Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ardasa, Where Devils Play | CIS Witches & Friends

Tag: Telula Vale Telula Vale Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Asher Mossa Damien Van-Derveld Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Valah, having stayed a few feet behind was aware of the group as they came into view. As she knew they were aware of her presence also..She was cautious as well as comforted knowing she had found a common quest amongst them. Seeing them continue on in what seemed to be a lost city..with clues as to its destruction she glanced up and yelled aloud as now would be a good of a time as any.."If whatever was here plans to will be soon..We may have stepped into it's home?" She asks while catching up with the others knowing she had some explaining to do as to who she was. Hopefully she would not have to explain much as given the psychic communication between her and Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura should have a common ground as to Valah not being perceived as a threat. Her eyes quickly scanned the others as she approached closer. "Valah Hagen...Padawan..Jedi learner..Joined the CIS on my planet Naboo. Came to this planet in search of renewable resources..and any information that may prove useful to the Faction I am in service to. A pleasure to meet you all..but i'm also sure this conversation may be shorter than I'd like." She nods and looks around..scanning the area as she could feel so many things tethered through the force...It was almost overwhelming. With her training..adequate..and no teacher in particular..her senses were giving off warning signals everywhere. As Her Padawan robes draped over her shoulders she crouches down placing her hand on the ground feeling for tremors of any kind.
Vytal regarded the ruins on their approach. They were remarkable. Not humble fragments of walls, but towering archways and dwellings alike. A proper ruin, not the ghost of a fragment of a bygone era. Asher seemed to appreciate them as well.

Her eyes shifted among those present. Curious how many here seemed to know one another. Mostly in pairs. Male and female pairs in particular, Of course. Nothing better than for interpersonal relationships to remind a Witch where she stood. In the ruins on a world full of monsters... Alone. Spirits were not suitable stand-ins for actual companionship.

"No, it is a very good choice, Asher." A good place to conceal their presence while providing shelter from the elements, or being observed by the hostiles of the world.

Her green eyes slid around toward the new face among them. Felix Aquila Felix Aquila as he introduced himself. "No need to prepare yourself for the Life Beyond. This world is filled with danger, and I sense not one resolved in a day like so many other ventures by the Confederacy. Yet it is one you all will rise to meet if the circumstances demand it -- in this I trust." There'd be no new initiates scarcely able to understand how to hold a weapon or out talk a hostile soul here. This was a crucible. Initiates would only be ground up if thrown down upon this world.

A slight beckoning with her fingers, Vytal invited Valah Hagen Valah Hagen into the camp. "Perhaps. You should not let down your guard. Much of this world remains unknown to us." Well, most initiates would have been kept away at any rate. Vytal wasn't a goddess, and conjuring a portal would only be a signal flare to the darkest of beasts on this world. "I am pleased you have joined us. There is strength in numbers."

she addressed to Asher Mossa , "if you would organize a scouting of the area as Felix suggests?" Vytal paused with a smile on her dark lips before she drifted away into the ruins.

A short time passed before the Pale Witch surfaced seemingly at her ease among the rubble. Her green eyes fixed on Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin as she slid into sight. "A beautiful evening for a stroll in the wilderness of the damned. I am always appreciative when I have to chance to meet other Sisters. Even the nearest shores of the Confederacy are still far from home," Vytal spoke calmly with no intention of shouting for the world to hear. "What is it such a capable Witch as yourself seeks?" Not of Ardasa, of course. No, the Nightmother was interested in the woman's much larger goals. Motivations, desires, dreams, and nightmares. They had a moment it seemed before they would find trouble, and she thought to explore it with her Sister.

She would need some time with Asher as well, Vytal felt. They so rarely had a chance to talk even being so near to one another on Ryloth. Since the events at the Altar of Spirits Asher was one of those whom Vytal desired to support however she could. The Great Spirits of the Mandragora had not left them even if they were not the only spirits the Solanaceae now called attention to. There might have been an alteration, much like slightly turning a lens through which one peered, but the Three remain among them. Necessary adjustments because of a certain, former member that had lost her way. Not that the other Witch would agree, but when did a Nightsister care what others thought?

Tag: Telula Vale Telula Vale | Damien Van-Derveld

TAG: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Asher Mossa | Damien Van-Derveld | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila | Telula Vale Telula Vale

Julra walked down the boarding ramp of the shuttle on Ardasa she had arrived later than intended. She turned her head and looked every which way, wherever the Nightmother had been she was no longer here, a voice came from behind, the pilot of the shuttle. “Uh ma’am we are not going to stick around, you sure you want to stay here?” a small smile played at her lips but she never turned around. “Go, I will be fine here.” no further words were needed they were right to want to flee Ardasa was not safe especially for those who could not wield power like the Witches this was the domain of beings with power.

Kneeling down she pressed a hand into the dirt and closed her eyes for a moment a small aura of green flames formed on her hand, blonde hairs falling around her face as she looked downward. They had all been here not long ago but long enough that following after would be foolish alone. A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she rose, she clasped her hands together and the emerald ichor of the Nightsisters appeared in its full semblance in her hands. There was much she learned for the six years she was trapped in the Nether, not even Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura knew all the details as of yet.

