Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aranar Skirata


Aranar Skirata


NAME: Aranar Skirata

FACTION: Clan Skirata

RANK: Staff Seargent


AGE: 42

SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: 1.96m

WEIGHT: 118kg

EYES: Dark Brown

HAIR: Bald

SKIN: Polynesian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Assault Weapons, Vehicular Warfare, Heavy Weapons, Armoured Division

Straightforward- Although he has a wry sense of humor. Aranar can at times be overbearing and prideful to the point of Hubris. He likes to think he has all the answers can call of the shots, but he has some glaring blindspots. If the problem isn't as straight forward as a straight up fight he can be lost. At times like that he reluctantly concedes others should take the lead. He's a soldier not a spy, politician, diplomat, or businessmen.

Muscular physique to the peak of human condition, strong jawline, bald. Despite a somewhat menacing appearance he has the kind of face you trust who would protect those he loves till the end.


Their father was Canderous Skirata, bounty hunter as was Mandalorian tradition who'd come across a lead about an old Kaminoan stash of Clone DNA. The cells weren't enough for a direct clone but there was enough to be spliced with female embryos. So the brothers came into being. Separate mothers but the same father.

Aranar was the first out of the test tube, so that makes him the Eldest despite his brothers protests. Aranar dismisses those protests, as far as he's concerned he is. His brothers used to joke his mother must have been a Reek. All of them grew up hearing stories of old of their ancestors the Clones of the GAR, of the Mandalorian Protectors and of Clan Skirata. They each had there specialties. Aranar always had a thing for being the Tank of the group.

Aranar did his best to be the leader growing up, but was ignored as often as he was listened to a fact which created it's on divisions with the brothers. Still that was natural with brothers. They fought as much as they loved each other trained together, fought together by the time they were teenagers they were quite the Elite Squad. Truthfully he tried his best did his best to be a good son a good brother, but came off as stiff and overbearing.

Which played it's own part in the brothers split. When they were in their late teens. None of them can quite remember the actual cause of the argument, only that it caused a family fight and fauling out. Each picking at each others flaws. They went there separate ways. By Mandalroain standards they were adults. There father reluctantly let them go to find their own paths in life.

While they split going on their own paths in life. Aranar joined the Galactic Alliance Marines. He was a good soldier followed orders, gave them served on the front lines of Heavy Weapons and Armoured Divisions. Although good in the field Aranar lacked the human interpersonal skills to rise through the likes, not that he wanted to, he liked being an NCO, he liked working for a living. Having to deal with officers also teppered his need to be constantly in charge.

The brothers didn't reunite until one day they got word. Their father went on a hunting trp and hadn't been home in a few days. It turned into a mission. Turns out ther father had found another Null clone. By the time it was over they had a new family member, none of them thought they could be a dad but they thought they might be able to pull off being Uncle's. In true Skirata fashion they couldn't decide on a name only that he was a Skirata. So the name stuck.

The various brothers did their best to raise him as a Mandalorian. Each of them passing on their skills. Every so often they still did there own thing, but never again in anger and always had each others backs just like they had when they were kids. And above all the kid came first. Overtime it became clear that the kid had something the rest of them didn't a certain amount of talent the others didn't a borderline genius. The kid started taking more and more responsibilities, before they appointed him leader.

Right now Aranar wants whats best for Skirata both the man and the Clan and he firmly believes that they're both best for each other. Aranar is a decent XO. They've even managed to get the rest of Clan Skirata organised and under his leadership a not insignificant force. Aranar has even started to dare to believe that Skirata might be the future, not just for the Clan, but maybe even a future for all Mandalorians. Just Maybe even Mandalore.

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