Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arkam Knights | CIS Dominion of Arkam 13

Mission : Inquisition

Daxton ignored the flood of information coming through his communicator, multiple hostiles warping out of space and wrecking havoc was hardly his concern. In fact, the Sith had a bigger agenda on hand when he joined the crew on the Scimitar, although he would credit where it was due the attackers did not hesitate which meant there was something here that was truly of value and Daxton was determined to secure it for himself.

Sensing the enemies presence, he decided a little head hunting was in order, after all it had been awhile since he has a good fight. Blending into the shadows until he was an unseen presence, the battle geared Zabrak moved with the grace of predatory feline on the hunt.

Location: Asulon {Outskirts}
Objective: Evacuation
Tags: [member="Asher Mossa"]

The population of Adron's homeworld was...meek. a few hundred million at best. Hardly the numbers of a mighty kingdom. No, for Illyria to become a true extension of the Exarch's vision it would need billions, intent on pushing forth an economic revolution unlike the Galaxy has ever seen. It was simple enough to create incentives for people to migrate for the planet, but there was always a faster option as well. War. It was a simple prospect, the people of this wretched world would need a new home, a new King.

The Dark Lord stood on board his shuttle with a silent expression on his face. He was smiling. As the Scimitar broke through the heavens and made it's descent, the Sith could feel the pain and anguish that flowed through this planet. It was...nourishing. Every life extinguished was power that flowed through him as if it was the very blood in his veins.

He was not alone.

No, he needed a particular team for this mission. If they were to save as many lines a possible, he would need the best. Not the Dauntless Commandos or even the Knight's Obsidian. No, they would not move with him the way these men would. He'd also invited [member="Asher Mossa"] to join him. A member of the Knight's Obsidian, more specifically the Mandragora, he was a powerful warrior in his own right. It would be a shame to see such talent go to waste. Adron looked over to Asher, crossing his arms over his chest as he did. “I hear the Knight's Obsidian have already landed in another part of the city. They'll attract the main force while we cut down any stragglers and setup evacuation points.” The crimson armor that Adron wore dripped with the dark side. It called for blood, demanded that Adron raise his sword in the name of the Dark Side.

Wrapping his hand around the hilt of his sword, Adron peered back into the darkness of their starship. It seemed his men were ready as well. He let his lips draw into a think smile as the starship touched down on the edge of the city. The main ramp lowered and Adron allowed his men to lead the way. They were clad in crimson cloaks that once had pooled down to the floor, but now they were cut short along the men's waist. Many of them carried vibroblades, with blaster pistols fastened to their utility belts. The ebony visors they were practically gave them away.

The Imperial Guard.” Adron remarked, with no lack of amusement. “Well, what's left of them at least. They're the best the Empire had to offer, and now they'll help us clear the area.

Objective: Establish Space Superiority, Destroy the FIV Obstruction
Location: High Orbit, Arkam
Tags: [member='Darth Metus'] , [member='Voph'] , [member='Kiff Brayde']
Lucrehulk II-Class Battleship
Vulture II Droid Fighter (600 / 624)

As Deleterious lounged in his chair a OOM Pilot Droid walked over to him "General, you are being hailed by the CNS Vindicator." the cyborg looked over to the droid and gave a single nod of his head then turned his attention back towards the battle. The OOM Pilot Droid would relay back to the CNS Vindicator that the Lucrehulk had received their ping that the battleship was being commanded by Deleterious, their mission is to engage the Obstruction and establish Space Superiority. Another OOM Pilot Droid announced to Deleterious "Sir, more allied ships entering the battlefield. One of them is the Dread Queen." Deleterious clasped his hands together under his chin pensively "Excellent."

Then the communications array sounded as a holoprojector flickered a miniature representation of Darth Metus and the rest of the allied commanders in space. Deleterious did not move and as [member='Darth Metus'] made his intentions clear Deleterious' hollow voice sounded "As you wish." the cyborg called over an OOM Pilot Droid and instructed "Set the turbolasers to target the superstructure. That will gain their attention." the droid saluted "Roger, Roger." and went off to the fire-control section of the bridge. The turrets of the Turbolaser batteries adjusted their angles and for a brief moment the flurry of blaster bolts ceased. The relative peace was broken as the turbolaser batteries began to concentrate fire on the enemy's super structure.

Meanwhile the battle between the renegade pilots and Vulture droids continued their fiery dance over the thin blue atmosphere of Arkam. Had it not been for the droid's ability to instantly distinguish between friend and foe the amount of droid fighters in the area would have been a burden to their combat effectiveness. The Vulture droids had been built with a combination of speed and armament, their lack of defensive equipment was a necessary (and cost efficient) sacrifice.