She at once separated her hands as the veil of the nether wrent slightly before her, a breach appearing from nothing now stood before her. It was not a doorway, but perhaps a better explanation would be a window. She could literally see the small gathering assembled as she gazed into the past, time was fluid and ever changing and the Nightmother repeatedly warned that her powers were not to be used lightly. A voice touched her mind, one she had become familiar with. “You play dangerous games child. I will help you, this time. Only so you don’t obliterate the galaxy.” even though the words were condescending she could not help hearing a subtle tone of approval in them.

She reached out her left hand and placed it on the window, and invisible barrier shattered and her hand passed through, the doorway was made now there was but one more step to insure success. Closing her eyes for a moment the green flames took hold of them, allowing as she opened them for her to see in a new way. She could see thin translucent threads branching from the window each a different moment in time she would be impressed if she was not maintaining her focus. The voice returned “There, that one.” she reached out and grabbed hold of the thread twisting it around her finger gently before she laid it flat against the white portal infront of her, there it merged and the image split, showing their past and their present it was a dangerous play but curiosity now had the better of her.

“Well done, perhaps you are not useless after all.” Julra shook her head and sighed “Just admit you are impressed,” she spoke aloud to the voice in her mind and laughed as she stepped into the portal. For the rest of the group nothing would have changed but for her? She had inserted herself quite literally into a stream of time where she had not been, but it had been done correctly none should be the wiser save perhaps the Nightmother herself. As the portal collapsed behind her with a soft sound as a gust of wind she simply began to walk along with them as if she had been there the entire time, because for them? She had been.

Wearing: Ritual Gown

Armed with: Subverter's Blade (Double Bladed Red Lightsaber)

Came to Ardasa in: The Sarcophagus (Nau'ur Class Yacht)

14 hours earlier...

Vivian Duual observed the captured Sith Warlord, strapped to a table covered with runes that suppressed his access to the Force. She was wearing the long white gown of the horrifically evil CIS Witch she and Laertia had secretly assassinated months prior, The Alchemized Shard Alien that Vivian actually was having siezed control of her body and killing the mind save its surface, which served as her mask when working for the Mandragora as a Dark Side Witch.

It was time to go on a mission for them. Some nasty business on a faraway world she had never heard of, filled with Nastier individuals. Demons, Zombies, and Vampires...

When she was not pretending to be Arianna, she often worked as a freelance Force Healer operating in CIS territory. Though she was rarely seen, when she was spotted, the chances were she would heal you for free.

But she wasn't in the healing business tonight as the middle aged, pale woman with dark red hair circled her captive.

She loathed being Arianna. Homicidal and Aggressive, Arianna preferred brutal solutions. Solutions that Vivian, while trapped inside the Fake Sith, did not always have full control over.

But her situation was what it was, and her once adopted Daughter Laertia required it, Themis demandes it, and Vivian was bound to aid both.

"I know this must seem rather cruel..." Vivian said sympathetically to the hate filled Sith as her hands touched his face.

"...but a girl's gotta eat..."

The Man screamed as she began forcibly ripping the psychic energy out of him nonlethally, and in the first few seconds, she had enough energy to last her days, she needed more to trigger the proper physiological changes...

Her flesh shuddered, bubbling like rats were moving underneath as her melting red hair reformed into curly blonde locks, pigmentation becoming paler, brown eyes turning blues as they reformed, and a younger looking woman was in her place, with a very powerful, albeit false Dark Side Aura.

Arianna looked at the unconscious man, who she believed she had killed. She would forget him when she left the chamber. Vivian would make sure of it. Arianna liked to play with her food if left to her own devices.

Arianna smirked at the "Corpse" believing she had enjoyed his dying screams.

"Don't quit your day job. Oooo, sorry, your employment just got terminated!" Arianna mocked cruelly at the "Dead" body, before leaving the chamber...

Arianna was bored, and felt like testing herself. What better way to truly stretch her Force Muscles than by going up against legit threats for a change...

Arianna felt the thirst build, though it was held somewhat in check by the person hiding deep within.

Without delay, Arianna headed to her private hangar, where her tall, black Nau'ur class yacht The Sarcophagus awaited her.

Inside Arianna would be tended to by droid servants, who would see to her every whim, no matter how rediculous...


The Yacht exited hyperspace over the troubled red world.

Arianna, who had lounged the last half hour of the trip dining on a chocolate cake, exited the ship after it landed, a private elevator descending from it with her on it to the docking pad of the Fortress she had landed on.

The white garbed Sorceress strode off the elevator, which retracted as she observed poor frightened lessers who averted their eyes as the blonde beauty passed by them. They looked desperate. Malnourished.

Arianna coldly regarded them. They were nothing to her. Mere food for her body.

The Witch found herself investigating the fortress nonetheless as she passed through various sections of the place. Some were selling wares, others sold curios with an occult bent, ever a scholar on ancient charms, and such, Arianna went to investigate the open air shop selling these things...

"Pardon..." Arianna said with a pleasant, velvety voice to the elderly, but seemingly well fed shopkeeper. "Mind telling me what these are?"

"You're not from here, are you?" The shopkeeper asked, scowling.

