Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ALIAS: Viper
FACTION: None (at the moment)
SPECIES: Human (clone)
AGE: 865 (biologically 28)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.83 meters
WEIGHT: 78 kilograms
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Advanced Recon Commando Clone trooper training
+Highly independent

-Currently unfamiliar with the galaxy at large
-Very few skills outside of the military
-Stubborn and prideful
-Arrogant and somewhat conceited

Viper resembles all of the Jango Fett clones and Jango Fett in particular. While he once preferred to baldness, he has recently allowed his hair and beard to grow out, the former resembling his template's hairstyle. He is still six foot tall, but since his reemergence, Viper's had a slight weight loss. He still wears his green clone trooper armor (colored green because the color stands for duty in Mandalorian culture), though has added new markings to reflect his new existence.

ARC-15, nicknamed 'Viper', was a first-generation ARC trooper produced thirty-two years before the Battle of Yavin. As one of the first modern ARC troopers, he was produced without an inhibitor chip, giving him a greater degree of independence than his future brothers. He was also trained under one of the Mandalorians handpicked by Jango Fett to instruct the first ARC troopers--namely Ared Krieg, a veteran of the Mandalorian Civil War.

Krieg trained Viper and his comrades in the Mandalorian fighting style, which became the basis of ARC trooper training. In turn, Viper and his comrades embraced and adopted Mandalorian culture as their own. Knowing he was bred for one purpose, Viper marked his armor in green paint to signify his future duty. Krieg also gave him a kama, which was a ceremonial half-skirt worn by Mandalorian hunters.

Krieg did his best to remain unattached to the clone trooper, for he knew they would eventually leave him one day. It was part of his job. Likewise, he tried to keep the clones from fraternizing too much as ARC troopers were supposed to be independent. Despite his best efforts, though, he couldn't stop himself and the clones from forming familial bonds. As such, when the time came to let them go, it was tearful. Nevertheless, he was proud of his cadets and dreamed of grandeur for them in the coming conflict.

Fighting at the first battle of Geonosis, Viper silently lamented the ineffectiveness of the clone grunts under his command and was frustrated with their inability to keep up with him. The death of over four thousand commandos also enraged Viper, and left him silently questioning the Jedi's ability to lead the war to come. Despite this, the clone army defeated the Separatist Droid Army despite a 10 to 1 advantage.

However, much to his chagrin, after Geonosis Viper was redeployed to Geonosis to assist in the training of clone troopers. At first, he considered it a waste of his talents. However, after a year spent there, he began to grow on the clones under his command. It wasn't until the battle of Kamino, however, that he gained a healthy respect for his comrade's abilities.

Viper returned to the field some time later, now a lieutenant and commanding his own platoon. He went on to serve at, Ringo Vinda, second Geonosis, Anaxes, and Umbara. Because of the events of some of these campaigns, he developed paranoia and a mild form of PTSD. Sometime after the battle of Anaxes, Viper served during the Siege of Mandalore, where he encountered his "father", Ared Krieg, who defected from the Republic to join the Mandalorian Resistance against Death Watch.

Remembering the stories that Krieg told his cadets about the Mandalorian Civil War, Viper proudly fought with the Resistance. However, Krieg was mortally wounded in the midst of action. In his final breaths, Krieg asked his "son" to take command of his troops and take the west side street, an act which proved critical to prevent reinforcing clankers from ambushing the main force. Darth Maul, the leader of Death Watch, escaped, but they were all but defeated. The Mandalorian resistance leader became the provisional leader and Viper was awarded jaig eyes for his service.

In the days that followed, the Separatists launched a daring assault on the Republic capital, but Viper remained on Mandalore to help restore order. Nevertheless, the battle of Coruscant was won and it seemed the Separatists were on their last leg. Viper was dispatched to Mygeeto, where the Republic aimed to acquire a kyber crystal from droid forces. However, Viper's battalion was surrounded and an explosion incapacitated him. As the droids searched the dead, they discovered Viper was still alive and took him prisoner. He was put in stasis on a secret asteroid base in a field in the Mygeeto system. Thus, he missed the execution of Order 66 which occurred just days after. Before the droid army could do what they planned, the remote signal which powered the droids was shut down, thus powering down the droid armies.

Eight hundred and forty-five years later, Viper remained undisturbed until a solar flare fried the main station's generator. Fortunately, his helmet supplied him oxygen until the backup generator was activated. To his misfortune, however, the backup generator reactivated some of the downed units.

It took a moment for him to readjust. He had no idea where he was. Fortunately, the droids were deactivated before they could dismantle his weapons. Thus, they were only in a lockbox next to his stasis chamber and he could easily break the lock with his wristblades.

Viper managed to stealth his way out of his prison chamber and made it through the halls, but he eventually encountered two reactivated Super Battle Droids, which he was forced to fight off. This alerted the others and compelled the outnumbered Viper to retreat to the hangar. He used explosive fuel barrels to fight off the waves of droids, but even his clever tactics couldn't stave off the horde. He hid in a Separatist shuttle and attempted to power it on. It took a few jolts, but it started, though not before the droids blasted the window a few times, cracking it. As they tried to close the hangar door, Viper lifted off and just barely made it out, scrapping the door as he did.

Though he escaped, Viper was completely unaware of where he was until he saw Mygeeto and even then he didn't know almost nine hundred years had passed since he disappeared. He attempted to use the shuttle's holocom to contact GAR channels to no avail. None were active.

He landed on Mygeeto, but was baffled to discover that it seemed almost untouched. The local Lurman, whose population seemed rather scarce, were of little help, as few spoke Basic. Frustrated, Viper left the system and floated in space for weeks, sending emergency alerts to anyone who would listen...





Distress Signal (Ongoing)
Timeless Comrades (Ongoing)


[member="Shadow Rider"]


Just a friendly reminder that in SWRP: Chaos, we use different sub-accounts for all of our characters and the account names of these characters must be the same as the character names.

Here is a guide how to create a new character account. :)
If you don't want to make a new account you can always just change the name and profile picture of your current one. You can request a name change in this thread:

Edit: it may actually not work for a writer account, never tried, don't know. Try it out and see what happens. lol.

Edit 2: Too late with the response it seems. :D Isn't to hard to make a sub-account either, so. :D Cool char and good luck. :p



Oh, I am not a staffer, so I can't give you a definite answer on that, but I believe it's not a problem and you don't have to repost it. :)

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
Your Bio looks fantastic! I love it!

Also, about the account thing. I believe its preferred to post your bio with your character account((at least that's how I've always done it)) but I'm not typically sure. Though, even if you did post it with your writer account and not character account, you don't have to repost it because it dosent typically matter or affect anything.

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