Location: Arkam Orbit, Zero Hour
Fleet: Vanguard, Adamant, Archwing Destroyers x 10, Aquila ECM Corvette, Octarch Fighters, Mynock Interceptors, Archon Bombers
Objective: Swiggity Swooty (He comin fo dat booty.)
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Deleterious"] [member="Kiff Brayde"] [member="Darth Elyria"]

Voph turned from his post at the window as Darth Metus's ships dropped out of hyperspace. "Sir, Vicelord Metus has joined the battle." Voph turned, and walked back to his command chair, taking a seat as the Archwings continued to pelt the Obstruction. The First Order was outnumbered by a considerable margin now. "Acknowledged. Adamant Group, break off and head for the surface. Establish air superiority by any means necessary. Vanguard Group, hit the fighters up here with everything you've got."

"High Marshal Voph. I am ceding command of my escort to you. All of you, see to it that the Queen is given ample time to prepare and be ready to mop up the remains."

Voph pressed a button on his command chair to respond. "Acknowledged, Vicelord. The Obstruction's shields will be down momentarily. You may begin your assault when ready." Voph immediately switched gears to assign the new ships placed under his command. "Gunrays, hold positions near the Vanguard, deploy fighters in defensive formations, anything wanders too close you turn it back or you turn it to scrap. Recusants, flank the Queen. You're her only line of defense if the Obstruction gets past the Archwings. We'll take up formation to cover you. Archwings, target the weapon systems. Soon as that shield breaks I want her guns offline."

Ships ducked and weaved about each other as Voph's orders were enacted. Voph himself sat quiet for a moment, chewing on his lip. He was familiar with the Phobis device. Or at least, the predecessor. Seeds of Rage they had been called then. Employed by the Dread Masters on Oricon. The battle to defeat them had been costly. Voph himself did not care for using such weapons. But he knew first hand how effective they could be.

His attention was refocused on the battlefield as he realized something. Another presence was moving among them. Metus's signature surged as he began charging the device, but mixed with his was another. Voph pushed himself to his feet, head turned to the bulkhead that stood between him and Metus. "Aklin, you have the conn. I need to tend to something." "Aye sir." ​Voph quieted his mind, and outstretched a hand. He'd preferred having a meditation chamber to do this. But beggars couldn't be choosers. His brow furrowed as he began to concentrate. The air darkened around him as the Force channeled through him, and his right hand began to tremble under the stress. And yet for all the world he looked calm and determined.

And Voph's mind joined Metus. Pushing back against the invading force. And just as quickly as it had paired, Voph's presence raced off spiraling through the threads of the galaxy, surging towards the one who lashed out against Metus. Metus might have been able to cast the being off once, but he needed to get the Phobis device online. A bead of sweat dripped down Voph's face as he concentrated, feeling the being draw near. The Netherworld. Voph knew those halls well.

With the force of a tidal wave, Voph's consciousness slammed into that of Darth Elyria. A warning blow, and a hefty one at that. The being that stood before her minds eye was wreathed in Darkness. Death was his mantle, and Despair was his sword. This spectre bore the hallmarks of a once great king. Now fallen from grace, with nothing left to live for. Nothing save for vengeance, and terrible resolve. Begone. They are under my protection. And as Voph issued this final warning, he brought his sword down, attempting to crush the woman under the weight of despair...

Fleet Actions:
  • Assumed command of Gunray class ships x2 and Recusant Class ships x2
    ​Gunray taking position alongside Vanguarad and Adamant, Deploying fighters in defensive posture
  • Recusant taking defensive positions around Dread Queen

[*]​Archwings targeting weapon systems, still attempting to breach shields
[*]Fighters deployed from Vanguard are targeting TIE fighters in orbit
[*]Fighters deployed from Adamant are descending to atmosphere to enact air superiority
[*]Voph is engaging Darth Elyria in mental warfare
Location: Far, far away.
Tag: [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Voph"]

Elyria laughed. Sweet as sin. This was an example of what the Darkside now had to offer among the living? How could the mighty have fallen so far, so fast, in her absence? Had she not sewn enough hate into the heart of her vessels? Had she not encouraged their propensity for violence? The struggle for ultimate power, no matter the cost, no matter what they had to lose to obtain it? Had they not decimated their own populace, with their own hubris, that resulted in a glorious 400 Years of Darkness?

How had this warmongering brute forgotten all that at the sight of a piece of pale womanly flesh?