"New arrival, big shiny ship with lots of food too refined for the tastes of most..." Arianna replied casually and arrogantly, letting him know openly in but a few words that she thought of him as rabble and would treat him as such.

"Dunno what you're gonna find here that would interest you..."

"What's it matter to you? If I like what you have, I'll pay you double. I've got credits to burn through..."

The seller scowled again but started pointing everything out.

"Amulets...enchanted to ward off Vampires...charms, to ward off the undead..."

"What's that?" Arianna asked, pointing to a crystal mask that depicted the face of a female in a locked transparent Box.

"Death Mask of the Sorceress of Ardasa..." The Seller trailed. "Pure Kyber, lots of inscriptions on it. Used to protect people here, for a price...Vampires had to completely destroy her, she was causing so much damage to their blood farms around here. Actually got used as a protective ward that kept them away from this place for a long time...but it seemed to lose juice over the years...their uh, habitats got closer.

"A for profit type. My kinda gal..." Arianna joked. "Is this all that remains of her? Why sell it?"

"Lady, you look around. Whole place is falling apart...This things worth easily a few hundred thousand...and we need the money. But so far, no buyers..."

Arianna chuckled. The man didn't even know what he had...

"007 hundred thousand. First, Last, Only offer. Take it or I walk."

The Seller didn't need a second to think about it.


Arianna whipped out a Fat Wad of credits, slapping it on his table. Oh, what a find...she'd have to go hunting in tombs normally to obtain something like this...

Arianna decided to test its powers first before absorbing it. And what better way than to piss off Vampires?

Arianna began walking away, intent on finding the nearest vampire commune to have fun with...

Tags: open
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Asher Mossa

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Telula Vale Telula Vale | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Asher smirked at the snark which dripped on every word of Vanya's response. He looked to the young boy curious as to whether or not he would understand why the witch treated him as she was. While her words were not exactly the ones the shaman would have chosen, the warlock did see value in her question. Were they risking their lives, perhaps they were, or perhaps they were not. It was an uncertain answer to the wrong question. Perhaps in the future they would be working together in a combat situation today it was field research in potentially hostile territory.​
"We are just doing field research, and scouting ahead for danger. If we attract attention, then we are doing our jobs wrong. Stay in the shadows, and we will be okay."
He started to move ahead, nodding to the Nightmother as she had instructed them to scout the ruins before making camp for the night. It was then Asher remembered he had not answered the introduction. Looking back over his shoulder to the boy, he reciprocated.​
"Asher Mossa, Shaman to the spirit known as Lylek."
Asher did not expect Felix to understand what that meant. Not many among the Solanaceae did. Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura brought with her the worship of the goddesses revered on Dathomir. Asher did not know them. Lylek was his master, and still aided him. It was in part why the shaman felt the need to remain in the archives rather than lead on the field. While he was capable, and the lightsaber which hung around his waist boasted he was also a warrior, the warlock had been more of a recluse. A fact that would remain had Vanya not crossed his path.​
"Do not worry yourself with the witches. They come from a culture where the women rule. Bear that in mind, and it will help you take the bite in their words with less offense."
Whether Felix had been offended or not Asher spoke. The boy talked as though he came from wealth, and perhaps was used to giving the orders to those who were beneath him. That would never work among the Nightsisters, and the sooner the boy understood that, the sooner he could adapt.​
Eyes briefly moved to watch as Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin wandered off. Naturally she would, but it seemed the Nightmother had taken interest in her. Neither would be alone, which was good. With the uncertainty of the area, the Lylek knew it was best for all to travel in pairs.​
His mind reached out to hers.​
<<"Hopefully this will not take long...">>
Into the shadows Asher moved, disappearing from sight. He hoped that Felix would keep up.​

Damien Van-Derveld

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Telula Vale Telula Vale | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila | Julra Repraj Julra Repraj

"Very well then," Damien replied. Her hound would suffice if she needed or wanted to warg. They had together once or twice, but Damien hated the feeling of not being in control of his own self. Perhaps if he was not both man and wolf he would not mind, but the part of him which remained conscious during the process did not like it.​
It seemed for now they would follow the others as they made their way to the ruins. The question Lula asked him in return caused the young wolf to smirk. What could they do instead? Away from the others?​
<<"Is that a question you really want me to answer,">> his thoughts intoned playfully.​
A small chuckle escaped his lips. Clearly Damien's mind was off somewhere else. While the two had not pressed their relationship beyond a certain place, it did not mean the wolf did not have urges. There was also a chemistry between them which seemed to create desire. He would not deny there were feelings which had yet to express to the blonde, feelings he hoped she returned. Despite his banter, Damien did know it was serious matter that brought them to the planet.​
<<"I would rather explore, but it may not be wise to part from the group until we reach the ruins perhaps, and then not stray too far. These creatures Vytal warned us about, I am likely to attract them with who and what I am. I know I have already said that, but...">>
He would follow behind the rest silently until they arrived at the city. Quietly he began to set up camp, at least for the two of them.​
Tags: | Damien Van-Derveld | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Julra Repraj Julra Repraj | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila |


Telula had felt that retorted question before it even touched her mind. When the words sounded in her head, the blonde's head ducked a bit but there was no mistaking the amused smile that followed...or the blush of pink on her cheeks either. <<'You could answer,'>> she thought back at him, no bashfulness to her mental tone. <<'But something tells me your answer would hardly be productive to why we're here.'>>

There was no denying the chemistry between Lula and Damien, anyone who was near them for any amount of time could see it. However, things were tight lipped between them - emotional things, at least. At this point there were very little secrets between them, especially considering the bond the pair of them had formed. But it wasn't all just curiosities and seeking answers with her wolf-companion, there were genuine feelings and desires. However, she never pressed, or questioned, or fussed over these things. They were in a good place, after all.

