Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rekali the Hutt

A message would come to the main channels for Monster Hunters Incorporated.

Dear Monster Hunters Incorporated

Good day. I've heard much about your new upstart business, and I'd like to arrange/sponsor a hunt for the capture and transportation of around a dozen large and exotic specimens. Due to having some competitors in the area I am loathe to discuss the exact details over Holomail, but I suspect the job would be very lucrative for your organization and I would love to arrange a meeting where I can discuss the job in person with one of your representatives.



[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Going over the various contacts that I had, many were asking for missions, training due to my higher responsibility within the Mandalorian Crusade, or just a few friends wanting to meet up to have some drinks. However, I found one that peaked my interests. It was titled the company that I owned, and worked at part time. My brow furrowed a little as I opened the message. One that came from a hutt who wanted my services. I smiled a little. Reaching out to me? Thats a first. Usually it went the other way around. I began to type up my own message, and sent it.


​I thank you for reaching out to me, and showing interest in my company. I can accommodate you into my schedule whenever you happen to have an opening. I am very interested in what creatures you are wanting to be captured, and transported. All I will need from you are the date, time, and where.



[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

Ventus would receive a reply in his holomail box within another 24 hours.


How about we meet up next Benduday around 3:00 PM local time? I believe you have an office on Dantooine, and I can certainly meet you over there.

Looking forward to meeting you,



A man comprised of stone entered the Monster Hunters Incorporated building at precisely 2:43 PM. Someone with more colorful connections might remember that a certain Vaathkree had been a part of Hutt Cartels for the better part of three centuries, but the chances of this particular Vaathkree being him seemed unlikely. The naturally armored creature would find the closest thing resembling a secretary and inform them that he knew he was early but he was here for a three o'clock appointment with a gentleman named Ventus. They'd likely send him a message that the Vaathkree was read for him,, but not pressing for an immediate meeting.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge


It was time. Currently, I was going through some files I had over a contract with the Mandalorian Crusaders. Wanting me to go and get some Jakko beast fur, as well as various hunters wanting licences, and even some of the weapons I had already crafted for them. I went through looking at the files, judging which ones that would be approved or not. As much as I wanted everyone to be able to hunt, and get gear from my company, I needed to restrict who could have this available. I didn't want weapons I built to end up in the hands of people who could potentially use it against me. Even more so when I was an apprentice of a man who made quite a few enemies along his lifetime.

A secretary came in telling me about how a rather large, stone figure was in the main lobby and mentioned for the meet up at 3 o'clock. The man was earily. I smiled a little. Early just like having an interview. Likely, as per Mandalorian culture, and for other lines of work, the man was carrying some form of weaponry, or was just powerful enough to be registered as a deadly weapon. Turning to the secretary,

"Send him in at ten till. Oh, and get me two cups of Cafe will ya?"
"Yes sir. Anything else?"
"Have Tania start running the approval process for these people here."

She nodded her head as she took the datapad from my hand. Once she left the room, I cleared my desk a little from the lightsaber, the hand cannon sized blaster pistol, a few datapads, and a cafe mug that had been there since yesterday morning. Would be a little bit rude if I looked like a slob. Even more so with weapons out in the open like that. Putting the blaster in its holster, as well as the lightsaber on my thigh, I went and grabbed my jacket.

It was cold anyways.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"],

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

"Sir, Mr. Ventus will see you now." The secretary came to him at precisely ten til 3. The Vaathkree nodded and stood, then followed the secretary to Mr. Ventus's office. She knocked before receiving a response, then let Valka into the room.

"I'd like to thank you for allowing me on such short notice. I'm Valka" Valka said as he entered the room, presumably taking a seat as it was offered. The human would find the Vaathkree's sense of modesty far different from his own species, carrying nothing to cover his mineral body save for a satchel that ran from shoulder to hip. He'd open up the satchel before pulling out a small disc and handing it to the Monster Hunter CEO.

"I wish to acquire anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen breedable Energy Spiders. Curious creatures that they are they eat energy, plasma and the like. Difficult to capture and transport as a result. They'll be going to Trevel'ka, a wasteland of a world that used to deal with dried up mines. putting a new product there could generate some economic growth." Valika said. A more complete dossier of the beast could be found on the disc if he put it in a datapad or similar such machine.