She had so many questions that this small mind could not hope to answer. Centuries, millennia, of unanswerable queries. Instead, she settled for corruption. Elyria watched as his mind betrayed him. In the blink of an eye, on the wing of a bird, he gave in to the selfish truth of Man.

[member="Darth Metus"] coveted that which he could never have.

Invisible fingers, touched with the thrill of death, drew their way down the side of his chiseled face. He would feel her as if she had been made real. Yes. He had carried a little piece of her with him. He would feed her, through violence, through his need to spill blood. He would unwillingly repay her for sending him back from whence he came. ‘You cannot fight me. You cannot even manage to protect what you think is yours from the Dark. Feel, through your bond, for the girl. Feel that she is already mine…’

There was something within him that gave her reason to pause. To withdraw her wrath from his very being. It did not spurn her, but, it did bring her curiosity. She followed the flow of something that he referred to as the ‘Manda’ and she traced it inquisitively through his veins. It was bright, like a distant star, and almost hurt her eyes. It was a shame for her victim that she thrived on pain.

‘Perhaps I will begone from you…Perhaps I will turn to that which you love.’

Her voice was softer, fainter, but still present in the back of his mind. Elyria could see, as many enemies had before, where his weakness hid. It was flesh and blood. Not his own, rarely, even his children. It was one soft-spoken force-sensitive that was slowly spiraling in to madness.

Another partner swept through, another man, mortal. He held the scent of the fallen, of dust, and decay. A new dance partner so soon? She laughed, both men would hear, even as she was issued another warning to depart. Did they not realize that she would leave only when she meant to? No one issued her orders, no one controlled her, not now, nor ever. ‘Your weapon, your despair, only fuels my existence. The death you bring is a much-wanted bouquet...’

‘Bring me more. Spoil me, sweetlings.’

Her focus returned to [member="Darth Metus"]. What was it that he wished to do?

Oh, yes. This device.

She pushed from the ether in a rolling wave. He wished this object to carry his fear so that it would bring terror to his enemies? Elyria would help him with that. With, or without his permission. Or the guiding hand of the miscreant in the dark, the old one, filled with so much hubris. The sable-skinned Sith Lord would feel a dark surge boil up from his Core. It was primordial, powerful, and nigh overwhelming.

How small they must feel to realize that the truth. There is always a larger predator, beasts, that needed to feed.

‘Give me fear. Give me, what I require. Nisosûti ki Nairi.’


Objectives: Destroy the Imperials.
Location: Asulon City.
Tags: [member="Keva"]

Ah, the sound of battle and war always was familiar to Kaz.

Or rather the fire fights he had gotten into, afterall he was build to stand this stuff, though his main reason to be build was simply to be a walking tank, so he'd be cozy right here on the battlefield.

Kaz didn't have much info on the so called Jen'ari Officer Keva had talked about in her meantime of planning, the sweet crunch of debris sitting against his foot plate as he walked amongst the rubble and the hot rubble that had layered the ground, the hulk of a droid looking around every so often to see oncoming threats of danger, the droid had some maintenance done on him, not much, rather just fixing up his coat of paint and making sure his weapons ran how they should, he was confident in his ability to return to battle, sure some might be afraid of battle, but Kaz took the time to think about other things as he mercilessly slaughtered imperials, it was like a walk in the park for him.

He watched as a handful of flame troopers had begun to meet there maker, the droids simply doing what they were told as he walked forward, his dual wrist blaster were out, and his plasma wide spray cannon were ready and online, swinging gracefully against his 'midriff' trained on anything that had dared to move, as the flame troopers were dealt with, he saw a remaining one begin to crawl away, simply raising his hand and firing two blaster bolts into his back, the sound of his wrist blasters gave off a nice and soothing sound, the sound of a original B3 firing, it was smooth none the less, giving a scoff as he walked forward to kick the corpse of the flame trooper, his leg sent the body flailing a few feet away.

Kaz! We kill Imperials, then save civ!” He heard from Keva turning to look down at her, he almost wanted to scoff at the order he was given, it was so-..simple? Giving a light nod as he moved forward.

"A direct assault with little to no droids or droideka to aid in a siege is un-calculated Officer Keva. Shall we do a flank or continue to move forward?" He asked as he nudged the bodies with his foot making a way for her to walk and the droids that were marching around, he clearly didn't like being confined in such a space, one rocket could end the little fun they were all having-..well not Kaz's fun but perhaps the B2's and Keva's. His once creaking limbs were now in action, the thrill of battle really did fuel the droid.

His wide-spray plasma cannons continued to scan throughout the midst of the battle ground, ready to let loose on any poor fellow which had decided to try and sneak attack them, his cannons shot the same material which lightsabers were conveying, Plasma, enough to rip a platoon apart with a few blasts, it was like having a long range light-saber, able to decimate both vehicles, flesh-bags, and even a ship if he tried.