But, those sorts of things were not why any of them were here. In fact, they still didn't have clear instructions as to why they were here, really. And if they had been given such instruction? Lula had been terribly distracted from it.

Again she felt the brush of Damien's words against her mind, though this time no amusement or blush followed them. <<'You keep saying that,'>> she wasn't reprimanding him for it. The fact that he had repeated himself caused legitimate concern for Lula rather than irritation. <<'I think that we can branch off once we reach the ruins, so long as we know where the others are and make sure we don't lose the path between us and them.'>>

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Immediate Friendly Forces: Galaar 1-1 Vuhyr'galaar Gunship
They were late. For a rapid action force, being late was probably the next worst thing to showing up and then getting wiped across the shabla floor by the opposition. Oh well, no shabla point in complaining about it. She'd had more than her fair share about complaining about how things were. It was time to wake up and smell the caf, and do the best with what she had. Not like things were all "sunshine and rainbows" when she'd been in command of Davaab. There were more than a few disastrous operations that came to mind.
Turning, she glanced over at the three others on board the gunship as it sped through hyperspace towards its target, the world known as Adrasa, where if their she understood what they'd been told before grabbing their gear, boarding the gunship and shipping out, there was some sort of osik involving the nether, and the lovely beings that called it home spilling out. It was for that precise reason that she'd made sure that not only did everyone pack a Ysalamiri Birikad, but also that there were a couple spares on board the gunship. Ret'lini.
Seeing as right this moment was probably as good a time as any, she decided to brief her rammikade on what they should probably expect, "Okay vode, you're probably wondering why I dragged you out on this trip, so I'll get right to it. We've got a bit of a situation on Adrasa. Far as we've been informed, osik's hit the fan and there's all sorts of charming chaakare from the nether up to all sorts of no good planet side. Our friends from the Sol-, er Solen, Solana-, the witches. Lek, the witches. The shab they have to make the name so complicated? Anyway, Our burc'ya from the KO and the witches are on site, probably trying to figure out how sort this pile of osik out."

"For that reason, we're going to be a little careful. Our lizard burc'ya should make sure that nothing you can't shoot right back kriffs about with you. Just in case whatever we're shooting at doesn't have any obvious weak points, I instructed you to bring some Class-Ds, and brought a few extra in case any of you forgot. As for the actual plan? Well, the locals happen to have really steep parking fees, and since it's not in the company travel budget...we'll be HALO jumping down to the last coordinates Nightmother Vytal gave us,"
she said, pausing to glance around to see if any of them had anything to add. Chuckling awkwardly, she then added, "If anyone's an expert in this sort of osik and would like to interrupt me before I make an or'dinii of myself, please feel free."


Vytal kindly responded, taking his words in and even mentioning them to others, vindication welled within the soul of the boy as he would carry out his acts. But, retorting slightly to the words of the Mother seemed only right in this scenario. Smiling warmly as he bid, "I think a wise person is always ready for what lays beyond, in this life or the next. Obliviousness is the fools final hubris after all, right? I'd be loathed on a place like this to be caught with my pants down." He would attempt to appeal to the sage, although a little light hearted, he would flash her an appreciative smile before his bow and retreat, but he felt like so long as the two of them could wax poetic they could have some fun with one another. Afterwards he would move ahead, pulling away from the group to be with Asher and Vanya.
Felix couldn't help but feel his lips curl into a smile, confidence brimming in the midst of the confrontation, he considered himself honored to be here, however he felt as though he needed to prove himself as the group of them approached the ruins, the titanic forces that moved around them but also those of considerable reputation moved throughout the circles of the Group. Vytal especially he intended to impress before the day was through, so much so he could feel the power of the force behind his eyes beginning to flicker in response to the woman Vanya's words. The others may have their goals, their prizes to search for, their missions, missives and mandates. But when all was said and done, they would all remember Felix's name.
First however, as with war, business and relationships he needed to build whatever he was hoping to maintain on strong foundations. What pieces did he need to sacrifice in order to get what he needed. Vanya's words were little more than an attack to Felix, but while staying one's hand and taking the higher ground was something that the benevolent respected, doing so here might prove a fatal mistake... if he could be easily trampled he would be seen as a tool and not an ally. But to retort in anger, to recklessly lash out, he'd be seen as little more than a hound. The answer to his predicament lay in the middle.
Asher responded to him, a kindly warning of the nature of the Witches, Asher would nod, taking this as a chance to respond in kind. "It's fine, some people are lost in their ways, unable to adapt to survive. It was once the downfall of the witches less than a millennia ago. You're always going to have some that are a little more... traditional. Which has its pros, mind you. But I'm looking forward to seeing what you all can do when the time comes... I wouldn't conflate my readiness with acceptance." He would say, his words not guarded or hushed in any ways that would disable Vanya from hearing them if she wished. He was confident, sure of himself, he would leave the room knowing that he had responded in kind, confident and stalwart as they would move in further into the complex. Felix would begin bending light as they would move past buildings, allowing him to see around the corners, on the roofs and more without needing to approach them. It was at the cost of their glamor field however, but it was a sacrifice he would need to make.
If there anything in the surrounding buildings, he would find it. As feelix's perception warped to expand in every direction through tunnels before expanding into his eyes, it was bizzare, like viewing a dream through a haze, but the picture was crisp.


Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando


Tyran just needed to get off of Roon. His home was in in shambles and he just needed a job where he could shoot something and take all his frustrations out on something. Tyran was more used to giving orders but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take them and Strill Securities needed bodies and had assignments that made the warrior spirit in him stir. He seemed to have a knack for drawing missions that involved planets crawling with all kind of creatures looking to make a meal out of him. Tyran stood in the hold of the gunship as the briefing was doled out. Not a whole lot of information about the situation on the ground but that was classic military intel, it hardly ever gave you all the information you needed to pull off a job. He rotated his arm that he had broken on a previous HALO jump a long time ago and smirked as he reached for his helmet.

“Yeah, I got some advice. Number one, don’t hit anything on the way down. Number two, time your chute opening just right because I promise you that you will not bounce when you hit the ground.” He pulled on his buy’ce and linked it to the rest of his armor.

He had to admit that Strill Securities had some nice toys to play with. Class-D disruptors? It had been a while since he had gotten to handle one of those. The Ysalamiri harness was kinda telling, but he had practice using one already. He’d used Ysalamiri to kidnap a Jedi several years back.

So he had his Class-D Disruptor, a jumpkit, one Ysalamiri harness, his 2 MT-14 blasters and an assortment of ammo charges, dart rounds and explosives. It was a lot of gear to do a HALO jump with though, they’d be plummeting like meteors and their margin for error was going to be slim to none. As he always did with his post operation ritual he ran through all of his beskar’gam’s systems making sure everything was working. He flexed his wrist and a solid blade of beskar shot out from a housing on his right forearm and then retracted back into place. He cycled through all his visor spectrums and checked that his dart launcher in his left gauntlet was primed.

He even tested the magclamps in his boots, not that he would need them for this job but repetition created perfection and the moment you didn’t check something was the moment that it killed you. Tyran had no intention of becoming a greasy smear on the ground of some backwater planet or being eaten by some giant creature. If by chance he did find himself in the gullet of something well then he was going to make sure to give it a galactic level case of gut-ache.

tag: Saram Kote Saram Kote



Location: Ardasa
Equipment: Aselia's Beskargam
Tag: Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | Saram Kote Saram Kote

Aselia leaned back as she watched Saram she seemed tense, of course Saram was always business so her being tense wasn't surprising in itself, but usually she was more excited to be tackling anything. But as she continued to explain, the Force was involved. Those who didn't wield it even some who did frowned on it.

She took a a few moments as she made sure all her armor was good and tight for the drop, once she was satisfied she turned her attention to Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck as he spoke and laid out some concerns, like slamming into the ground at terminal velocity. Before turning back to Saram "I prefer orbital drops myself... But I always was weird." she laughed as she pulled her helmet on tucking the red hair within before securing it to her armor.

Looking to Saram she gave a nod before continuing "Pretty much what he said though." she said as she nodded toward Tyran "Though do me a favor vod? Keep those bu'nas'a lizards far from me, I may be just as lethal without my powers but its still not a pleasant experience." she cocked her head slightly. She stood up and stretched a bit she glanced down at her armor for a moment, the shiny new look was finally starting to fade from all the adventures she had had. Finally it was starting to look like well worn mando armor.
Location: The Ruins, Ardasa

The snap of a flock of wings as energy began to pour into the nearby region as water would seep through a breaking levy. A clatter of rock and stone sounded nearby, and a slight tremor rippled across the earth. In moments the influx of power began to coalesce in the center of the ruins. Broken and shorn rock began to lift from the skin of the planet and rise into the air. Black clouds soon bled into existence and churned overhead.

In minutes, where there had once been nothing now stood a dark cathedral. High arches and red glass aglow from within defiantly stood among the rubble. On either side of its towering, craved doors stood two heavily armored figures. Their open helms bore no features of what lay within; only darkness and the pinpricks of red for eyes. Long halberds were held fast in one hand as they stood as still as the very air that surrounded their reconstructed palace.

If any braved to draw near the doors would open with a loud crack, and the groan of stone or metal being slowly pulled inward to allow entrance. The guards would not move from where they stood to either side of the portal. Their eyes would follow any that drew near or sought passage. The Dark Side polluted the air to such a degree life itself might choke on it.

Something deeper in beckoned for an audience.

Arianna walked the long dusty path away from the Fortress, intent on visiting one of these Vampire communes. She figured purging a commune so close to the Fortress would by a little good will with the locals as it would take some of the pressure off.

Plus, she wanted to test the capabilities of this mask before she absorbed the fragments of knowledge within it.

