Jak Sandrow
"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."

Intent: To make a well-protecting vehicle for Omega Pyre's infantry
Development Thread: If needed
Hero Unit: No.
Manufacturer: pre-Clockwork Fondor
Model: APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier)
Affiliation: Omega Pyre
Modularity: Weapons can be removed for other weapon choices. The whole interior can be redesigned for cargo capacity only. Can be waterproofed for amphibious transport
Production: Mass-produced
Material: 1.5" pressed durasteel under 1" composite armor
Description: The APC is a mass-troop carrier made for added protection for infantry. The side weapons ports can be shut for airtight capabilities. It will protect infantry through the most extreme conditions, ejecting them from the vehicle if need be. The infantry exit through the front.
- The APC is well-armored
- There is a lot of cargo capacity if empty
- Versatility makes the APC invaluable
- The APC's armor limits its possible speed
- Juicy target for air units
- Troops coming out front are potential target for assault rifles (i.e. Saving Private Ryan)
Height: 2.5 m
Length: 10 m
Width: 4 m
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 gunner
Weight: 25 tonnes, 30 fully loaded
Propulsion: Wheels, or turbojets (amphibious)
Top Speed: 120 km/h (paved) 80 km/h (off-road) 45 km/h (water)
Armaments: 4 firing ports, 2 side-mounted crewable adapted Z-6 rotary blaster cannons, 1 heavy plasma turret (remotely operated) <-- shown, possible mounted rocket launcher, AA turret, extra firing ports, grenade launchers
Passenger Capacity: 9 (all infantry)
Cargo Capacity: 10 heavy weapons, 10 survival packs, or if completely cargo, 22.5 cu. metres
Misc. Equipment: Front lights, smokescreen