Though the droid was prone to sniper like barrages even though it might not hurt him it'd get annoying to get relentlessly shot by a sniper far away, "Officer-..Keva stay close, these imperials may be prone to our fire but sneak attacks can happen at anytime." He said his voice was loud and clear to hear even over the relentless marching of the droids.

Objective: Flank the Imperials
Location: Asulon City
Tags: [member="Elessar Talon"] + Open


He was hardly done listening to the commander before he began to follow along with him to begin their attempts to both eliminate the aggressors and rescue those trapped by the city falling apart all around them. Now they were seemingly trapped in place by a barrage of blaster bolts by these Imperials, and they were more or less sitting ducks unless something was to be done. These Imperials were determined if not just plain stupid; surely they must know that fighting an entire planetary faction was nothing short of a death sentence. As a remnant group, they had to have known that trying something like this would have led to their ultimate destruction, didn't they? There was time to question the rash actions of these Imperials later, now they had to fight them off.

His lightsaber-wielding companion reflected bolts directed at their position swiftly and like they were hardly a threat. As nonchalant as it appeared, he knew that nothing could go on forever and nodded as he listened to Elessar's words. "On it." He lifted his head above the barricade for a split second and just narrowly dodged a bolt that was randomly barraged in an attempt to hit something. Through the guise of the smoke that was erupting from the burning debris throughout the city, it seemed like he could flank under the cover of darkness and wrap around to clear the path.

It wasn't an easy task by any means due to his frame, but he blended into the surrounding smoke and managed to climb into a building that wasn't unoccupiable. Assuming it didn't collapse in on itself, it would be an easy route straight to the other side of the firefight where he could take care of them. It appeared to be a simple apartment he was passing through, one that used to harbor families and children alike. Now it was just a burning and destroyed wreck with only ruin and death in its wake. As he approached the Imperials' side, he primed his vibrosword.

Through the cover of the noise of their own blaster bolts ringing through the air, as well as the duelist distracting them, he exited right behind them. They were lined up in a row as they barraged Elessar's location rapidly, their lives ripe for the taken. He counted five in this squad, as he activated his blade and began approaching them one by one. He cleaved into each one of them before moving onto the next quickly; surely they would discover something was amiss in the matter of seconds once they hear the sounds of their squadmates' bolts dying down. When they all died, he heard a blaster rise up and felt the cold muzzle at the back of his head. An error in him trying to work too quickly; not delivering the killimh blow on one of them.

"You thought you could save your friend that easy and get out, huh? Guess you should'a considered that before you left me alive, freak." There was hardly a second to waste. He tilted his head slightly towards Elessar, trying to transmit some sort of signal that he couldn't save himself here and needed assistance.

Asher Mossa

Wearing: xxx
w. [member="Adron Malvern"]
Post: 1

The request had not been expected. Asher had been spending most of his waking hours with Alvida, learning everything he could of his new home and world. When they were apart, Asher trained. There was a new strength born in him which came from knowing his origin. A world that his mind had locked away for so long finally had revealed itself to him, and the tongue of his people flowed from his lips as though he had been speaking it from infancy. Quite a change had occurred in Asher since he had last met with the Exarch, and still he was humbled to be selected to serve alongside him.

He would not fail or falter.

Lylek was not longer the only voice Asher heard. Even from this distance, Fadirin spoke to him. The life giving tree which was the visual representation of the god which his people revered the most, the father of all, called to Asher even now.

"Vertu nálægt þessum manni. dú þarft hann fljótlega."

A small unnoticeable nod was offered at the instruction. While was still learning that the father could often be vague in what he meant, Asher knew that his words were given exactly when they were meant to be given. Asher may not need him now, but he would one day. Soon was such a relative term to a divine tree.

"Yes, my lord," Asher replied. Though I am certain that we will be seeing more than enough fight. Were the dragon acclimated to traveling on a ship," Asher said but let the thought trail off. In truth, the dragon would have been an excellent asset to the battle. Instead, Asher had his lightsaber, serpent breath. The hilt hung from his belt, ready to strike any foe that would dare come their way. The Exarch would see just how well Asher could handle himself in battle.

"I am unfamiliar. There have been too many years I spent as a hermit practicing the ways of the force an old Jedi recluse taught, and since with the Mandragora. Working with others in battle will be an adjustment, but I can assure you I shall not disappoint."
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Asulon
Objective: Prepare to evacuate civilians
Tags: [member="Zorok Rane"]

It was simple enough, to maintain the defense that the Echani had established when they exited the building behind them. His lightsaber, though fairly new to him, was the same as any other blade. It heeded his commands effortlessly as he deflected the blaster bolts that were intended to extinguish his life. He counted them, methodically, as they slammed into his blade.

