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Arresting A King

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Nar Shaddaa

Romeo found himself here constantly, if not for one thing, then for another. Today brought him here in need of parts, parts for a ship.This was a place of salvaging, and prices could be haggled down to something more appropriate. "No, I dont need a extra hyrdospanner, I need a turbolaser battery." He arghed with the Gand. Probably not the best idea, but Romeo could handle it. "For the love of the Force, shut up you tiny one!" He would say in Vahla, his native tongue. It would then come back with its own insult, unaware Romeo had just told it to shut up. "A turbo...laser...battery..." Romeo would say slowly. Finally he would give up, and head somewhere else.

-Next time I am going somewhere else for parts.- he thought to himself. The king of shadows slung his hands into his jacket pocket, and whistle alittle tune. His red eyes paying closer attention to the corners then they appeared to.
The Smuggler’s Moon. The last time she’d come here, some Red Ravens had blown a lot of holes in her ship. Happy memories!

It was another routine meds run – but because of the recent shipments going astray and because of her ‘understanding’ with the gang members she’d messed with last time around, she knew they’d spar wide of her ship.

And as she approached the city, she never ceased to be dismayed by the filth, pollution and by definition crime infestation.

She navigated past the ancient refuelling spires and loading docks and reached the designated hangar. She supervised the unloading of the cargo and confirmed the ship needed refuelling. Rather than wait on-board she decided to walk around. Sometimes, just sometimes, the presence of a Jedi would dissuade people from committing crimes. Not forever she mused, but for now. If she could make just an hour less crime-ridden, it would serve as a signal to the residents that the Republic did care.

So she donned her robe and pulled up the hood. Everyone knew this was the code for Jedi on business. It helped those that needed to stop doing what they were about to do to understand why she was here.

And so she strolled out of the hangar and immediately into the vertical city, where daylight rarely permeated. Where neon was the new sun. Where Corvus could feel something wrong.

Of course, the Force always told her there was something out of place on this moon. But today it wasn’t just ringing an alarm bell, it had taken out an ad in the daily holo-paper.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

The neon lights reflected off Romeo's eyes as he stopped to look at a datapad, on this datapad was a list of places he had yet to visit on his mission for ship parts. -Curse this moon, and the Republic's failing to do anything about it..- He thought to himself. The jacket he wore posses fluffy material at the hood, sleeve ends, and around the bottom of the jacket, it was a very warm jacket. He continued walking after double checking his next stop, and turned the first corner into a more open market place, he did this only to bump into a group a thugs, all wearing the sigil of the Black Suns, but they were not really Black Suns. This wasnt the type they hired onto the party's list of employees.
"Hey buddy, you know who we are?" The first human asked, large and full of piercings. It was disgusting. Romeo shook his head yes.
"Pretenders." He spoke softly in reply. What would happen next would look like a man ganging up on innocent people.
Romeo's hand made a gentle motion of a flicker, and the human male shot backwards. Then he made a lifting motion with that hand, and the Rodian behind him lifted as well, and then was dropped. The last human tried to run away, but was pulled in through the force by Romeo, in honesty this was his kind of justice, and these people were certainly not innocent, but who was keeping tabs? The Republic surely wasnt.
When the last human was in arms reach of the Shadow King, he slammed a fist into the man's face, knocking him out.
"Wait! We're sorry, we dont want no trouble." The first human begged. Romeo chuckled. "Too late."
Corvus nodded to passers-by as she walked through the narrow streets. Items were taken out of coat pockets and placed onto shop’s shelves, bulky objects were placed back into holsters and datachips returned to wallets. It as if a holo-vid was being run in reverse. How little effort it took mto bring law and order to a city’s streets. Of course there weren’t enough Jedi to patrol every corner of every planet but she wondered why she didn’t do this more often.

She made a mental note to bring a Padawan with her next time. It would be both good experience and would show them that Jedi can make a difference without having to fight a Sith.

And on that thought, she noticed ahead a group of thugs harassing an individual. The Force told her this was the bad thing she should have been expecting and she listened. But something must have been lost in the translation as it was the gang that she sensed were in trouble.

No sooner had these thoughts surfaced than the young man used the Force to dispatch the one with all of the metal in his face. The second was also sent flying and the third pulled to the…Sith? She felt the Dark-side at work and immediately dropped her cloak where she stood and ran to the scene just as the third ruffian was punched into unconsciousness and the Sith turned on the one with the piercings again.

