Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Are you more character oriented or team oriented?

Your stories- should shape your character's directions. For example, I had brought Tracyn over from another roleplay- he was boring, his story had played out- his character arc more or less concluded. But with Preliat, I shaped him around the stories that the community created. The directions that the character took, are reflected on the story and the plots from other players. And honestly, without other player, I don't think he would be the character that he is. And I think that's how it should be. Character/team oriented shouldn't be thought of as exclusive. Some people like to do things a certain way, and that's not wrong, or even bad. It's just different.

Personally, ere is no way in hell I could run a faction successfully, so I am more character oriented, but with some characters, and wi enough people helping me, I could run a faction, possibly a major one, but for me it all depends on the character o'm writing at the moment. Charles is focused on character development, but if I start a faction with a new guys, he'd probably be focused on faction development. Some it's a blend of both.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I am most definitely Characer orientated.

Pretty much all of the RP I do is to drive my characters to do stuff. Dev Threads, founding factions, leading faction, etc, all of it is basically just to drive my characters and what they go through. I like telling stories, it's what I'm here for. Those stories are based around my characters, it just so happens that sometimes said characters have big ambitions and that requires the creation of Factions and working with bigger groups. Other times? Not so much.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
For those who wrote with me, you may have realized that sometimes I tend to think not so much in terms of characters than in terms of factions­. Klesta, for example, was originally created to fulfill a specific faction need: the GR flagship thread.

I usually think of what kind of concepts haven't previously been made or have failed to materialize, when creating characters.

Also, sometimes, character development seems to be borne out of faction need as far as I'm concerned: I made Yula learn piloting because the Commonwealth had no remaining PC pilot in the wake of the Alexandria rebellion (even though she had other chips on her shoulder regarding traditional Sith doctrine), I made Cathul a fleeter because back then I feel that the GA was going to be at a disadvantage in fleeting vs. the First Order...

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