"I understand that such capture will be expensive, but I'm ready to put up a standing offer, if you're amenable."
Factory Judge
As the large being walked in through the door, I would bow and offer the man a seat. As he sat, he began to thank me for letting him come on short notice. Honestly, It was either be with this man and talk about business, or be out in the field dealing with hunters, or doing training. Any of the above were fine. I think it would be better of my time to grow my company at the moment. Taking the disk the man presented me, I looked at it for a moment as he explained the creatures.

Energy Spiders. I heard a little about them from mining stories and how they could eat, and consume pure energy from beings of the universe, and even blaster fire. Lightsabers wouldn't work so well either if I had to take a guess. I smirked a little as it was then spoken for the creatures, about a dozen or so, to be transported to Trevel'ka. Heard the name, never been to the place. From the description of the rocky being, it was a wasteland planet much like Tatooine or even Mandalore would be like. Only, much worse.

Nodding my head as the price was sure to be expensive, he was willing to pay it. A man willing to pay his way for what he wants. Good for business. Nodding my head,

"As of the moment, I can ballpark the figure to be around twenty to thirty thousand for the capturing alone. Anything else will just pay for expenses, or any problems we come along on. Is that an agreeable sum for you?"

A lot of conventional weaponry would not work on these energy spiders. So I would either need to use tranquilizer weapons, and or non-lethal rounds from slugthrowers for the more cheaper alternative than ion weaponry. Even more so, these creatures were quite deadly, thrived in the darkness from what I could tell right off the bat. If he wanted them dead, and just the husks, then it would be much cheaper. Alive? Different all together. Including the fact that these spiders may live in unfavorable conditions to the hunters who would be attending this.

I didn't want to run a company that was only about getting the quickest credit chip, but also the safest for the hunters who were doing this job.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

Hmmm. Reasonable rates.

"I'll pay twenty-six per spider, and another ten grand for the first five mate-able pairs." The golem-esque man agreed to the Hunter's amount. Thoughts of possible business ventures ran through his head as the prospect of importing Energy Spiders into Trevel'ka's old and dried up mines. He'd need to find someway to make a renewable feeding source in there. Perhaps the next meeting he conducted. Would Arceneau have something necessary for that? Perhaps ICE. He needed to talk to ICE anyways. Procure some planetary, or at least fortress level shielding. Reinforce the Gavaroth district. For now however, spiders were the subject at hand.

"How soon do you think you'll be able to obtain them?" Valka asked, every the businessman, ever the analyst. He didn't particularly need them at this time or that time, but knowing when to expect them gave him way to plan the rest of the deals he had to make, and when to press their deadlines.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
The man's terms were good. Haggling was fine. Considering I didn't have a set price on them anyways, it was okay to accept this change. And from what I could tell, he was pricing a bit over to compensate for fuel, and paying the various hunters to aid me in this. Nodding my head to the being's proposal, I grabbed the datapad, and wrote down the figures to keep everything clear, and concise. I was a man of my word, and I wanted to hold whoever this man was representing for, to keep their word as well.

"I accept the terms."

The rocky figure then asked in how much time did I think it would take. Instead of yabbering about how long it would take due to the men, gathering them up, getting supplies, getting there, then the travel time to the planet they wanted dropped off, I gave them a slower time than I expected us to be done in.

"At most, 3 standard weeks time. If I happen to be faster than that, I'll contact you. Agreeable?"

If he wanted a faster time, I was sure I could push out a few men who could do it, but I would rather be over prepared for this, and the task be easier than expected, than rush it and screw up. My company didn't want bad reviews over this. It would hurt us financially. I doubted that the buyer was not of simple people. Likely could turn my world upside down. I really didn't feel like crossing that at the moment.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"],

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

The Golemous Valka made no expression of his approval or lack thereof of the proposed timeline, merely opened up the calendar on his datapad and began inputting dates and analyzing his schedule.

"Three weeks for capture or three weeks for capture and delivery?" Valka asked, in typical rock-faced stoicism. If Zephyr was particularly keen on reading the body language of mineral based species, or cheated using the Force to get a general feel for his emotions, or even just had a good hunch he'd realize that the Vaathkree didn't particularly care which. Sooner was better of course, but maintaining a well kept schedule was extremely important to the businessman.

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