Corvus coughed theatrically. “Hello there. I think we should have a little chat, don’t you?”

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo's attention was turned directly to the new voice, and presence of a much more brighter light in the force then he made. He let the last thug go, and stood up straight, and proper. His eyes studied the woman carefully, and he cocked his head. -Jedi still trying to turn this place to a better tomorrow...admirable- He thought to himself.

The king thought better to mock the Jedi, and instead, bowed. "A chat we shall have then." He smirked something that probably resembled a fiend with a plan. His eyes changed from a hot red, to a soft crimson. "Begone from us!" He roared at the criminals, and they scattered off, dragging their leader away. He returned his words to her. "How may I help you master Jedi?" He had done nothing wrong, no one had been severely hurt. The King could have done worse.
He took one step towards the Jedi, and let the force sink in deep into his core, letting his presence of darkness flood into the force.
[SIZE=10pt]Oh how he was a feisty one! She felt his eyes appraise her and felt him use the Force to judge her. She had nothing to hide and so allowed him to sense her aura. And then he bowed. Feisty perhaps, but he had manners, she had to give him that. Although that smile bordered on the maniacal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Help you? I initially came to save you from those nasty ruffians.” Her voice was friendly, playful even. “But then I felt the…urge to swap sides.” The smile remained on her lips but the eyes left of their own accord.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]And then she felt the Dark-side emanating from him. She remained perfectly still – her features to passers-by showing nothing of her inner thoughts. But she drew the Force to her, and entered [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Center[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] of [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Being[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. This could be all bluff, but either way, she needed to have more of a chat with him – and preferably on her own terms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“I feel…you have something to say.” The steel in her voice was enough for the dwindling passers-by to somehow manage to blend into the walls. Nearby shops suddenly became very popular and doors for some reason felt the need to be closed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt][member="The Shadow King"][/SIZE]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo wasnt sure what to do at this moment, but he smiled, and looked her in the eyes. "Well...I would never deny a beautiful woman coming to my rescue." He chuckled to himself, and kicked at the ground. Now what did he want to say? He watched the streets, and the shops close. "Seems we maybe having a stand off in these people's eyes..." He darted his eyes back at her. "What would I like to say?" His smile turned to a dirty smirk. He knew what was coming to next, this woman was going to try and take him in. Trials, and what not.
He slowly kicked ground more.
Focusing on the force, he kicked the ground one more time, and lifted his hands up as he did so, when he did this, fire walls went left, and right. "Catch me if you can!" He turned on his heel, and ran away, smashing into a kiosk, and fumbled over it. By now the fires had died out.
Corvus’ face kept neutral. “Spare me the flattery. And you can call it a stand-off if you want. I call it a full and frank conversation.”

She was aware of his unease. He was certainly stalling but trying to distract her too. She paid him no heed - she listened to the Force. And then he made a bolt for it and from his hands came walls of fire. Well that was a first. Fortunately they died away quickly and as he started to run she called the Force and felt it coursing through her.

Sometimes they came quietly, and other times they decided to stand and fight. It had been a while since she’d come across a runner. So she set off after him, not risking using the Force offensively until they were clear of people.

In her mind, there was only one thought. ‘Negotiations were short.’

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo recovered quickly, jumping over other kiosk that were selling doohickeys, and sliding in between them. It was total pleasure to run from her, it was like the good ol' days when he was younger. He smiled to himself, and laughed a little. He turned his head to see if she was still coming after him, and she was. Romeo had the greatest idea in the galaxy. He turned on is heel, and darted at her, his arms opened wide, and when they were so close as that he could see her eyes. Romeo went in for a hug.
No Jedi would be expecting this...would they?
Why did they run? They never got away. Never. Well, hardly ever.

In his haste he was reckless and that means mistakes. As he vaulted a kiosk she made a mental note that she'd stop on the way back. She needed a new doohickey. In her opinion you could never have enough doohickeys. In fact, she might pick one up for he friend [member="Kana Truden"]. If there was ever a fan of doohickeys, it was her.

She could hear him laughing up ahead. Clearly this was a game to him. Or he was mentally deranged, or a criminal mastermind practicing for his next soliloquy. He turned to see if she was following him. Which was obvious wasn't it? She was a Jedi.

And not just any Jedi. She was a Jedi that was - being hugged. This was...uncomfortable to say the least. She quickly disengaged and gave him that look. You know - that look.


