They were cloned. And by the use of Flash memory devices had over hundreds of years of battle experience already planted into their minds. They died because of an unluckky shot, wrong place or wrong time, or they lacked the experience of the knowledge they held. As a person IRL having done MMA, I can attest that fighting a person who "knows" how to fight, is easier to defeat than a person who has taken many fights under their belt. TO be effective, they needed experience. The Jedi knew that and so they left that to the Republic to deal with. Like I said, they were the Republics problem. Not the Jedi. And Telling someone to do something, is teaching them that the order is the only way to go. But if you let people learn naturally, they can overcome other expierances with much more ease. and here is where I pull out the Darwinisum card.
"The beings that can change to the environment around them the best, will survive the longest."