Kal Jaii
mad scientist

Image Source: https://uk.pinterest...82463463649308/
Intent: an advanved combat droid for the Matriarchy
Development Thread: if needed
Manufacturer: Kal Jaii
Model: Vlk 1
Affiliation: matriarchy
Modularity: no
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Durasteel and droid parts
Classification: Forth Degree
Weight: 15 ton 13607.8 kg
Height: 19 ft 5.7912 metre
Armaments: none but can be fitted with an over-sized blaster rifle.
Misc. Equipment: none basic scanners and shielding
Strengths: fairly versatile.
Weaknesses: seen as fairly dumb due to a basic programming and lack of any high end components.
clumbersome and easy targets
Built to be expendable the Artimis is built cheaply and effectively and is easy yo replace repair and deploy. taking cues from the Separatist army it is the front line in most combat roles and is built big to instill fear in opponents. while being a Cannon fodder weapon.
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)