The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
"That would make sense. Lets hope that we dont have to get in a fight on our way there." He said reading the data. "This is amazing! The data you are pulling out, and at such a fast rate, amazing!" He complemented. "Alright, so what else is there I should know?"
(Sorry I am a bit slow at the moment, trying to do three million things at once, so Im trying to ask as many questions that can help you flesh out Ares)
"That would make sense. Lets hope that we dont have to get in a fight on our way there." He said reading the data. "This is amazing! The data you are pulling out, and at such a fast rate, amazing!" He complemented. "Alright, so what else is there I should know?"
(Sorry I am a bit slow at the moment, trying to do three million things at once, so Im trying to ask as many questions that can help you flesh out Ares)