Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Hello All, Solan Charr here again and with yet another call for people, only this one is geared at two groups in which the terrorism of factions shall begin again. What i am looking for is to gather a group, doesn't matter where you are from and the only requirement is one thing and that is that you are against the Sith through and through. What is the plan you ask. Simple. Play the little guys and attack the Sith and it's ugly sister the primeevil through means of raids on Economic and manufacturing weaknesses. We can and will also hit minor military targets and if possible aid in skirmishes and strikes against the enemies of the Sith and Primeevil.... thats about all i have to say.
PM me or message me on skype at David_Tharkosa.
Extra Edit... because i know it will happen. Please do not post in this thread unless you are showing interest to join or have a construct question that will help show what we are about... though its pretty obvious already. All unnecessary posts will be requested to be deleted.
PM me or message me on skype at David_Tharkosa.
Extra Edit... because i know it will happen. Please do not post in this thread unless you are showing interest to join or have a construct question that will help show what we are about... though its pretty obvious already. All unnecessary posts will be requested to be deleted.