The path led through a field of dead trees as the white garbed Blonde strode the desert, thirsting for danger, for violence. Any violence.

She smiled, feeling them as she passed by. Life forms. Armed life forms, hidden in little sand pits on the side of the road.

They sprang from their hidden pits, each armed with hand scythes, covered in magical runes, their tattered wrappings concealing their figure.

Arianna chuckled.

"Sooooo...what brings you fine chaps out today?" Arianna asked.

"We are occultists, sworn to the magical studies. Your flesh reeks of unique enchantments...enchantments we shall pull from it sinew by sinew."

"Oh, darlings...really? Are you all 'that' Amatuer?" Arianna asked with a sneer, before finally turning to face them.

"I mean, really, I'm disappointed. I mean, not with the plan mind you. That plan sounds like a fun weekend evening. But to waste the knowledge of an Elite Sorceress by merely settling for what you can gather by pulling apart my muscle fibers for wisdom instead of asking for a few 'true' secrets? What kind of Occultists are you?" Arianna demanded, indignant.

"You would show us your secrets willingly?"

Arianna smiled.

"I feel your life force. Even with your enchanted weapons you lack the strength to kill me. Attack me and you die. But I will show you 'One' secret. Then I shall permit you to flee." She said pleasantly. "Choose wisely..."

The Occultists clustered together. Finally, their apparant leader came forward.

"We've decided collectively on a question..." The Leader said, suspicious.

"Ask away."

"Let's say...'strictly' hypothetically speaking, mind you...we 'did' manage to kill you. What would be the best way to derive the secrets of your remains?"

"Ingestion of the meat and blood raw." Arianna answered in a still pleasant voice.

"Alright. We'll withdraw."

"If I might be so bold, do you know where I might find one of the Vampire Communes?" Arianna asked.

"Two kilometers out if you keep heading where you were heading. Free bit of advice though...path branches to the right partway...don't go is a kill-zone. Witch came in a few days before you did. Real nasty sort. She's been murdering and defiling the Organs of anyone stupid enough to cross it. Even the fething Demons won't go into that chit."

"Don't threaten a girl with a good time..." Arianna replied with a seductive smile and a wink. "Be off little ones!"

Arianna turned, and continued on the path...though her flesh shuddered as she felt the intense, rotting nexus of the Cathedral assemble itself and awaken...

Arianna hissed as the power coursed through her, the hidden Light Sider in her flesh growing concerned.

"I wonder what that is..." Arianna mused, brow furrowing. She had a decision to make. On the one hand, she was ostensibly on a Goodwil Mission, trying to build favor with the locals by ridding them of an aggressive vampire commune...on the other hand, that was a serious Dark Side Nexus, and one of her Mandates as an Obsidian Lord was to quell potential dangers that threatened citizens on a large scale. A Force Anomaly like what she felt surely counted.

Arianna looked at the mask. She would have liked to test it out beforehand, but...oh, hell, YOLO.

She clapsed it, concentrating. Her flesh shuddered and pulled everywhere disgustingly as she absorbed the fragment of knowledge left inside...

For a split second, her head and face wasn't her own. It was that of a green skinned Twi'lek woman with just as youthful features, before it bubbled and melted back into Arianna's...

(Plasmid Acquisition Theme Plays)

(Arianna has gained a New Force Power!)


Assumes the guise and personality of a cruel and Powerful Flesh Manipulator, granting access to flesh manipulating magics and the ability to become a living puddle of blood that moves extremely quickly for traversal. Disadvantages include increased weaknesses to Fire, Frost, and Acids

Arianna's flesh stopped bubbling and she went to investigate this new and potent threat, getting the strange feeling it was not coincidence she had stumbled onto this mask...

Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura

Asher Mossa

Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck

Damien Van-Derveld

Valah Hagen Valah Hagen

Julra Repraj Julra Repraj

Aselia Verd Aselia Verd

Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin

Telula Vale Telula Vale

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila
Wearing: xxx
Tag: Telula Vale Telula Vale | Damien Van-Derveld | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Julra Repraj Julra Repraj | Saram Kote Saram Kote | Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila 's words had been heard, echoing on the wind like a dangerous temptation as she departed. The Nightsister could have retorted with words inflated with venom, could have flayed him and shattered his perception of her. But everyone was entitled to their opinions -- no matter how wrong it might have been. Perhaps if she had been younger, less self-assured, easily insulted, she might have done so. But the words of lesser individuals did not bother her and Felix was certainly less than her. He might have been strong in the Force, that much was felt in his presence, but he was young, a child really, and he had much to learn.

There were no doubts in her mind that while he would put on a brave face, and make a valiant effort to survive and win she would show him his place. And that was beneath her. So no response was given, she simply allowed him to play-pretend, to put on his brave face while she made her explorations. With fingers still examining the remains she turned obsidian eyes to the pale witch. It was not a surprise that Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura would seek her out. They were two Nightsisters far from home, lost among the stars, and the two of them likely had more in common with each other than the others accompanying them. Vanya rose slowly, bones and leaves crunching beneath heeled boots, and allowed her attention to linger on the Nightmother for a moment in silence.

