
|| The Important Stuff ||- Name: Archive-9
- Alias: N/A
- Species: Shard
- Homeworld: Fondor - Adopted
- Faction: N/A
- Rank: Knight
- Force Sensitive: Definitely
|| Less Important Stuff ||
- Age: 1
- Height: 5' 11''
- Weight: Droid
- Eye Color: Purple
- Hair: None
- Gender: Male
|| Mind Your Own Business ||
- - Immature: He's inherited the personality of a particularly immature teenager with a bone to pick. This gets him into many situations wherein he's liable to get shot. Getting shot, of course, is bad for his
healthcircuits. - -/+ Droid: We've been EMP'd, our electronics are offline. But if they aren't, well, he doesn't need to sleep, or eat, or drink. He's really the perfect
lovercompanion. - + Gunslinger: His progenitor is an accomplished marksman and pistol duelist, and as a droid, these skills are heightened because mechanical precision and weapons go hand in hand.
- + Fashion: Uh, hello? Everyone loves a duster. Doppelbangers ain't got nothin' on him.
|| Personals you Needn't Concern Yourself With ||
Archive-9 is often viewed as the sardonic, mocking, occasionally jovial and overall immature bodyguard droid for Calina Ovmar. Why she has him, or what she needs with a shard, he's not saying. This is likely because he's either not saying much of anything, or he's saying a whole not of nothing. He's quite skilled at talking around a point or in a circle, though he's keen to point out that he never lies.
It may not be the answer you're looking for, but it's still the truth, and it's still an answer.
Of course, this gets him into more trouble than it avoids. That being said, he's young, having been created to function as an assassin/duelist/scout, and he still serves that function - as well as that of pilot - for Calina. They're never too far apart, and thankfully, with his ability to use the Force, they're able to sense each other even when not in close proximity; a bonus considering he always introduces himself as 'the guy watching her body.'
He likely does this on purpose to annoy her; an inherited trait, really. Or, maybe, he's a cheap Doppelbangers model - it's sometimes hard to tell.
|| Roleplays ||