Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Artifact & Trinket Auction


Hello auction hunters.​
I am planning on going on a very long leave of absence with an unpredictable return date, and in doing so -- and just to feel like whenever I come back, it's to a fresh start/roll -- I am liquidating some of my assets and collectible stuff to those who may make better use of it. I've given it a great deal of consideration, and I feel like I really won't miss it in the long run, and could for the most part easily replace an item if I really start to want it later on. This is similar to last time, when I gave away a great deal of things including Ashe's Dark Armor, the nameless blade and other alchemic what-have-you's. So on with the auction.​
-- Minimum raise is 100​
-- Minimum raise over 100,000 is 1,000​
-- Minimum raise over 1,000,000 is 10,000​
-- Non-currency is also accepted, as well as a combination of both​
-- Bids of restricted materials will require proof of recycle or acquirement (usage must be subbed later by you)​
-- There is no rescinding bids; payment is collected on placement and held until conclusion​
-- You will tag all people you are bidding against, or the post will not count!​
-- Bids of 56 billion credits will be ignored​
-- All Chaos auction rules apply​
To prevent (or at least alleviate?) stealing and fighting, all items are delivered post-conclusion. Anything you bid away will be collected shortly after placement by [insert workforce or inexplicable cosmic anomaly here]. If you do not like this, then don't participate. I know you are going to do those anyways, but at least it's none of my concern what happens once the items reach your hands. In-Character, consider it a very prestigious galactic auctionhouse with no reputation of fraud or conflict.​
As a small side-note, the Gypsy Fang is not on this list and will be retained by me because I love it too much. Sowwy. :3​
Edit: I forgot to place an end-date. Looking back on this, I actually will leave it as-is; know that it is a set date in an undisclosed allotment of 24-hour units -- what I'm saying is it's X days away, but there will be neither shotgunning nor sniping.​
Smaller Cryastfire Signet
Opening: 10,000​
Summary: Gives user apprentice-level Pyrokinesis use and education. Minor Force meditation effect. Can be destroyed to make the sexiest lightsaber blade focus ever.​
The Ankarres Sapphire
Opening: 500,000​
Summary: Legendary healing powers. Your hilt will burn Dark Siders who try to wield it.​
Truth Sin Lightsaber
+ Blacklight Kalestat Crystal + Spear of Rae
Opening: 250,000​
Summary: Exquisite craftsmanship. Impervious to lightsabers. Is a corruptive Dark Side Nexus. Will alert you when people are lying or being deceitful. Spear pommel for stabby-stab.​
MourningStar Lightsaber
(Only 1)
Opening: 100,000​
Summary: Highly modular settings. Crystal create longer and wider blade than most.​
Lost Ones Signet
(Only 1)
Opening: 15,000​
Summary: Permanent Lesser Aura of Uneasiness.​
Zin Daisho Set
Opening: 7,500​
Summary: Literally just canon Sith Swords. Pleasant cosmetic fire effect.​
Reprocessed Beskar
(Unique Level)
Opening: 10,000​
Link: n/a​
Summary: Mandalorian Iron. Will create single Unique technology submission for winning bidder from recycled, unused submission.​
Apocrypha of the Horde Holocron
(and accompanying crystal key)
Opening: 600,000​
Summary: Too long to sum up; Vong and Horde related.​
Stipulation: Abuse it and lose it. I will not be making a nerfed version.​
Solan crossed his hands one over the other and smiled as [member="Watcher Three"] beat him to the punch. "Eight-Thousand and one hundred credits for the Zin Daisho... and the Opening bid on the Truth Sin, Lady @Cheshire." He leaned back for a moment and ran a hand over the console he sat at. Not really his normal thing to bet for items he will actually use himself, but who knows.
I will go for the Beskar at 15,000 credits please.

(Don't leave forever! Never got to really RP with Liminal! :D Seriously though good luck and try to enjoy yourself)

*insert squint face here*

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

I take it that business has been going well, old friend? Must we embark on a bidding war?

Bid raised to 600,000 credits.


Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Send message: Didn't catch the news? Spaarti Collapsed Selekules or whatever it's called by selling Revan's saber for 560 billion credits. If economic depressions had flavors this would be wild cherry. Everyone loves wild cherry

625,000 for the crystal
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

So we both have the ability to throw money at the screen for hours. Lovely. How's about we come to an agreement that doesn't deplete our wonderful fortunes?

Bid raised to 700,000 credits.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

If memory serves, it was the Rebels who tried to kill you while I was several worlds away. I'm good, but I can't fold space to liberate friends from harm. In any case, I am sorry about that.

Bid raised to: 750,000

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Message: It wasn't about you being there, it was about you calling off the goon patrol. The Rebels and I worked things out in the end and they apologized as well, years ago I might add. But apology accepted. But if memory serves me correctly you're a darksider, and this artifact would hurt you. Why do you want it?

Bid Raised: 800,000
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

The "goon patrol" and I have something in common. We all had vested interests on Geonosis. Holdings. Facilities. Investments. As such, there are no words I could have said that would have "called them off". They were there to see to what belonged to them, just the same as anyone would."

"And truth be told, I have no intention of letting the Crystal collect dust. There are much more capable hands than mine that could use it, and I intend to see it placed there. What of you? What use do you have for such a powerful artifact?"

Bid upped to 900,000 credits.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Message: Noted. The crystal is something I would like to have as a bargaining chip, you never know what might come up and while you and I could buy out this entire auction, there is something we can do to work out this crystal. Everything I designed for Arykyd both while in and out of the Ravens is property of Spaarti Creations and Reclaimer Arms & Industrial. It's rather expensive having to acquisition through Arakyd for the equipment I made. No compromises or negotiating.

Bid Raised: 1 Million Credits
So how's about we keep this simple.

I'll peacefully release Reclaimer from the Arakyd umbrella, thereby alleiving your aforementioned difficulties. All that you made is yours. No questions asked.


You agree that the Crystal is mine.

I can assure you that the hands I intend it for are purer than, well, most "Jedi". It would be better off there than being used as a bargaining chip. Don't you agree?

Bid Raised to 1.1 Million.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

message: Deal. It's your crystal, I don't care what you do with it. Dinner sometime?

Bid Dropped for sapphire.

Truth Sin light saber spear of Rae deal: 250,000

Horde Holocron: 600,000

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