"No shores among the Confederacy will ever feel like home." Vytal would understand. There was something about Dathomir -- the harshness of it, the sprawling oasis of different atmospheres, the red haze that bathed the world. Dathomir was different--it was special. The next words spoken by the Nightmother and the question asked, gave the tattooed witch pause. What did she seek. Vanya had not sought anything in a long time. She had, once upon a time, quested for power, so she had become stronger. She had wanted for company, and had become mated. She had wanted a family, and had had daughters. And now? Now she was a prestige of the Dathomiri Nightsisters. She was strong, and capable, both fiercely loyal and independent. What more was there to seek?

"Him. I sought the shaman." She answered at last, eyes travelling to where Asher Mossa and the others had been left behind. There were no secrets between Nightsisters. Vytal would have known already that Vanya held a vested interest in the shaman though the extent of it was not yet revealed. "I was shown him and his library for reasons that are not yet clear." Even the sound of his voice in her mind, a conversation for only them, sent shivers down her spine. It had been some time since someone dared encroach on her mental space. It was a foreign yet refreshing sensation. Vanya was not certain how to describe what had blossomed between them but his presence was welcomed. Her lips drew into a faint smirk as she reached for his mind. << Are you so eager to return to my side? >>

Whatever words the tattooed witch intended to speak next were silenced when the atmosphere shifted in a way that caused goose bumps to creep along her skin. Her hand fell instinctively to her hip, fingertips finding the cool metal of one of her lightsabers while feet dug into the ground when it shook, and split open to make way for the dark cathedral that rose in the distance. It loomed overhead like a dark beacon, the stench of the dark side strong on the wind, while birds flocked together around the peaks. Her eyes met with Vytal's. "Do you feel it?" Whatever had lurked within called to the witch, had Vahl whispering warnings in the back of her mind. "It would seem someone would like an audience." And if that was the case she would give them one.

Steps were taken forward as she intended to enter even if the others had not. However when the presence of another was felt through the Force, her attention shifted. Vanya was not familiar with whom it had belonged to and so altered her steps so that all to soon she would cross the path of Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko .
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The white garbed Witch strode along the path, feeling the Dark Side everywhere as she approached the Cathedral. She didn't realize it, but her gown actively resisted the Dark Energies trying to encroach on her mind. The Light Adept hiding in Arianna's flesh felt nothing but distaste approaching such a place. The surface Persona was ecstatic at the chance to possibly increase her power.

She soon realized she was not alone. Other CIS Witches and Warlocks were in particular was approaching fast.

Arianna's rotting, pervasive, but secretly faked Dark Side presence could be felt as she approached Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin . Arianna recognized the aura of a Nightsister almost immediately. The tie to Dathomir could never truly be severed.

"Countess Belasko, Mandragora. I don't suppose you'd be friendly CIS would you? That Cathedral is tempting but Dangerous. I can just tell there's all sorts of nasties. On the other hand the possibility of running into sweet loot is pretty high. Just classic Dungeon Crawling material." Arianna joked as she approached, flesh visibly shuddering for a split second as she got closer to the Cathedral.

"No reports of this structure beforehand. Architecture doesn't seem to match the rest of this place. Dripping with preservation magics in the stone..." The Sorceress noted idly before stopping in front of Vanya.

"Have you been in such places before? They can be quite challenging, but also great when going Co-Op." she asked, giving a small smile before chuckling a bit.
The library. Vytal trusted Asher so she was not so much worried as merely... perturbed. The place the shaman called home was where some of the most dangerous artifacts were kept in utmost secret. The Castle was a neon sign for the galaxy to assault under the assumption that was where the Vault lay, but in truth it was naught but a ruse. Still, the most dangerous items weren't just laying about even if Vanya wandered about Asher's home. One could not begrudge a Nightmother contemplating the appearance of a capable Sister as this showing up on their shores, could they? It was a dangerous galaxy full of betrayal.

Though Vytal did believe that the Nightsisters -- despite the differences between Clans -- would come together in the face of all things. Those of Dathomir, no matter how long parted, were part of a dark family.

"All things become clear as the Spirits intend." Vytal paused to smile. "Or when one tires of their games." Sometimes you needed to convince the Spirits to stop dawdling. Even if a price must often be paid.

The smile vanished as the Cathedral lifted itself from the ruins. Green eyes peered over the short distance in its direction as Vanya asked if the Presence had been felt. Unfortunately, she thought, it was felt all too well. When something begged an audience in this manner it rarely was to your favor, but then most thought the same of Nightsisters.

They were usually correct.

An eyebrow lifted as the Pale Witch strode toward the doors and flicked her gaze toward Vanya and Arianna. Vytal stopped and turned to regard the pair as they came face-to-face. "Jedi or Sith as a group are strong, but a Circle of Sisters is unrivaled," the Nightmother responded calmly to the Countess' interest in a 'co-op' exploration of a 'dungeon.'

"Shall we explore this together? I am certain a powerful and dark Great Spirit seeks an audience. One those influence has no doubt touched this world in the absence of outsiders."