One. Two. Three. Four…

Finally. The five had turned to four, and then three, and then two. The Dashade was seeing his task to completion, exterminating the lives of the men who had set themselves against the duo. In only another moment, the final bolt slammed into the concrete after being deflected from Elessar's blade. Wintry eyes scanned the smog before him as he held his lightsaber to the side of his hip. The low hum of the blade was all Elessar could hear, but something more was transpiring. The smoke shifted and the Echani's eyes narrowed. Now it became clear. The Dashade stood rigid, not locked in fear or terror, but the will to live would keep him in place. Elessar's eyes lifted to the Dashade in a mute expression. To many, his gaze would appear condemning, however it was merely the expression he hosted most of the time.

The soldier standing behind the Dashade finally laid his eyes upon the white-haired warrior. Perhaps he attempted to pull the trigger to his weapon, however his finger was locked. His hand quaked as he struggled to exterminate the Dashade. However, just as the soldier's hand shook, so did Elessar's. His hand was outstretched, maintaining an invisible grip on the man with the powers of The Force. Elessar narrowed his eyes at the Imperial before clenching his outstretched hand into a tight fist. The blaster in the soldier's hand exploded into a number of pieces. It was as if it had been taken apart at its most basic levels and all that remained were spare parts. The soldier stepped back from the Dashade in fear, however Elessar's other hand shot out.

A kinetic wave of the Force blasted past the Dashade, slamming the soldier into the wall behind him. The sickening crack that erupted was ignored by Elessar, as was the sight of the soldier's unconscious body sliding down onto the ground.

Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, Elessar glanced around. His eyes were like a Hawks, scanning through the smoke and fire before finally they rested on Zorok.

We can use this street during the evacuation, it's wide enough to fit our shuttles. Let's sweep the street and then we can find out if our Naval forces have broken the Fleet yet.

Location: Asulon {Main Street}
Objective: Evacuation
Tags: [member="Asher Mossa"]

The Sith Lord let out an amused chuckle at the thought of bringing their Dragons to fights such as these. The Dragons were crafted to be beasts of war, in time they too would show their wrath to the enemies of The Confederacy. Still, if the Dragon was released it would not be to the benefit of all.

The Dragons are complicated. They will not harm us, but the people of this world? They would likely suffer their wrath alongside our enemies.

The warriors, formerly of the Imperial Guard, led the way into the city. They were ruthlessly efficient in their approach to the main street. Armed with their vibroblades, they moved in an almost hypnotic pattern, keeping Adron and Asher in the center of their loose formation. Adron listened to Asher's words and glanced back at the man with an expecting gaze. “When you fight with others, you can use The Force to turn your thoughts into their actions. You can influence them, subtly, to work as a perfect unit.” Adron gestured to his men before clasping his hands together in front of him.

Can you sense the connection?” If Asher was to concentrate he would be able to sense the think woven tethers that Adron had crafter around his men. They were connected. Their movements were not only a testament to years of advanced training but also the doings of their Master. Like a puppet-master with his thralls, they moved to the subtle cues that the Sith Lord instilled in them. He gave Asher a brief smile before his boots touched down on the main street. It was no sooner than they had arrived that a woman's scream cried out through the thick fog of smoke. Adron's eyes rose to see a window, engulfed in flames that seemed to press into the night deliberately.

He narrowed his eyes at the sight before he looked back to the street. A crowd of civilians ran, their thick cloud of fear washed over Adron, bringing him even more power. Still, he could not bask, these men and women were running from soldiers, soldiers carrying large machines that we're producing these hell-like flames. The Imperial Guard took up offensive fighting stances while Adron pulled his sword from its scabbard. “Well. I suppose you get to show me what you're made of.” The Sith muttered, and in the next moment he was charging past the civilians and into the Imperial ranks.

Lucius Lunaris

Location: Asulon, City Center​
Wielding: Moonrage
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]​
Tarix had joined his mistress a while ago back on Sanza. However this was the first time since then that he had finally joined her in the field. He had finally managed a basic pull/push and force lightning. As such he had finally decided to join in with what his mistress did out in the field as he watched her save a group civilians. He watched her wandering through the city it was certainly much different to how they had met. After all now he had the chance to do something as he spun his double ended glavie around absorbing the heat of the flames along with some blaster bolts from those with the flame troops.

