Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arceneau Trade Company, South Systems Bazaar, and Blackmarket


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

A general message would come from the newer built Vaynai temple of the Silver jedi

"The Order of the Silver Jedi would like to expand is trading resources from Shri-tal, the Invisible market hub there could benefit from someone of experience moving exports of the world to a wider array of people."
Saki said:
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

A general message would come from the newer built Vaynai temple of the Silver jedi

"The Order of the Silver Jedi would like to expand is trading resources from Shri-tal, the Invisible market hub there could benefit from someone of experience moving exports of the world to a wider array of people."

A message would be sent back.

Greetings Order of the Silver Jedi,

It is an honor that you would request such services from Arceneau Trade. I am sure we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement in trade. Perhaps even involving the transfer of one of my largest trade stations available there for you.

If this is to your liking, I invite you to come to the Southern Systems Trade Hub in Tion and meet with me, I do believe that that is the closest trading area in your little neck of the 'verse.

Danger Arceneau.

James Solaris

An anonymous transmission would come in. "I will pay 100,000 for a suit of made to order body armor. Details will be sent shortly. As part of the deal, you won't be allowed to tell ANYONE or put it down that you sold me the armor. "
Danger Arceneau I would like to extend the hand of Vulcan Industries, currently we are a small Tier I weapons company located on Empress Teta. We would like the procure the skeleton of a Rancor for production purposes. If you can deliver this to us then, we will sign a contract to allow for the sale or our goods through your market with a steep 30% cut of all income through it. As a show of good fatih we will also offer a 30% cut on any item you may wish to procure from us.
James Solaris said:
An anonymous transmission would come in. "I will pay 100,000 for a suit of made to order body armor. Details will be sent shortly. As part of the deal, you won't be allowed to tell ANYONE or put it down that you sold me the armor. "

We accept your request. What kind of suit of armor would you wish to have?

Darth_Morgoth said:
Danger Arceneau I would like to extend the hand of Vulcan Industries, currently we are a small Tier I weapons company located on Empress Teta. We would like the procure the skeleton of a Rancor for production purposes. If you can deliver this to us then, we will sign a contract to allow for the sale or our goods through your market with a steep 30% cut of all income through it. As a show of good fatih we will also offer a 30% cut on any item you may wish to procure from us.
Arceneau Trade accepts the terms.

(Please feel free to start a thread so we can talk contract of it over in it. That way, it also counts as a contract for you when you ask for a tier promotion :) )

James Solaris

Another transmission would come in 6 hours later.

"Here is what the armor will look like. You will design it to be an armor that can withstand both Lightsabers and electrocution via the Force/being lifted/messed with by the Force. This armor is made for covert operations however. The armor will also have biometric scanners built in, so only the first person to use the armor can ever use it. A jet pack added is optional, but preferred. "


You may get a bonus if you include a Phrik or Cortosis Bo Staff with a light-saber like blade on one end of it, and a shock device on the other.
[member="James Solaris"]

The only way to make it somewhat resistant to the Force is to either do the following:

a. Use alchemized leather much like what AEL does using Terantektak leather, which you will need to contact AEL storefront for such items.
B. Use a canon backpack with a ysalimiri instead of the optional jetpack.

For phrik and cortosis, as it is a restricted item you will have to conduct a mining thread of at least 10 quality posts -- While I can do the mining thread myself, that would be extra.

Most armors are able to withstand a certain amount of electricity, but not all. Only alchemized metal is able to do it to that extent, much like what AEL produces. You may need to buy a separate type of shielding that may aid in countering electronic discharges from Force lightning.

James Solaris

I've decided actually to hold off on the purchase for now, but I will get back to you when the time is right.

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