it would not be beyond our expertise or logistics, no." Carlyle drummed his fingers together and eyed the Princeling, and his entourage. "I would however request one thing." He raised a gloved digit.

One cylinder. To be delivered to Prefsbelt. No questions asked."


[P R A Y I D I E]

Robogeber Robogeber
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
REC-LU01 HAAT - Five Squadron of Twelve
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Six Squadrons of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter

Regardless of what the Admiral would say, his words were taken in by impassive eyes and a dismissive mind to boot. "The Sith- yes." He waved a hand, dismissal in his tone for the next few words. "The Galactic Alliance is another matter altogether." Conflict with the previously mentioned entity was definitely avoidable, in his opinion. The wheels of war that turned within the Order did not need to turn their way that far into the Core. They had proved themselves allies in the conflict with the Sith, and should that conflict continue to spark as it did, their assistance would once more prove invaluable in the coming years. To reach the sheer scale of the Sith Empire's capacity to wage war would take much more time, and peace to add.

Returning to what mattered, Lucien's smirk returned upon hearing about the request that was asked for in return for the assistance being negotiated. It didn't take the Prince no more than a moment of thought to put together just why the Warlord would request just one single cylinder. Luc wouldn't bring up the fine points of that, but would instead offer a nod before speaking up once more. After all, he was offering paying for the services being rendered.

"One cylinder- no questions asked. I can arrange for one of the few which are in a...mostly operative state to be discreetly transferred to wherever you decide. It would require much less work i'd imagine to get it into a proper, functional state."

Favors, although, came with the idea of a favor being asked in return.

"In return, i'd simply ask that our agreements here today be limited to just us and yourself, of course. As in, I would like the existence of the vessels, along with their origins, to be strictly classified from here further. No matter who comes looking."


Objective: Wrap Up
Audience: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

The Grand Admiral politely and silently listened to the Prince's offer. He was about to reply, when his comm unit buzzed. A little startled, the Grand Admiral jolted up, and erect in posture. His gloved hand reached for a tranceiver, and an expression of almost bashfulness came over the automaton. "
Apologies gentlemen." Rausgeber added apologetically, then flicked a small panel and accessed a button. His tone imediately changed. "Rausgeber here. What is it?"

"Grand Admiral sir," A voice was just audible on the other end, "This is Commodore Gowe." Rausgeber's irritated expression morphed to that of, contentment. "Admiral, Brigadier Ban'Esh has made contact with forward elements of the 43rd Stormtroopers and some assorted Kalee militiamen," Gowe explained, her voice hurried and crackled over the comms unit. "He's managed recover from them approximately two dozen, still living subjects, and we are awaiting extraction." Carlyle's eyes lit up, and a devious smirk passed across those scanlined lips.

Extend my congratulations to the Brigadier." Carlyle drawled with a smile, "I assure you, I'll be over shortly. Rausgeber out." The Grand Admiral's attentions returned to the meeting at hand. He pursed his lips and the strange sound of an artificial tongue 'clicking' echoed through the hangar, "Well, if we are engaging in the cooperative spirit of discretion, I request it be kept both ways." He allowed a small chortle, "I jest. But in earnest, you have my word, your highness that I will keep our discussions privately between us."

The digits of the ex-First Imperial now began to tool around with a console hidden beneath his tunic, and now his form began to contort and change again. Those same pixels which had dissolved, returning. "
I will have my man, Admiral Karlist Rax be in contact with you. He's a good sort, he'll be in charge of this... Operation to retrieve and repair the cylinders." Carlyle informed the Nirauan's as his face now began to form. Flesh merging out of thin air. "But as you might have heard," His voice now contorting between both human and machine, "My subordinates have some pressing matters to attend to." Carlyle's form now appeared fully in the flesh.

"If that concludes our business, then I appreciate the invitation and robust discussion undertaken."

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