He smiled underneath his helmet as he used force lightning against several of them watching their bodies convulse under the weight of their nervous systems being overloaded. Then flicking his glavie around his cut two flame troops in half as they went to burn some civilians. He couldn't stand cowards who would attack civilians and so he made his way through the city cutting a bloody swave with his mistress.
For a fast response group Kelsie thought the Dauntless were rather slow.

By the time she arrived at the battle the space around Arkam 13 were already alight. She'd missed a fun beginning... the young woman had been taking a bit of leisure time in a nearby system, but as soon as Luna had sent her the signal she was off. She'd read a little bit about the Holorepository -- as much as she wasn't one to spend time in museums or dusty old libraries she understood the need for a little culture. She'd do her best to keep it.

​The YT-1300 skirted low, under the clashing warships, slipping through to land in the Holorepository's main hangar. She obviously wasn't there first -- a CIS Scimitar, and a rather defenceless First Order shuttle.

​By defenceless she meant there were a pair of stormtroopers standing at the bottom of the landing ramp, their eyes now sticking to the new arrival in the hangar. Kelsie hated that ugly armor. The old Imperial stuff was much nicer and much more intimidating. The two stormtroopers began to step over to the freighter, and Kelsie lowered the landing ramp as if inviting them onboard. Sadly they didn't take the bait... sadly for them.

Moments later the underside quad laser cannon sprung into action, swivelling to face the two soldiers. They didn't have time to react before the spot they were neatly vaporized by a single shot from the much larger weapon. Satisfied, the young woman slipped out of the ship.

On her person she carried all her standard combat gear (see Standard Combat -- Light (in bio)) -- though she hadn't had much time to get ready, she was only lightly armored in her armorweave body suit and Mk .45 protective vest. Notably, though, she'd opted to carry a small duffel bag with her... though it was soon emptied as she placed its explosive contents in hard-to-reach spots on the shuttle belonging to a certain Master of Ren.

Soon enough she found herself in the main hall circling the main area of the Holorepository. Her fledgling senses could tell where the stormtroopers and their master had gone -- but away from their apparent route she spotted a pair of guards who'd had their brains fried by a blaster. Any breach of the Holorepository was unacceptable, it'd mean Kelsie would have failed. Kelsie refused to fail. And so, the young woman paused, her silent footsteps guiding her towards the corner near one of the outer consoles.

"Drop the blaster before I drop you," she called out, aiming her .48 cal at the blonde Sith. He didn't seem to be part of the invading forces -- but that wouldn't stop her from putting a slug through his head. "If you turn around before you do I'll kill you," she said, that confident, icy edge to her voice compelling him to do as she said.

[member="Darth Zurvan"] [member="Asphyxion Ren"] [member="Luna Terrik"]

Objective: Clear the streets
Location: Asulon City
Tags: [member="Elessar Talon"] + Open


One moment it seemed like his life was dangling like a piece of rope attached to a piece of meat in front of a hungry beast, and the next his executor went flying towards a wall to the side and lost all consciousness. He certainly had his doubts if he was going to make it out of there, but he's seen the abilities that Force-wielders possessed already. If the Imperial soldier didn't go flying in another direction then he would've frankly been surprised. Zorok was able to turn fully towards his savior now, knowing that his head wouldn't be shot off at the slightest movement. Before getting to work, he turned towards the body of the unconscious Imperial and slashed downward with his vibroblade. Was killing an unarmed man the unethical thing to do? Probably. A man that agreed to the slaughter of innocent civilians as if it was casual probably deserved it.

Now they were tasked with aiding in the evacuation of civilians, their original plan upon landing down into the city really. He's killed enough Imperials at this point to be satisfied with himself, might as take care of their primary objective. "Where are your soldiers? This street is clear but I don't expect none to come here, wondering what's happened." He turned his attention towards the debris and vehicles that lined the street. It was easily capable of holding an evacuation of innocents in the area, but not in the state it was in. Turning towards a broken down cruiser, he began attempting to clear them off and towards the side.

Despite his brute-like size, it wasn't the easiest task and he tired the more he did so. Through conviction, he was able to clear out the streets and toss debris towards the side to provide a fairly-safe landing zone for whatever sorts of evacuation cruisers. He was glad to have the help of someone who could lift things with his mind. Throughout the process, he had hoped that civilians would begin to show up but it seemed that those that weren't already killed were hiding. It probably required more than a white-haired Force-user and a giant reptilian beast to ensure that they weren't going to be in peril upon leaving the "safety" of their buildings. This is where he hoped the earlier-separated group of Knights would come in to secure the area and group up those lost to establish a safe-zone of sorts.

