Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Armed and Ready

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Thraxis"] [member="ScrollzGod"]

Matsu looked at the one who asked the question on what she needed and offered him a look and bow of her head. "Just test the armor's durability for the things we can do with it. The new duraplast plates are made for providing the maximum protection you can get against melee nd weapons. Run the course, take a few hits and return fire." She was looking at the AI that was processing the data from the drones and recordings they were showing. "Well done quiet." She kept her attention on some of the things as the targets and testers got to move around speeding up the process.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was more than happy to see some of the larger things they were doing and handling while her eyes flicked to the screens. She could see more fo the movement from all of them before bringing up the display Quiet had of where the armor and showing the best protection levels from the duraplast and the different sections of equipment. "Have the engineers make alterations as needed from these design spec." She was going over it and bringing more attentio to the ai as well as the sections of the armor where the joints shuld be given some layers of protection.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe engineers confirmed the acknowledgement of the instructions while they were bringing up the hardlight suits on projectors to work on tinkering for the final products. All of the harder work and the layer of sasori crystal coating going onto the duraplast was nice. It gave it a standard ability that would be greatly valued as needed for the soldiers under their care and command.... Well ones they sold to. The Silver Sanctum only came when they wanted something and wrote them off but the Republic and jedi order saw value in supporting people.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
And as she finished a new phase of it that was good enough for her truthfully taking most of the things into account with a raised eyebrow seeing more of the results filter in and down to them. "Keep at the course testers this is going very well." It was providing more results then she could keep track of even with the force to comprehend and enhance her perception to follow all of the information on the screens. The AI was beign a big help for everything they needed while she tapped the screen arraigning some of the things like equipment they could use.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"We have the new design specs going into the armor from the different parts. We have some equipment that could come in handy." She was looking at the other things as a list of inventory came up for them to be able to offer in packages to the different teams and workers. They would have to work on experimenting with the construction of the belt and other indexes they could set up for the combat helmets they were working on to go with the bodyglove to keep its level of protection.
He nodded at the one speaking to him, blushing embarrassed about the muscle part . "I'm more of a cloak and dagger kind of guy." He laughed. "My name is Anthony. And gee you are strong. You aren't even holding the rifle with effort!" He smiled in awe of this. [member="Yen"]