[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo chuckled to himself, and turned in a circle with a joyful look on his face. Never had he ever seen a jedi so..intense. "Oh I wish you could see your face..that look, makes me so happy." He stopped in his circle when he was facing her again. His eyes locked unto hers, and he blinked once. "So..a talk? A chat? A little one on one? I dont think you could handle this." He motioned to himself. "So tell me, what did I do wrong? I was harassed, in fear for my life, and others, and thus acted according to instincts. To beat them back. To survive." He smile turned into a smirk. "Though..I must say if you plan on taking me's not happening. Oh no, there are only two ways to get me to come quietly." He lifted his hands up. "A fight of great magnitude, or.." He left his hands fall. "A kiss. Right here." He touched his lips.
"So which will it be master jedi? Are you too good for a dark jedi?" He narrowed his eyes in his smirk.
Corvus wanted to roll her eyes, but she knew she’d only be encouraging him. There was a childish sense of play in him, but his use of the Dark-side kept her on edge. It would be too easy to forget just what he was capable of.

So she kept her face impassive and allowed him to talk until he stopped, only venturing to speak when she was quite sure he was done.

“I am pleased that you are happy. And as for your conduct, perhaps you used excessive force but I suspect they’ll not be pressing charges. And the discussion? Let’s just say in centres around your use of the Dark-side.” Her voice remained calm and impassive, her eyes taking in the surroundings as well as keeping him in full view.

She deliberately ignored the second option presented. “I don’t want to fight you, but I will have that conversation.” She pulled the Force close to her and entered Center of Being, awaiting his response. These sort always had to have the last word.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo leaned in some, giving her wide eyes at what she had all said. "You really wanna know all about that?" He titled his head to the side, unsure whether this was a good thing, or a bad thing. "Ahhhh," He waved his hand in the air, and then placed both of them in his pockets of his jacket. "'re going to have to get a little comfortable with me, and have a drink, I know a guy not to far, makes the best tea." He said with a pleased tone, and offered his arm for her to latch onto. "So I dont run again." He winked at her.
"Though that kiss would have been more're just no fun.." He giggled to himself a little. "So...where should I begin?" Apart from the fact he was a dark jedi, he just realized this woman probably thought him sith, his cheeks reddened. He felt angry about that, but figured her ignorance wasnt her fault. "Well...first off, I am a Vahla. Im sure you know all about us, and our great little cult we have."
For anyone else or perhaps in just different circumstances, being considered no fun would have been a put-down. To be told, as a Jedi, that fact by someone using the Dark-side? Corvus saw it as a compliment almost.

She was uneasy with his manner. He was flippant and it was alien to her. So when he offered his arm she ignored the gesture. "As long as I can see you, that's close enough." There was no humour in her voice. Nor any malice. It was business-like and factual.

"But I can do tea," she added, meeting him some of the way. Perhaps this could be resolved by a conversation? She doubted it, but always planned to succeed before she planned to fail. She was a Jedi after all. And he was, at least talking.

She knew a little of the Vahla. Farseeing was a strong point. Brittle bones was another. It was odd that he should share the fact. Perhaps he simply underestimated her? And as for the religion of the race? She suspected she was about to find out.

"Indulge me, what of this cult?"

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo looked up at the stars as he started to lead the way to tea, thinking how to word each word carefully. This woman was poking into his personal life, and he wasnt okay with this, but there was things he could say that would be honest, and not his personal life. "I love how tea just...mellows the mood ya know?" He looked back at her, and smiled. "Ember of Vahl, Darth Isolda. Personally its their cult not mine. I have better things to do." continued walking. Now that he put his finger on it, why were they talking? What did she hope to gain from this? "Ooooh, you like to know the person before you dot dot dot the person huh?" He winked at her, playing coy was the best thing in the world.
"I like that, decent quality in a person. Its trustworthy."
Corvus was aware that the fast-flowing talking had stopped and was replaced by more measured words. Perhaps she’d hit a nerve? Or maybe he just wanted to be careful with what he told her. Or he could just be wondering what sort of tea he wanted when they got there.

But to keep the conversation flowing, Corvus joined in as best she could. “Tea, mellows, hmmm. I suppose so. I find camomile particularly refreshing.”

But then the conversation took a right turn and despite the smile, she knew that they’d taken the exit for Seriousville. She knew of the Vahla as a race of nomads. Something about those with red hair being blessed by their god. But the Cult she knew little about them - except they hated the Jedi who nearly wiped them out. So she understood the animosity – trying to kill you will do that every time.