"That fleet you mentioned better be broken through. If they were ready to to attack a system right next to our borders I don't think they're going to give up like that." Zorok darted his head around, scanning all of the buildings that surrounding the now-cleared street in a burning city. Bystanders appeared to be prevalent in at least most of the building, and hopefully they could find a way to draw them out at some point.
will you sink down to me?
Form: Humanoid Equipment: Armor / Trident \ Sidearm
Tag: [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Kurenai Yumi"] + [member="Cay-Yo"]
They weren't entirely fixed, nor where they really lessened. They where, for the most past, and for all intents and purposes, being mostly ignored for the time being. Damsy had come to realize after her father's secret treatment regimen that she did not want to let a grudge drive them apart. Removing herself from his side wouldn't solve their problems, make up for lost time, but simply cause more as he had at during her first, formative years—though she was only feeling them now.

But her daddy issues, what had first drove her from Sinner's Well back to Kamino, had after a seemingly long eventuality lured her once again into Confederate space.

In any case, here she was, knee-deep in yet another fray.

As they say, it was good to be back.

She did miss Naroh Se though, who had stayed behind on her homeworld, maybe even a little more than normal in the still-recent wake of Trinj's passing. And so it had been something of unconscious instinct when the sithspawn had beelined into the holorepository almost immediately after landing with the enthusiastic intent to learn something that might impress the well-learned Kaminoan scientist.

But her hope was extinguished almost as quickly as it had caught on: she had barely found a record to peruse when an air raid siren called her attention away. Quicly filing back the volume, she inched towards the door, hand hovering over the collapsed electrotrident at her belt, wary of what dangers might lie ahead already. She slipped into the hallway, bathed in flashing red warning lights.

Time was on her side, not the enemies. She needed more of it. The young Mandalorian could feel the fighting that broke out on the station. However, she was also aware, for the moment, she was the only defense the archives had inside it. While the others stepped up to slow down, or stop the intruders, Allya couldn't shake the feeling that this room, with its entrance to the massive amount of data, was the end goal. Why else would they not just destroy the wheelworld?

“Can we lock the main doors too?” Allya asked the head librarian. The twi'lek woman nodded, and moved over to the doors, and locked them. A simple click was heard as metal bolts closed the door shut. It wasn't much, nothing more than a civilian lock. The doors could be sliced, or broken open with minimal effort. However, it bought time. “Librarian, please move everyone into the reading rooms. Lock the doors as well, and stay inside. If you can, push over the reading tables so they face the doors, and hide behind them as well. Stay safe. I'll do everything I can, but...we have to buy time.” The woman quickly ran along with all the other librarians and locked themselves in the various private rooms for data viewing. Again, civilian privacy locks, nothing strong. But, it would again buy time.

Allya used the force and moved metal tables onto their side, and a distance away from the main doors, which were the only way in or out now, she placed them down, as durasteel barricades. It wouldn't last under sustained fire. They were not military grade. However, for what she wanted them for, they would work. The vaults were designed to keep out unlawful entry. However, they were not designed to stop people who attempted to enter the normal way. She betted on the fact the intruders new this. While it was straight forward, it was also the most realistic way to get what they wanted.

She took a deep breath. It was hard to feel the intruders, or where they were. This simply meant that at least one of them, was very good at hiding themselves. And if that was the case, they may be good at a lot more. Allya desperately wished she had her droids and troops with her. However, so far, Dauntless had not shown up. So, she sat up the defenses, and prepared. Once everything was set up, her blaster was taken out, and switched to sonic, and her lightsaber was switched on with a snap-hiss. No matter what, she knew her objective. Protect the data, and protect the people. She hoped she was up to the task.

[member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Asphyxion Ren"] | [member="Cay-Yo"] | @Damsy Callet | [member="Kurenai Yumi"]​
As the doors sealed close behind him Daxton patiently waited in the shadows, the sensors on his suit turned up to detect the first wave of attackers even if they did to mask their presence. Time was of the essence, so most likely they would forego stealth over speed. Sure enough he could sense them quickly making their way to the main chamber.

Three, no four lifeforms closed in on the door, weapons scanning for hostiles but Daxton was confident in his perch. With a wave of his hand he sent forth tentacles of force as well as three lightsabers which ignited in midair, catching the first two unawares before leaving their headless forms to topple to the ground.

The remaining two ignited their blades and the battle was on. But unlike fighting a foe face to face, fighting a trio of floating blades was a totally different experience. They were holding their own, considering they had no physical target to focus on, until they stepped into the unseen appendages which enveloped them in a powerful grip that could crush an armored starship. Bone and flesh were less resilient and hell of a lot messier but it drew a ghost of smile on the Zabrak’s lips and a sigh of regret they had not offered more of a fight.