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow holding the rifle. "Hybrid plexisteel, very lightweight, very strong. Makes carrying the gear a lot easier since they have made some very nice equipment." She slung the rifle over her shoulder and onto her back switching to a pistol as the merc moved into position checking the armor. The drones were going around overhead recording the information for them as she slid the pistol out of the holster. The sleek shatter gun modified for the rangers and mercs like herself to use checking the mag pellet count of shikai rounds.
The small display reading it was full and ready to be used as the acid shells proved more effective in testing other parts of the armor. The ones set up for them to shoot with different weapons and ammo like this. The new recruit might be better at cloak and dagger but they had that as well. Those nice ballistic combat knives for really laying into people if you needed to. Or the omnislashers for breaking down and into some of the toughest armors. Those she rather liked as well when the need arose to attack and have some close quarters stopping power.
"Just stay on your toes and remember one of the features they are putting into the armor is optical camo, preform well and te engineers might be willing to part with a coating of the crystals for your gear or a suit of armor." That was why they were there with her hands gripping it and taking aim. The underbarrel paddle beamer striking one of the targets as she fired more of the shots letting the hardlight holograms shots stroke the plates at the knuckles and hands. Shots leaving a puft of sound but the shatter technology made it near silent as the rail gun let loose the slugs of acid.
'Not the conversation type I guess..' He thought to himself checking out the camo feature on the armor. He frowned disapprovingly at the rifle and armor. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and sighed. "This armor and weapons test just is not for me... Time to go look for other jobs.." He began jogging avoiding the firing that Yen was doing at the targets. [member="Yen"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was more going on now, the recruits had seemed to go strangely about some of the things as the jei master looked over the displays and adjustred the hardlight projectors as needed for the different things. She was looking at the use of the acid shells that helped test the armors durability against such things. it gave the jedi master more then enough information to put into the things with a bow of her head to the experience. "THis is going better then I thought it might." she was looking at it while sitting back in her small chair as the engineers were displayed on the screen with the armor they were working on.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"How is progress coming on the armors for the final parts of testing Reiko." There was a look at the atrisian offshoot, well arkanian offshoot mixed with atrisian for a very pale, very white woman with straight long hair. "It is going well, we have begun the initial reconstruction of the armor and applying the duraplast plates over it as needed. We have been working with the belt of the armor to incorporate the anti-energy field and standard equipment needed with it. To activate the sasori coating of microcrystals that we have put on it. With a proper hood you will be able to use it for lightweight recon scouting units."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
That was good news to hear and they had the crystal coating set up for soldiers or scouts to use. Domino had given her a few worthwhile ideas while Matsu admired the work that had been going into it for the time being with a bow of her head. "Very good, bring the armor up here for our guests along with some of the gear we have been working on for them. The lightweight compartment belts and pouches we will be able to use." She ws rather looking forward to seeing what types of things her engineers brought up here and with this working to test and give tothe mercs legion the credits for payment.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She contined to watch the mercs going through the course as the one ran off to go and do something else. She'd have to ask [member="Cynthia"] Geron about that as she never seemed the type to have her men or women do things half way through. The young woman seemed like a finisher in the long run who liked the credits she could make field testing the equipment. She could see more of the engineers coming to the starting point with the different weapons like the sonic shotgun and the ub machine slugthrowers they offered along with the armors. "Alrght once some of them are there explain the new improvements to them and let them loose."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The armors that were there as she listened letting the drones float around recording he data and information while the hardlight projectors paused t reset and give the mercs a chance to regroup at the beginning. The weapons they had and were using set on the tables while they were changing out of the phase two armors into the new phse three armors with the recon hoods and face covers to utalize the crystal coating as it was all being explained with some of them providing rapt attention to everything in the display. Hardlight holograms showing wht you could do was one thing but here you could really sink your teeth into the real thing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The very pale arkanian offshoot atrisian was speaking with a small pointer in her hand. The collapsable metal stick to show everything off to them. "With the data from performances by you in the course we have been able to make some improvements to the phase three testing periods. The lightarmor plating of the bodyarmor has been improved in some areas to cover small gaps and the addition of a hood with face cover is incorporated. It will not seal and allow for vacuum but you will be able to use it to protect your head and utalize the newest addition to the armor." She was moving her hand and showed the controls on the belt.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The armor going invisible for a moment as the inside of he hood remained. "Optical camo from the micro crystals will not mask you from force users, sensors or sound but it will visually conceal you. Use it at your discretion as needed in the field but it preforms better in most cases then some of our hybridium and stygium units. Use it as needed when you can but remember that excessive movements will break the optical illusion depending on the environment. We are working on testing to maybe bond stygium to it to dampen or negate sensors but for now it is the best you will have. Testing of this feature is asked along with the additional protection."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu could hear it and there was a good amount of talk from them while she was looking at the other things. Bringing up the display for the boots and gloves with a nod of her head. The manufacturing of the different components were there as well. They weren't trying to just show off some things but they were moving to have the gauntlets just as protective with the phrik and duraplast in the reactive material. The force enhancing was more then good enough and with the crystal weave it could connect to the armor allowing the weaves to interact and channeled energy to more easily flow throughout the body. Matsu made a couple notes about it to herself while working on things. "
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The other additions are the boots and the glves being built and set for the armor. The channeling gloves will hopefully after this be more common place as the gloves that inspired them. The crushgaunts as we can make them from the phrik and duraplast. Lightweight and very powrful for crushing enemy armor. We have been working to better improve its value to teams." She waited for a few moment bringing up the boots. "Our boots are some of the more protective and useful. The thrusters for additional jump height as well as superior protection make them ideal for soldiers in the field. The one size fits all allows for accommodating all who use them."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was the crux of it in her mind while they were working on some of the things. The engineers were building up the protection offered but given how much of the phrik and well materials they had access to thanks to their mining they would be able to do plenty with it. The jedi master was more then prepared for some of the stronger things they were doing and turned to speak with Quiet ffering the hologram of the AI who was amazing at logistical work. Combat not so much they had in development her sister for that purpose but Quiet would be able to process heavily the information they needed and could provide solutions to the materials and construction.

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