Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arthur Wayes

Atlas Kane



Age: Late-Thirties

Sex: Male

Height: 196 cm | 6'5"

Weight: 112 kg | 247 lbs

Eyes: Silver Blue

Hair: Dark Grey

Skin: Greying Beige

Force Sensitive: No

Species: Emmerian, Cybernetically Enhanced


The usual attire of Arthur is a leather coat, along with a hat and mask. His skin has begun growing pale due to exposure to various factors throughout his life. Despite being of more muscular stature, he appears rather thin and lanky. The main distinctions from the average person are Arthur's cybernetics. The lower part of his left leg is artificial, removed after a particularly gruesome speeder accident, along with the entirety of his right arm, replacing a limb lost during an engagement with a Jedi.


Full Name: Arthur Wayes

Faction: The Sith Empire

Rank: Private Contractor

Homeworld: Voidborn

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Mother: Rylla Wayes [Deceased]
Father: Dalen Wayes [Deceased]
Siblings: Seth Wayes, Delinia Wayes [Unknown]


Honour is great, results are better.

Performance beyond the ordinary.

The military life.

The modern age calls for modern skills.

The fragility of technology's design.

Solitude is bliss?
The weight of guilt.

Not the best way to cope.


Arthur Wayes was a florist.

A good one at that.

Simple life, tending flowers for a wealthy family.

The Sith's occupation of Bastion forced the family to flee, however. Lost the job along with them, a return to the military life was the only option. The Sith Army seemed a little grim, but their ideals, if realised, would better the galaxy. The atrocities they committed weighed on him, however, there was no place for him amongst people like these, murderers, criminals, psychopaths.

Despite this, his squad was different. They were good people, simple men and women trying to earn a paycheck. They all met cruel fates at the hands of Jedi zealots. After his time in the military, he elected to return to a quieter life, though not one devoid of violence.

He retired to Dubrillion, where he currently runs a small investigation service, though it resides on the Sith's world, any customer is welcome.

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