Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aron Rodrie


NAME: Aron Rodrie
FACTION: Techno Union
RANK: Negotiablle
SPECIES: Near-Human
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 141.5 kg
WEIGHT: 2.032 m
EYES: Steel Grey
HAIR: Brown, short
SKIN: Weathered


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Wookiee Strong: Through genetic enhancements imbued before birth, Aron has the natural strength of a Wookiee with a skeletal structure designed to hold the enhanced musculature.
+ Tactical Superiority: Aron has been trained since birth to handle troops in battle, whether it is small units of soldiers or whole theaters of combat, Aron has the capacity and training to think creatively.
+/- The Force: Aron is force sensitive, but due to his training he is more able to utilize the force for battle than for more generalized uses.
- Social Disgrace: Aron is not the most diplomatic of people. In fact, he would have failed any diplomacy class that he could have taken at the Zenith Prime academy.
- Adrenaline Junkie: Aron will sometimes make the less than ideal decision, if he has an option to get his blood pumping faster.

Aron is well above average in height and well muscled to boot. He maintains a strict regimen of training to ensure that he retains peak strength, flexibility and mobility, both in and out of armor. He has steel grey eyes with traces of green circuitry throughout, as they are cybernetic replacement eyes, designed to see from ultra violet to infra red and all the spectrum between. He keeps his hair short, more out of ease than for regulations.

Aron Rogrie was born and raised on Zenith Prime, a world dominated by a military oligarchy. Aron is not familiar with who his parents are, as the genetics that were used to create him came from several soldiers and officers in the attempts to create the ideal soldier. He was grown in a vong formed bionic womb, grown to the size of a five year old before being released from incubation. He was placed into a wardship of the state, attending a military academy for just such wards from practically the day after he was 'born'. Every few years, Aron was subjected to more processes to increase his bone growth, musculature, brain elasticity and axon signal reception throughout his whole body. Early on in his life, when he was truly ten years old but looked fifteen, he had his biological eyes replaced with cybernetic ones. These have several filters embedded within them, controlled by signals from the brain. It took several years before Aron was able to naturally call upon all of the abilities his eyes gave him.

The Netherworld event saw Aron delving deep into the realm of nightmares. He had been taken in the middle of a training exercise, though none of his other class mates were near him. He fought his way with weapons, then in melee and hand to hand and finally he was felled. Ready to bleed out on the ultimate battlefield, instead the event ended, Akala being thrown down and defeated. Aron was found on the academy grounds where he had been taken from. He was given treatments and brought back to full health.

Being raised to a military life, Aron doesn't know anything else, so when the Techno Union acquired Zenith Prime, he quickly joined their military, his extensive experience giving him a leg up on other new recruits.


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