“And I mentioned the Cult only because you did. It’s polite. You can ask me something if you like?” As soon as the words had escaped her lips she wished she could have grabbed a net and pulled them back in. She had no doubt she was going to regret that offer.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo's eyes shifted colors to something like a bright orange red color, and his foot steps became silent, his demeanor turned to something less playful. "Tea is good for the soul." He began to speak. "But a question...I can ask the Jedi Master a question...hmm." He crossed his arms over his chest as he walked. "How does it feel to capital for the Republic is now the stronghold of the One Sith? How does it feel to know thousands of souls were sacrificed just to strengthen the presence of the darkside there?" His eyes shifted to her gait, and observed her body motions. "I ask..because it infuriates me..but to the one who called it home..I can only imagine."
He took a step sides way to get closer to the woman, his balance was near perfect, and each little motion he made was like that of a predator. "I never agreed with the Sith ways, and I still dont..I would crush them if I ever had the chance."
Corvus sensed the shift in mood. His playfulness was being replaced. As much as she found his jocular manner annoying, she’d gladly have it back now.

She smiled in a half-hearted way as she listened to his words. “Not fair, that’s two questions.” She banked his following comment. She might need that later.

”I can and will answer truthfully and you can take my responses as you will. Firstly, I am surprised by the questions. Anyone with a datapad can see the Jedi Code and its tenets. These tell you the answer as easily as I can. But I will start by saying I am a Jedi and will always put needs of the community above the needs of an individual. How I feel about the fall of the capital as a building is irrelevant.”

“Secondly a Jedi must never cling to the past. What’s done is done. All I can do is look forward. Do I condone the death of even one soul? Of course not. All life must be honoured. It is the Jedi’s first concern to preserve lives.”

“And I have no…home. Home suggests materialism. How many times have planets changed hands over the millennia? I seek peace. How many lives were extinguished on the Death Star by Jedi hands? Sometimes souls are the price paid for the greater good. I do not promise to understand it fully. I look to keep things simple. The Code. It’s pillars and tenets. I apply it as best I can.”

“But tell me, as I calculate you owe me one answer now, is it the Sith ways you despise or the One Sith ways. From a historian’s perspective they are not the same thing.”

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Romeo eyes shifted from her to the sky, and then while his hands in his pockets, he lifted them up, and twirled around with a small chuckle.
"Ahhh! I do love a good question that goes deeper then seen. I hate the Sith ways. I was born into the Sith Empire just before it fell...they choose to use hate for gain, I choose to use hate to protect. You may not agree with it, but there is a difference is there not? From what do I gain from protecting another? I do not care what I gain. I use passion over anger, passion for my family, passion for my..people..." He said stopping his twirl, and smirking at Corvus. "..passion in bed too. Love is a strong emotion, I believe passion, and compassion walk hand in hand." He stopped in his walk, and nudged his head to the left as they came to a crossing.
"Its that way." The way was clear, and the stall he spoke of in sight, but merely a dot. "So is it just the One Sith? Or Sith in general..? It leans more on the ways of the One Sith, but the Sith have my hate pointed at them enough for me not to approve of it, at last though, I am not ignorant, not all Sith are bad, and I have met very rare, and unique individuals who were Sith, but have my respect." He began to lead the way to the stall to their left, and lifted his right hand out of his pocket in a pointing manner at the Jedi.
"You lie you know, you may not feel it now, but when it felt sad, and you were angry. It's natural for people to be angry, its healthy." He titled his head down some as he looked at her with his intense glowing red eyes now. "But I believe you now feel less negative, and have become more at one with your code after you were able to cope." He turned his head, and laughed out loud, and nudged her gently.
"My question now."
He placed his right hand on the back of his head. "I have it! Would the Jedi be willing to reach a hand for help to someone like me if their Republic began to fall into the darkness?"
Corvus nodded. "Do not get me wrong, I am a Jedi but I have feelings. But although I have emotions, I do not let them guide me."

"But as to your question, it is a challenging one." She looked at him earnestly. "You see we do not decide our allies necessarily, the Republic does. Would a Jedi consider someone who uses the Dark-side an ally? No. We might face the same foe but that is simply a matter of convenience. The Republic might call out to you for help and that would be their decision. But to embrace someone who uses the Dark-side?"

She paused for a few seconds, clearly in conflict with the question - or perhaps her answer. "The best answer I can give you is that it depends. But something tells me that wasn't a theoretical question." She raised her eyebrow in a quizzical fashion.

[member="The Shadow King"]

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