Well-Known Member

Intent: A personal set of Jedi robes for Audren, suitable for formal functions, light combat, or anything in between.
Development Thread: If Required
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Audren Sykes
Modularity: Color, tabard may/may not be worn, wrist attachment (i.e. AI-A01 Hacking Platform)
Production: Unique
Material: Duraplast/Duranium Links, Armorweave, Synthcloth
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8 kg
Quality: 3
Special Features: Minor resistance to lightsabers, blaster bolts
Description: Maybe it was the trouble he'd been a part of since joining the Silver Jedi turned Silver Sanctum Coalition, Audren decided that he needed a happy medium in terms of clothing. Normal Jedi robes simply weren't enough protection and full suits of armor were no good for normal Jedi operations.
The basis for most basic armors was armorweave. It was capable if dissipating blaster bolts and had a resistance to lightsabers - limited resistance, but it was there. And it could look like normal cloth if done right. Next came the metals. Cortosis, Phrik, or Imperium were his first choices as they were the most well-known for stopping lightsabers. As it turned out however, they were difficult to come by. He had to settle for more common materials. Duraplast was a metal known for armor and duranium was a very hard metal. Both had known resistance to lightsabers. Again, minor, but it was there.
Using some of the talent on Voss, Audren had a basic but fine mesh made of the duraplast and duranium. The duraplast was the heavier but provided more protection, the duranium was lighter. By offsetting the links in the mesh it was able to be light with decent protection. By putting armorweave on top of mesh, then a layer of synthcloth below, he had some basic armored robes. The smith warned the Padawan that the protection would only be good against glancing blaster bolts or lightsaber strikes. A direct hit would still do considerable damage, but the armor may make survival more likely. Durasteel bracers and joint plates (knee, elbow, shoulder pauldrons) made important joints a bit safer.
Besides the obvious downside of a relatively weak protection, there was another: the armor could get hot. The synthcloth did what it could, but it wasn't much. In normal climates the wearer would be warm, in warmer climates it would be simple to overheat. The simple answer was a temperature-regulating bodysuit, but Audren held off on that. Maybe if he wore these things to Tatooine, but not now.
Aesthetically, the armor was similar enough to Jedi robes to pass, and like most included a hood. The metal plates were the most visible, and even they were tinted to match the blue-gray of the robes. The armor itself went over a shirt, it didn't have a substitute for one.
Primary Source: N/A
Constructive feedback appreciated.