“Don’t be afraid. Come out and play, I don’t bite.” His mentally taunted those not trained to shield their mind from his ability. To them, it was a disembodied voice, cloy and amused, “Well I don’t bite that hard.......unless you ask.” Mirthless laughter followed by a distinct feeling of dread that starts in bowels and crawls up their throat. The weak willed would feel from this disturbing sensation as quickly as they could. Those of stronger spirit would know a very malevolent presence, perhaps the most vile thing in their life, is somewhere on the station, watching, waiting.......hungry.

@Allya Vi’Dreya
Objective: Recover the Holorepositorys at any cost
Location: Arkam
Tags: [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Damsy Callat"]
Post: 1
For the moment the main library remained untouched, but the sound of battle, feeling through the force of death constant updates did not serve to make their current situation any better. The attacking Ren were certainly going all out, in the long run, to them a few thousand dead of their own was a small price to pay for such artifacts that remained in this complex. Her along with one of Metus many children were the first to reach the well of knowledge, Kurenai spending the last minute feeling around the room, making sure no sneaky bugger or other sheathed individual not on their side somehow made it inside, so far nothing, but for how long.

Looking back Allya seemed to have a similar idea, after having ordered the keeper of the area into safety had started making some small makeshift defenses from the mostly metal furniture, Kurenai turning to the small detachment of knights with them. "I wan't cross fire kill zone on any entrance to this place, nothing gets in and out, we need to have this place secure and locked down for proper extraction, we do not give up an inch of this floor to any Ren you hear me"! The information stored here, the records of old, some of it was hers, the past she fought in and the future she helped carve out, no Dark Side lacy would take that from themselves, not while she still drew breath.

With saber drawn and slug thrower in hand she awaited the oncoming enemy, ready to face down against any foe, no Ren could have been as bad or skilled as Kyrel.

Taramaz Arcturus

Transmission# 3-10. Designate: X-Ray
KO-043 inserted with Knights of Ren Troops in Arkam-13
Target: [member=Asphyxion Ren]
Laurs infiltrating target's command group
0800 hrs 20 April, 856 ABY
Taramaz crept up behind the Stormtrooper Major as he was leaving the First Order Shuttle, and grabbed him in a headlock, suffocating him of precious, precious air until his body went limp, slumping unconscious in the larger man's arms. He dropped the body on the ground, and scanned it with his holographic disguise matrix, then put it on the ground, and took the form of the Stormtrooper Major. He picked the matrix up, and hoisted the body over his shoulder, taking it aboard his ship, and threw it into a prisoner cell, locking it. Then walked out, taking only his lightsabers as his own weapon, grabbing the Major's rifle and comm-link. Using his force sense, he set off at a jog, catching up to the group.

He saluted the Master of Ren. His clenched fist going straight up into the air.

"Lord Ren sir! The ship is secured, gave that scimitar a look over too. Looks abandoned, like it's been there for a few days."

His voice sounded pitch perfect and identical to the Major he'd stolen the identity from. His hand went down. And he fell into the group, marching at the head, just behind and to the right of Ren, just across from the Lieutenant. He was the ranking officer of the unit. He carried himself to the perfect similarity of the Major, from the voice to the length between steps. He hadn't gone in blind, he'd researched his target, and the identity he was to assume. He corrected his holding of his rifle, angling it a few more degrees downward, more like the Major. His black cape trailing behind him, as he marched with his lord.

"What are my orders, Lord Ren?"

A simple request, yet not out of character for one who had been gone attending to the ship.
Blueberry flavored Sith
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Destroy the Imperials.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Asulon city [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tags: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][member="UBD-028"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The chaos was reassuring, in a sense: it was the crucible where Keva would prove herself to the upper echelons of the Military and push her goals further, ever so slightly, with each Imperial life taken under the march of Droids and Tanks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She nonchalantly moved through the new carnage, stepping over bodies as though they were little more than bumps in the road: at the end of the day that’s what they were anyway. Turning to face Kaz once again, many of her commands were short and quick: the barriers of language being the most brutal of things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I know.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She had a plan either way, similar to what she had planned for Kuat: behind the main force gunships awaited to unleash hell on any sizeable threat that dared to attack them, merely waiting for someone to be foolish enough to try and strike the wall of metal, and so their forces began to move: a column of marching droids and humming armor, they would inevitably break off once they reached any sort of junction within the City. But no such thing had showed itself yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She nodded her head, moving in close to the Droid: he could take any sort of shot for her with ease.[/SIZE]

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