Asher Mossa | Damien Van-Derveld | Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin | Valah Hagen Valah Hagen | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila | Telula Vale Telula Vale | Julra Repraj Julra Repraj | Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko | Saram Kote Saram Kote | Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
"This place has been a massive trove of supernatural oddities so far. It is hardly surprising a Great Spirit would stir. Its likely our very presence on this world is what prompted the appearance of this structure. But spirits are treacherous. Dark Spirits even more so..." Arianna observed after Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura spoke. The Countess smiled.

"I've always enjoyed dealing with such types. Brings a real thrill out." Arianna said, her fake but intense Dark Side aura stretching out in the Force to better feel the contours of the magics running through the stones.

"Yes...a team up is most wise. Between Nightsisters and a...Sorceress...the odds are good.

She of course recognized the highest ranked member of The Solanaceae Chapter. She herself was an Obsidian Lord. Arianna, even before the alchemized Shard Alien resting at the center of her brain had killed the real Arianna and sent her spirit to chaos in shreds, taking over her body, had a reputation for being aggressive and adventurous. One of the Solanaceae most closely linked with the Dark Side despite the mandate of her particular Mandragora chapter. Arianna was all for prying loose the deepest secrets of The Force, but she wasn't going to let that fundamentally change who she was deep down.

(Cutaway of J. Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably)

Arianna decided to take point, conjuring a sphere of water in one of her palms as she stepped up to the cathedral doors, which creaked open to allow everyone access.

The interior seemed vastly larger than the exterior. It seemed to stretch out a full kilometer, dark, filled with stone pews and stained glass windows depicting various scenes of Dark Witches committing profane rituals.

"I like this place already..." Arianna grinned, striding ahead, though she made sure not to get too far from the rest.

"This is a place of great spiritual significance..." Arianna said quietly to the others, striding forward confidently...

Something exploded from the ground in front of her. Arianna didn't even flinch as she stared at one of the inhabitants of this world, a so called Demon. He was ancient, covered in black scaly armor, laced with terrible magics.

Arianna only grinned sadistically.

"Trespasser. Thy life is forfeit by thine own hand. Smited, thou shalt be."

"Oh, I love it when they talk dirty..." Arianna grinned, the thirst for violence barely held in check by the Light Sider hidden in the deepest recesses of her mind.

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

(Theme: "Nobody Does It Better" by Carly Simon)

The Demon whispered unholy words and a terrible sword of black flames was conjured in his hand.

Arianna let loose the sphere of water, which rushed forward at him, but he casually conjured a magical barrier of his own to resist it, rushing forward with a heavy overhand attack.

The white gown she wore, which made her 007 times stronger and faster than normal allowed her to dodge, but he was very fast and strong himself and Arianna actually had to work to stay out of the way of his vicious slashes and swings. The Sorceress pulled little chunks of debris he sliced into towards her, hurling it at him at lethal speeds like it was buckshot. It scraped some of the scales of his massive armor off but otherwise did nothing to stop him, and Arianna was soon forced to retreat backward from focused, highly efficient slashes and stabs, the fiery black sword grazing her gown, leaving little scorchmarks from the gown's enchantments barely resistant to its terrible effects.

She ducked under a swing, blasted him with conjured water but he powered through it. She was getting irritated, wanting to see him die already to get his sweet loot.

"Mother Nature, Restrain my Foe." She snarled.

Purple, fiery tendrils of magic erupted from the floor, ensnaring his body as he tried to swing his sword, stopping him momentarily from doing so. Ripping the moisture from the air, a tentacle of water coalesced violently smacking the Demon in the face repeatedly before smacking him so hard he was flung backward, stunned.

Arianna whistled at him. "Here boy! Here boy!" She mocked, calling to him like a stray dog.

"THOU SHALT NOT DENIGRATE ME AS A CUR!" The Demon shouted, bounding towards her.

"Well, what am I supposed to call you? You burst out of the ground. Calling you Jack-In-The-Box is too on the nose for my liking." Arianna complained as he got in range.

He flung out his hand, whispering curses of The Dark Side, and Arianna winced as her flesh shuddered, The Gown resisting the deadly bolts of magic as they impacted. Her flesh violently tugged in all directions from the effects, bubbling hideously on her face as she dodged his swipes, one red blade from her staff at last coming out to parry one of his strikes.

Arianna let out a False Force Scream. It would feel like the Dark Side was being used, and simulate the effects of a Force Scream. But secretly it wasn't capable of hurting him permanently.

Not that he would live long enough to make that distinction.

The Demon yelled in pain, clutching his ears as Arianna drove her red blade into his throat, her flesh finally ceased melting and shuddering, resetting everywhere as he fell dead backward.

Arianna smirked, walking up.

"Could have had a healthy fruit and veggie smoothie..." she mocked at his corpse, bloodthirst slaked for the moment. "Honestly, who fething agrees to be deliberately stuck in the ground, waiting to pop out and fight someone for Gods only knows how long? Don't you have, like, a dating life?! Don't you have to pee?"

"Oh, c'mon!" She called out to the Cathedral interior. "Is this your best?! An enemy that pops out of the ground? That's not an ambush! That's a Troll! "

She looked at the others.

"Careful where you tread. More trolls are stuck in the floor probably, the dumbasses. I'll never understand how they get them to agree to that level of Bullchit." Arianna muttered scathingly.

Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin

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